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The American elections

Gotham Gazette : "New York Needs to Make Young Voters a Priority"

> Part 1

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Quotations from the article

• "They were voting more against Donald Trump than they were for Joe Biden.”

• "... tend to be more Democratic than White Americans overall."

• "Generation Z is the most diverse generation in the history of the United States."

• “53% to 55% of registered from 18 to 29yo appear to have voted, in fact, this was the election with the highest turnout rate of young people that we’ve ever seen.”

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> Part 2

• "... are finally realizing that in order to see change for whatever change you want to see, you have to vote.”

• "I think it’s extremely important that as a youth, we not only have a say in our democracy, but we aid it."

• "Candidates and campaigns are waking up now to the fact that young voters are engaged, and they’re the future of the country.”

• “Black Lives Matter [...] is at the forefront of my mind.”

• "It was the economic and physical dislocation of Covid. It was climate change [...]. And it was the gun violence movement."

• “A perfect storm of motivating factors."