Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



In what ways can music connect generations?

Axis: Generations living together

We're a music generation

The power of music

Blind test

Final task




70'S music

Gen Z and music

Musical tastes

Listen and note down the musical genres mentioned

  • What kind of music are you into? Why?
  • Have you ever been to a concert? When? Which? tell us.
  • What kind of music do you absolutely hate? Why?
  • Can music help you study or work? If so, how?
  • When do you listen to music?
  • Is music an important part of your culture?
  • What are your parents’ musical tastes?

Talk about music:












The vintage blindtest












The vintage blindtest

start again

Gen X

Baby Boomers


Gen Z

Gen alpha

What are the names given to those generations?







"When I turn 17, I'll have a dancing queen themed birthday party"

-Relevez et identifiez les formes verbales-Traduisez cette phrase en français et dites à quel temps sont les verbes en français.-Donnez la règle que vous devez respecter quand une subordonnée commence par when (ou as soon as) dans un énoncé qui se réfère à l'avenir.

"When I turn 17, I'll have a dancing queen themed birthday party"

I'll be away when you arrive. Je serai parti quand tu arriveras

Une subordonnée introduite par when ou as soon as est au présent avec une principale qui fait référence à l'avenir.

It's an inter-generational exchange happening in real-time...

How TikTok Is Bridging The Generational Divide Through Music

CLASHMUSIC15 • 02 • 2022 Generational disconnect and divides are ubiquitous with every decade. They become more prominent as a new generation finds their own culture and voice, then begins to question the choices and views of their predecessors. Boomers vs Gen X, Millennials vs Gen X, and Gen Z quite literally vs everyone. An incredibly vocal generation, Gen Z are those born between 1996 and 2015 and they exist predominantly in the online space. 60% of TikTok’s users are Gen Z. So TikTok is to Gen Z what MySpace was to Millenials. Them being so vocal online means you can see the chasms between them and older generations in real time. But despite the fights from both sides, there is a powerful medium that seems to be bridging this generation divide; music. Music is a huge part of TikTok, with sounds dictating trends and influencing creativity and videos. The app’s influence on the music industry is a particularly interesting one. In a time of shortening attention spans, “fast food music” and the incessant pressure on artists to stay engaged with fan bases, TikTok’s explosion has largely exacerbated these pre-existing and complex issues. Virality on the video sharing app is increasingly being used as a barometer for a song and an artist’s success. […] The randomness of virality on TikTok has caused songs from the 70s to 90s to have a resurgence and become favourites amongst Gen Z. In this way, TikTok is becoming a gateway to discovery and bridging the gap. […] How users find these songs is unclear, but their passion and love for the music is evident in the amount of videos they make to it. Given that the songs are older than them, they’re not aware of the cultural significance they held at the time. That’s where Millennials, Gen X, and boomers come in. The comments section acts almost like a classroom, with Millennials and Boomers breaking down slang or why the song was such a hit for their age group. This is where stitches and duets also come in, features on the app that allow users to almost “live react” to another user’s videos. Millenials will show photos of how they dressed at the time and hairstyles they did. […] Sharing music on the app won’t necessarily close the chasm between generations, Gen Z will probably still blame boomers from ruining the economy, and older generations will continue to complain that Gen Z spend too much online and don’t experience the real world. But through music on TikTok, there’s an intergenerational exchange happening in real time, creating a connection and an understanding that previously wouldn’t have happened en masse in this way. Words: Akachi Priscilla Mbakwe // Instagram Photo: Creative Commons


ubiquitous: omniprésentdecade = ten yearsto be vocal: se faire entendrerandomness: le caractère aléatoireamongst: parmia gap: un écartslang: argotLa composition des mots (dérivation et mots composés):Décomposez les mots suivants. Quel est leur sens possible?disconnect:bridging:virality:a gateway:unclear:hairstyle:

characteristics of Gen Z

Relations between generations:

social media:


words and expressions

The journalist says that Tik Tok links all the different generations through music (old tunes)
It is a gateway to discover music.It bridges the gap between the generations.
Generations use different social media (gen Z use Tik Tok and millenials use my space). Boomers and gen Z complain about each other.

What role does this social media play?

What examples are given to illustrate the generation gap?

What does the journalist say about Tik Tok?

FAVOURITE SONGS Thanks to having “tweenage” daughters, I’m at least familiar with that music scene. I’ve seen Justin Bieber, Hannah Montana, and Katy Perry 1 movies […], and I can confidently identify which one is Demi Lovato and which one is Selena Gomez. I know every lyric to every Taylor Swift song ever written, even though I can’t help but silently mock the twenty three-year-old’s appalling lack of perspective when she croons wistfully about “feeling twenty-two.” […] This isn’t always a good thing, of course. I’ve been busted at the gym singing along with One Direction, and once when Joe and I were driving to L.A. without the kids, we realized halfway there that we’d been listening to our daughters’ Disney Jams 15 CD on a continual loop. And singing along with it. But just the other day, the girls came home from school with a magical surprise in store for me. “Just a small-town squirrel,” my youngest began singing. Of course I recognized the tune immediately. “It’s girl,” I corrected her. She ignored me. “Living in a lovely world,” her sister joined in. “It’s lonely,” I should. “Lonely world!” They kept singing. How do you guys know this song?” I asked, astounded. “We learned it in music class,” they informed me. “It’s awesome! We love it!” I started the next line for them. Now it was their turn to look surprised. “How do you know this song?” they demanded, with insulting emphasis on the “you”, I might add. “This song was one of my favorites when I was your age,” I told them, all nostalgic. They exchanged glances, clearly debating whether or not they could continue to like the tune given this new information. Finally, they caved². “Born and raised in self-control!” they shouted. “It’s South Detroit,” I interjected. “What?” they asked this time, exasperated and annoyed at being interrupted again. 1. tweenage: préadolescent 2. cave: lâcher l'affaire I’ve Still Got It…, 2014 JENNA MCCARTHY





unstressed e


Guess the title of this lesson


/əʊd tuː maɪ ˈfæmɪli ə sɒŋ baɪ ðə ˈkrænbəriz/

I imagineWe can supposeI guessI believe

Look at the pictures and make suppositions about the song.

Explain what music sounds like in 2022. How important it is for you. what media you use to listen to music... Also explain how you picture yourself in the future. Can you imagine what music will be like?

7 ideas of what to put inside:

  • A list of popular songs in 2022
  • A USB drive with a playlist of your favourite songs.
  • Tickets from past concerts. Collect tickets from a few (or one) of the best concerts you’ve attended. On the back, write who went to the concert with you. That way, you can call your friend and reminisce about that perfect night after you open your capsule.
  • Concert & festival bracelets.
  • Pictures, pictures, pictures!
  • Buttons, stickers, articles and other mementos.
  • Fan letters...

THE IDEA: If you’ve never made a time capsule before, the idea is to find a box or some sort of container, and fill it with significant objects that will spark memories when you open it years later. Ideally, you are supposed forget what’s in the box until you open it. Decide on a specific date or a certain year that you would like to open it, and mark it on the outside, then HIDE IT. Don’t open it, touch it, or peek until your target date.

Make a musical time capsule

In what ways can music connect generations?

Write a subtitle here

Write a subtitle here

Write a subtitle here

Write a subtitle here

  • Ut wisi enim ad minim
  • Vero eros et accumsan
  • Dolore magna aliquam eratt
  • Sed diam nonummy nibh


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