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Date: 13th of March , 2022

Student: Janne Ludwig, 13 T2 EngAdvisor: Mrs. Ruth Pregla

Video Games and Well-Being



Video Games






- Is the act of playing video games likely to increase a gamers agression?- What is responsible for the increase of one's well-being?

Previous Research

- central aspect of the state of physical, psychological and spiritual health - increasement goes with many benefits

Importance of Well-Being

- 40% of all people are involved- massive influence on economy, society, culture and media

Importance of Video Games

Not just a hobby

- Why the topic Video Games?- Why three diferent kinds of Well-Being?

Relevance of Video Games and Well-Being


Playing video games is not generally connected to violent behaviors of those who play them.


Playing video games satisfies the needs of gamers for well-being.


Playing video games has positive effects on the psyche of those who play.


- visual and audial characteristics a game contains

- the plot a game is revolving to

Art / Graphics

- commonly used features in video game designing

Keyelements of Video Games

How we should understand Video Games


- extent of interaction and control a player has in the game


- extent of difficulty a player is confronted with in the game



- are widely considered as part of digital entertainment media- an electric game which is played on a computer or a consol, using the images and sounds the monitor is making as feedback


Video Games




e.g. Battlefield 1, Apex Legends


e.g. Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Bros.

Action Games

e.g. Tetris, Plants Vs. Zombies

Casual Games

- soucre of database: US american survey by ESA, 2021

Simulations and Sport


Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)


Role-Playing (RPG)

Horror and Survival

Real-Time-Strategy (RTS)

Shooter (FPS)

Video Games

- enhanced prosocial behaviors- Teamwork gets promoted


- enhanced problem-solving- relieve of stress- faster making of decision


- better eyesight- better hand-to-eye coordination- better concentration


Video Games

Sideffects of Gaming

The Benefits

-soucre of database: US american survey by ESA, 2021

81 %

87 %

37 %

Collaboration Skills

Stress Relief

Problem Solving

Video Games


- people with depression tend to depress their negative emotions by playing video games


- by excessive playing, gamers often get distracted - causes to develop more anxious thoughts

- inability to recognize one's own emotions due their suppression- boys and men are affected more likely


Sideffects of Gaming

Video Games

The drawbacks

Diagram linking supporting factors of aggression and violent video game exposure, 2019

And Video Games

- positive correlation between temporarily aggressive tendencies and violent video games- adolescents and teenagers especially susceptible- reinforcing factors were bad family environment, basic aggressive personality of the subjects and misleading convictions about aggression- limitations were self-reports as measurement method and no inclusions of other daily life events containing violence

Aggressive Behaviour

Video Games



And why you should care about it

- generally defined as a state of mental, physical and psychological health- fundamental sense of well-being makes dealing and overcoming problems more easier- depends on life quality, life satisfaction, social and economic circumstances, political system, etc.

- no single definition of well-being- depends on field of science how well-being will be defined- for example subjective and objective well-being, individual and environmental well-being, etc.


- true happiness comes from the active and beneficial interaction with people in different communities

Social Well-Being

- true happiness comes from the fulfillment of one's own goals and the solving of issues- is often addressed in SDT

Eudaimonic Well-Being

- true happiness comes from both the pursue of pleasure and the avoidance of displeasure, especially obligations

Hedonic Well-Being


- Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Ubisoft 2018

1. Video Games are not mandotory. 2. The difficutly a player is facing is free to choose.3. They itself are posing no consequences.


Hedonic Well-Being

- Gaming mainly for the enjoyment of the player- study found that interaction plays a crucial role in one person's happiness and curiosity- making a differcence builds self-conciousness and self-confidence- basic condidtions are generally given in video games due their huge possibilties to interact


- sense of belonging, given by friends, family, colleagues, etc.


- set of skills needed to master physical and psychological challanges


- control of one's issues, behaviours and life in total


Self-Determination Theory

- refers to a persons ability to live an independant life and make independant decisions- is connected to happiness, mental growth and well-being- fulfillment of three psychological needs necessary

- motivation for activities a person didn't get to chose freely, e.g. homework or jobs- contains pursueation of a goal, to fulfill a duty or to evade a state of unpleasure- extrensical rewards by doing an activity, e.g. money, acceptance, prestige, etc.- potentionally able to decrease one's self-determination

Extrensic Motivation

- no seperation between those two kinds of motivation- many actions contain both intrensic and extrensic motivations

- motivation for activities a person chose freely, e.g. hobbys- activity is important and self-rewarding, e.g. brings enjoyment or increases knowledge- boosts self-determination, yet very easy to dirsturb

Intrensic Motivation


- achieveable by playing games with multiple players- NPCs work as well


- variety of interaction and new challenges needed to provide satisfaction


- Gaming can satisfy need for independance if player is able to choose the majortity of options


Three Psychological Needs

In- and Extrensic Motivation

positive feedback in video games able to increase intrensic motivation- "Meta-rewards" as a new method of rewarding frequent gaming- looting weapons. materials and other resources is another way to boost extrensic motivation

Eudaimonic Well-Being


-Subnautica, Unknown Worlds Entertainment 2018


-soucre of database: US american survey by ESA, 2021

4,5 hours per week





Average hours spent playing with others in person

People who played more during the pandemic

Video Games provided more active connection

People who play with online only friends

People who play with their friends

Social Well-Being

- social capital as the main factor for benfical relationships- crucial for social trust, coordination and collaboration- Gaming mostly beneficial for preexisting relationships - more effective if players are physically near each other, e.g. in E-Sport teams


- preexisting aggressive tendecies of gamers will most likely increase by playing violent video games

- generally able to satisfy all pychological needs in order to create more subjective well-being

- physical, psychological and social benefits by playing video games- however, potential to become addicted is relativley high


Playing video games is not generally connected to violent behaviours.


Playing video games satisfies the needs of gamers for well-being.


Playing video games has positive effects on the psyche of those who play.

Review on Theses


Question 1: Are video games "healthy"?Question 2: Should video games further be investigated in relation of health risks or benefits?Question 3: What is your personal experience video games?


Adair, Cam (2022): 11 Positive Effects of Video Games, Game Quitters, [online] https://gamequitters.com/positive-effects-of-video-games/ [abgerufen am 05.03.2022].Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Ubisoft Quebec, Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows, XBox One, Ubisoft 2018Cherry, Kendra (2021): How Does Self-Determination Theory Explain Motivation?, Verywell Mind, [online] https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-self-determination-theory-2795387 [abgerufen am 12.03.2022].Makeham, Aimee (2021): What is wellbeing and why should I care?, Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, [online] https://www.crrmh.com.au/blog/what-is-wellbeing-and-why-should-i care/#:%7E:text=Research%20has%20shown%20that%20a,employment%20and%20personal%20lives4. [abgerufen am 05.03.2022].Pavlovic, Dwight (2020): Video Game Genres: Everything You Need to Know, Hewlett-Packard Store, [online] https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/tech-takes/video-game-genres [abgerufen am 03.03.2022].Röhrle, Bernd (2018): BZgA-Leitbegriffe: Wohlbefinden / Well-Being, Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, [online] https://leitbegriffe.bzga.de/alphabetisches-verzeichnis/wohlbefinden-well-being/ [abgerufen am 27.02.2022].Samdo (2021): 2021 Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry, Entertainment Software Association, [online] https://www.theesa.com/resource/2021-essential-facts-about-the-video-game-industry/ [abgerufen am 12.03.2022].Subnautica. Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows, XBox One, 2018Video Games and Mental Health Explained | Healthy Gamer (o. D.): Healthy Gamer, [online] https://www.healthygamer.gg/blog/video-games-and-mental-health-explained [abgerufen am 06.03.2022].Shao, Rong/Yunqiang Wang (2019): The Relation of Violent Video Games to Adolescent Aggression: An Examination of Moderated Mediation Effect, Frontiers, [online] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00384/full [abgerufen am 13.03.2022].What Makes a Good Video Game? (2020): Pluralsight, [online] https://www.pluralsight.com/blog/film-games/what-makes-a-great-game-the-key-elements-of-successful-games [abgerufen am 27.02.2022].

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