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Fleismaher ShanaPotel BenoiteCoconnier Iannis

Marketing RestitutionPresentation

What we worth, according to what I have seen on the Internet, to my skills, to my previous experience. Geographical situation (Paris, Bordeaux…)

The Pricing

Our Goal

Our goal is to become a marketing manager but we don’t expect to achieve this goal right away after our studies. We would like to stay in Paris and to work in an international luxury brand such as Chanel LVMH or l’Oréal. Our previous experiences in different luxurious hotels and palace helped us to understand the luxury world and its codes. After our diploma we could expect a salary going from 3 000 to 3 900.

We did a market research for the job of marketing manager for a luxury brand. On the website glassdoor we found that a marketing manager for L’Oréal could expect approximately a salary of 3650 euros per month. On this same website we saw that the marketing manager of a huge group like LVMH could expect to gain around 5000 euros per month. Of course we don’ t expect to have this salary right after our diploma.

Our Market Research

+ info

+ info

+ info

Approximately 3 650 € per month

Approximately 6 000 € per month

Approximately 7 600 € per month

72 281 € / year

92 128 € / year

Chanel Marketing Manager

Louis Vuitton Marketing Manager

43 765 € / year

L'Oréal Marketing Manager

Could I ask you what is your budget for this position ?

The Strategy

We’ve chosen the strategy « Your estimated salary range ». This would be easier to ask our employer what is their budget for this position: having just entered the work place we won’t be too comfortable to directly propose a number for what we worth. Moreover, this can give us an idea of what they can offer for this job without compromising ourselves by giving a much higher amount. Finally, by asking them what they offer, they could turn the question back to us and this would give us the opportunity to give them our salary range.

This is even better than what i expected !

Our Budget would be around 3 200 € for this job. What was your expectations ?