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How does it fit the US city model?

Oceanic climate

Asheville is the 12 most popular city in the United States

Largest city in western North Carolina

Asheville, North Carolina in the Southern of the US

Location & Geography

,,,Write aasnjkfzenkfe here

In 2005, hundreds houses are build: big shift for Asheville

+9% thanks to the mountain city

40 miles (64km)Population density: 2.048 p/mile 2

In 2010, the Asheville's population: 83 393In 2022: 93 350

Population, and population growth over the last 30 years

The inhabitants of the city center are mostly under the poverty line

Most of the people live in the surburbs

100 restaurants

200 + locally-owned stores and boutiques

City center of Asheville = Paris of the south

3 City center/suburbs

The racial wealth gap's just as wide today as it was 30 years ago

4 Wealth divide

Asheville's median household has from $125,000 to $235,000 from 2000 to 2016




5 Gentrification

About gentrification, Asheville has know a huge increased of the median houselhold since 2000

The build of houses in the surburbs divided the populationThe center is very dicided: the very rich and very poor people are in the same place

To conclude, we can say that Asheville is a reflection on certain points of the US city model like the wealth divide

6 Conclusion