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Dr. Parasitus


Visit my horrorhouse!

Dr. Parasitus invites you to visit his exhibitionof the "world of parasites". Get ready tobe creeped out!What you need to know:Parasitism is a close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.

1 Find the key to unlock the door. Dr. Parasitus awaits you!2 Afterwards, come back and click NEXT.


Dear guest,I am happy to see you're interestedin my exhabition.Please, go on and take a furtherlook.There are more excitingthings to see!Kind regards, Dr. Parasitus

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The Zombie Ant This ant is occupied by a fungus that infects the brain of the ant.

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Der Malaria-Erreger Malaria is a unicellular infection. It gets delivered to humans by the Anopheles Mosquito.

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Leucochloridium paradoxum is a parasitic worm. It gets into the eyes of a snail and is pulsing in bright colors. Birds can then easily see the snail and will eat it. This is how the worm gets into its final host - the bird.

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Mistle: The mistle grows into the systems of different trees to steal water and minerals from them.

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Most dangerous spider of Germany: the tick The tick bites into the skin of the host to consume its blood. With this it can transfer diseases like lyme disease.

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cuckoo The cuckoo puts its eggs into the nest of other birds. The chicks will then push the other eggs out of the nest.

Hope you had fun!

Your are at the End of the exhibition.