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Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

by hala elmolla

Women in ancient egypt


Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

How did archeology help us understand the role of women in ancient Egyptian society and politics?

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

5. Conclusion

4. Comparing gender roles of ancient civilizations

3.3. Upper class

3.2. Middle class

3.1. Lower class

3. Women from all classes

2.3. Role of Women

2.2. Role of Men

2.1. Social Pyramid

1.2. Ancient Egypt


2. Social Structure

1.1. Archeology

1. Definitions & Background information

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Archeology & Ancient Egypt

Definitions & Background information

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  • study of human past using material remains
  • portable remains > tools > artifacts
  • Non-portable > pyramids > features
  • Archaeologists learn how people lived in specific times & places

1.1. archeology

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  • ancient egyptian civilisation - over 3000 years > most powerful
  • stretched as far north as modern day Syria
  • & as far south as todays Sudan

1.2. Ancient Egypt

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  • ancient egyptian civilisation - over 3000 years > most powerful & iconic
  • stretched as far north as modern day Syria
  • & as far south as todays Sudan
  • before empire > city states along nile

1.2. Ancient Egypt

upper Egypt

upper Egypt

lower Egypt

lower Egypt

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

  • ancient egyptian civilisation - over 3000 years > most powerful & iconic
  • stretched as far north as modern day Syria
  • & as far south as todays Sudan
  • before empire > city states along nile
  • two regions > upper & lower Egypt

1.2. Ancient Egypt

upper Egypt

lower Egypt

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

  • ancient Egyptian civilization - over 3000 years > most powerful & iconic
  • stretched as far north as modern-day Syria
  • & as far south as today's Sudan
  • before empire > city-states along Nile
  • two regions > upper & lower Egypt
  • 3100 B.C. united > Egyptian state

1.2. Ancient Egypt

(ca. 1630 - 1539/1523 B.C.E)

(ca. 2130 - 1980 B.C.E.)

(ca. 1539 - 1075 B.C.E.)

(ca. 1980 - 1630 B.C.E.)

(ca. 2675 - 2130 B.C.E)

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second intermediate period

first intermediate period

The New Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom

The Old Kingdom

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Social pyramid & Gender Roles

social structure

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2.2. Role of Men

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  • Male roles less dominant than in other societies of the time
  • inherit their fathers job; provide for family & take care of parents
  • expected to establish themselves before wife & family
  • head of household & had final word
  • marriage advice > be good to wife

2.3. Role of Women

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  • could rule country & same basic human rights as men
  • could own property, initiate divorce, own & operate own businesses, etc.
  • female rulers gained positions through male kings
  • role as mother & wife came first

2.3. Role of Women

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  • story of creation key why women so prominent:
  • all life started from waters of creation
  • > the great sun emerged > create many equal male and female deities
  • Osiris & Isis > siblings & married
  • after Osiris's death, Isis's power resurrected him
  • Isis seen as powerful & respected divine mother figure
  • > inspired ancient Egyptian women

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upper, Middle & Lower class

women from all classes

3.1. Lower Class - Amunet

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  • source of information:
  • literature discovered around 1920 > love poems
  • found in a pit near ancient Egyptian village > Deir el-Medina
  • pit > failed attempt to find water source

3.1. Lower Class - Amunet

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  • Archeologists found pieces of pottery & letters
  • love letters > peasant Amunet & noble lover Taaleef
  • Amunet born & raised in Deir el-Medina with parents
  • household servant for noble family
  • > Taaleef was a scribe
  • Amunets ability to read & write unknown

3.1. Lower Class - Amunet

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  • Taaleef's letter: wife passed away & wishes Amunet to live with him
  • promises her wealthy life > become a doctor
  • Amunet's letter: confesses love & promises love & support
  • around 1923 her name in list of doctors discovered > no further information found


3.2. Middle Class - Merit

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  • source of information:
  • 1906 February 15th, archaeologists Ernesto Schiaperelli & Arthur Weigall discovered tomb
  • Egyptian couple lived around c.1450-1390 B.C.
  • unique find > absolutely intact & many antiquities

3.2. Middle Class - Merit

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  • Kha: chief of foreman > created tombs of pharaohs > Hatshepsut
  • received honorable gifts > food, land, water, etc.
  • Merit: lady of the house > housewife

3.2. Middle Class - Merit

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  • responsibilities as lady of the house:
  • wake up family; cook; clean; childcare
  • weaving & sewing, baking bread; brewing beer, etc.
  • since Merit wealthy > servants helped and assisted her


3.2. Middle Class - Merit

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  • Merit's funerary goods:
  • pieces of linen and clothing
  • elaborate wigs
  • beauty chest: perfume; cosmetics; moisturizers etc.
  • passed away around age 30 in 1400 B.C.

3.3. Upper Class - Hatshepsut

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  • Hatshepsut's existence unknown until 1822 > scholars able to read hieroglyphics of temples
  • 1903 British archeologist Howard Carter > Hatshepsut's empty stone coffin
  • archeologist team eventually found her mummy in 2007

3.3. Upper Class - Hatshepsut

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  • born in 1508 B.C. to Pharaoh Thutmose 1.
  • after death of father & two brothers
  • > half-brother Thutmose 2. heir to throne
  • married Hatshepsut to legitimize claim to throne > one daughter & stepson
  • after death of husband > stepson Thutmose 3. new heir to throne
  • Hatshepsut queen regent until stepson old enough
  • after years > declared herself pharaoh of Egypt
  • depicted herself > male body & beard

3.3. Upper Class - Hatshepsut

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  • one of most successful Pharaohs
  • expanded the empire's trade routes
  • > sent forces on expedition to punt
  • great success > army returned with many goods > gold & ivory, etc.

3.3. Upper Class - Hatshepsut

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  • built temple in her honor > paintings of life story
  • scans of mummy > suffered from bone cancer
  • passed away in 1458 B.C.
  • stepson ordered eradication 20 years after death > revenge for stealing his throne

3.3. Upper Class - Hatshepsut

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Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

Ancient Greece & Rome

Compairing gender roles of ancient civilizations

Women of Ancient Rome

Women of Ancient Greece

Women of Ancient Egypt

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Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

summary & Answer




funerary objects


portable remains

non-portable remains



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Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

  • Internet sources:
  • https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/ancient-history/ancient-egypt
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/archaeology/3rd-grade/
  • https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/thegods/
  • https://www.history.com/topics/ancient- history/hatshepsut
  • https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02053/full
  • https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/isis/
  • https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nefertiti
  • https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/sekhmet/
  • https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-queen-who-would-be-king-130328511/
  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/25486220?read- now=1&refreqid=excelsior%3A1ae81fdddaa2123d74b948e4e7e4a590&seq=10


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  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/queens-egypt-pharaohs- nefertiti-cleopatra-book-talk
  • https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/first- feminist1.htm#:~:text=Lower%2Dclass%20women%20got%20out,and%20other%20entertai ners%20for%20royalty
  • https://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/777777190170/
  • https://www.legendsandchronicles.com/ancient-civilizations/ancient-egypt/ancient-egyptian- men/
  • https://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_egypt/womens_roles.php
  • https://www.neshaminy.org/cms/lib6/PA01000466/Centricity/Domain/439/Chapter%209%20 %20Daily%20Life%20in%20Ancient%20Egypt%20FULL%20TEXT%20with%20Pictures.p df
  • https://www.historymuseum.ca/cmc/exhibitions/civil/egypt/egcl06e.html
  • https://lisbdnet.com/what-was-the-largest-social-class-in-ancient-egypt/

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  • https://www.ushistory.org/civ/3f.asp
  • Literatur sources:
  • Ancient Egypt - Farid Atiya
  • Women in Ancient Egypt - Barbara Watterson
  • Video sources:
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRvk7hKrvMU
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb5XLanQocM&list=TLPQMDgwMzIwMjLQGOPdJ2 N58w&index=5
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMV2JZzGsa8&ab_channel=LexCarruthers
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5PHA2w_Nzs&ab_channel=MandieAva
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZQE4BVUEg4&list=TLPQMDgwMzIwMjLQGOPdJ2 N58w&index=2

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxU1kl28Pds&list=TLPQMDgwMzIwMjLQGOPdJ2N5 8w&index=4Hatshepsut.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEr1vWsobDw
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93wMZx-a3_w&t=150s
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BPjHILuM8
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRdvaik-dJI
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_LQ0tvSXu0
  • Images:
  • https://i.pinimg.com/originals/58/13/0c/58130ce298064ca3b6672d9d34b029fb.jpg
  • https://www.pinterest.de/pin/692991461422720603/
  • https://www.flickr.com/photos/cool-art/4443396829/in/photostream/
  • https://www.pinterest.de/pin/512425263830567500/

Hala Elmolla 5th exam component - Moser Schule

  • https://www.britannica.com/science/archaeology
  • https://www.britannica.com/place/ancient-Egypt
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.org/topics/resource-library-ancient-egypt/?q=&page=1&per_page=25
  • https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/ancient-egypt
  • https://www.ushistory.org/civ/3f.as
  • https://www.ushistory.org/civ/3b.as
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO1tzmi1V5
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZQE4BVUEg4&list=TLPQMjgwMTIwMjLLXsqSaPt80A&index=4

additional sources

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  • https://www.sidmartinbio.org/what-roles-did-men-have-in-egypt/
  • https://www.reference.com/history/were-roles-men-ancient-egypt-b3efee18f7ec8c82
  • https://www.ushistory.org/civ/3f.asp#:~:text=A%20woman's%20role%20as%20mother,as%20witnesses%20in%20court%20cases.
  • https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/first-feminist1.htm#:~:text=Lower%2Dclass%20women%20got%20out,and%20other%20entertainers%20for%20royalty.
  • https://www.egyptianhistorypodcast.com/kha-and-merit/
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I13D0H88pD8

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picture sources:

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO1tzmi1V5g&list=RDQM0_vwJxxVRwE&start_radio=1
  • https://henryzaidan.medium.com/gustav-klimt-isis-01-works-religious-art-interpretation-of-ancient-egyptians-deities-with-bcfc62a35d46
  • https://www.flickr.com/photos/155826695@N06/49103188021
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TT8#/media/File:TT8_tomb_entrance_01.jpg
  • https://www.egyptianhistorypodcast.com/kha-and-merit/
  • https://www.pinterest.de/pin/341710690450177544/
  • https://en.most-famous-paintings.com/MostFamousPaintings.nsf/A?Open&A=8BWTD9
  • https://www.pinterest.de/pin/692991461423992654/

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