Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


by Alexia


6. The end

5. Her past

4. Her favourite things

3. About her

2. Who is my role model?

1. Title page


I choosed my mom as my role model because she is one of the most important person in my life and i can tell you a lot about her.

who is my role model?

Job- seller

Family- my dad Alex Costoiu,my little sister Ari and me

Birthplace- Romania

Birthday- 24.07.1987

Age- 34

Name- Adriana Maria Costoiu

About her

...hobbies-go out with friends/family,travel

...show- game of thrones

...food- pasta

...animal- bunny

...color- purple

her favourite...

She moved to Spain with my father when she was 18 and then had me at the age of 21.5 years later we moved to Germany and then with 32 years she had my sister Ariana.

her Past
