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Hamadi Meïssane

10th March 2022

There is a striking passage where Ricky and his son are at the police station because he has been arrested. This movie is a fiction based on reality, which makes us understand the lives of some people through this movie. It's a committed film that deals about an important issue that we need to talk about more. We see how employees are dehumanised, whether it is by their bosses manipulating them into accepting this kind of work (as we can see in the movie) but also by the customers. In this movie, which is an excellent mix of humour, drama, joy and sadness, the producer makes a point of apologising for what these employees go through every day. It is a movie that deserves to be seen for us to understand this situation.

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Indeed, Ricky’s job is a complicated one, since if he doesn't deliver an order he won't get paid. He also has no control over his hours. This makes him absent, and creates tension at home as the working world begins to break up his family. It is a complicated situation for Ricky and his wife as they start to not get along, both being tired from their hard work. It is even more complicated for their children. Their daughter, a smart girl but constantly anxious about her family's situation, feels helpless. As for their son, since his parents are absent he starts to rebel and drops out of school. He is negatively influenced by his friends and even starts tagging on walls.

The striking movie of the People's Film Festival: Sorry we missed you.

Sorry we missed you is a movie produced by Ken Loach and released in 2019. Throughout the film we can see the consequences of a job on the health of the employees. Sorry we missed you is indeed a movie about the risks of Uberisation, where employees are indispensable to the society despite the fact that it puts a lot of pressure on them. In this moving story, we follow not just one person but a whole family in debt who suffer from their parents' work. First of all, there is Ricky the carrying father who takes a new job as a deliver van driver. Then there is Abby, his wife who is a nurse for the disabled and elderly. They have two children for whom the situation is difficult.

Sorry we missed you, Ken Loach, 2019


Title. Ut wisi enim adnostrud exerci tation

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This movie is a fiction based on reality, which makes us understand the lives of some people through this movie. It's a committed film that deals about an important issue that we need to talk about more. We see how employees are dehumanised, whether it is by their bosses manipulating them into accepting this kind of work (as we can see in the movie) but also by the customers. In this movie, which is an excellent mix of humour, drama, joy and sadness, the producer makes a point of apologising for what these employees go through every day. It is a movie that deserves to be seen for us to understand this situation.

Title. Ut wisi enim ad nostrud exerci tation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Indeed, Ricky’s job is a complicated one, since if he doesn't deliver an order he won't get paid. He also has no control over his hours. This makes him absent, and creates tension at home as the working world begins to break up his family. It is a complicated situation for Ricky and his wife as they start to not get along, both being tired from their hard work. It is even more complicated for their children. Their daughter, a smart girl but constantly anxious about her family's situation, feels helpless. As for their son, since his parents are absent he starts to rebel and drops out of school. He is negatively influenced by his friends and even starts tagging on walls. There is a striking passage where Ricky and his son are at the police station because he has been arrested.

Sorry we missed you is a movie produced by Ken Loach and released in 2019. Throughout the film we can see the consequences of a job on the health of the employees. Sorry we missed you is indeed a movie about the risks of Uberisation, where employees are indispensable to the society despite the fact that it puts a lot of pressure on them. In this moving story, we follow not just one person but a whole family in debt who suffer from their parents' work. First of all, there is Ricky the carrying father who takes a new job as a deliver van driver. Then there is Abby, his wife who is a nurse for the disabled and elderly. They have two children for whom the situation is difficult.