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7. Importance

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5. El Salvador

4. Works

3. History

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1. Section


- Gaudium et Spes

Just One World.


As the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales, CAFOD was born when volunteer members of the National Board of Catholic Women organised the first Family Fast Day on Friday, March 11, 1960, to raise money to help a mother and baby health centre in the CaribbeanThey raised over £6,000 (£96,000 in today's money).

A brief history


Short term relief...


Work in the UK...


Long term Developmet...

What does CAFOD do?

CAFOD's work in El Salvador

Meet Isabelle and Diego in El Salvador...


CAFOD - World


+ info

Why is CAFOD important?

You are not making a gift of what is yours to the poor man, but you are giving him back what is his … The earth belongs to everyone, not to the rich. - Pope Paul VI Populorum Progressio (1967)

2010 - 2011, £55 million spent to help people around the world

Over 500 partners in over 40 countries

CAFOD has around 400 members of staff in the UK and overseas.


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