Carmen Notari Montoyo
Created on January 11, 2022
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Teachers' comments
Multiplier Event
Exploring and analysing plurilingual teaching methodologies, materials and tools.
Linguistic Mediation: how to include it in our classes
Integrating Plurilingual Tasks into the Foreign Language Classroom
Whole Event
Comments regarding
Whole Event
"In this event I have had the opportunity to learn a little more on mediation, multilingual teaching and the integration of TIC. The brief review of the concepts of multilingualism and multilingualism and the concept of mediation according to MECR has helped me to refresh ideas. In addition, it has been interesting to know the model on the integration of ICT in the tasks and some reflections that several speakers have made on the linguistic diversity, minority languages and the role in personal identity played by languages."
"Attending this session has been very enriching, as I have been able to observe how they work in multilingual contexts in other countries and also what kind of mediation activities are worked on in the classroom at different educational levels. The presentations have covered very important aspects for us who are foreign language teachers."
"This day has been a good opportunity to remember that, although our classes are generally in the target language, we cannot ignore the fact that we are in a multilingual context in which students live with several languages that are constantly in contact and therefore influence each other."
"This event has been a great opportunity, to recall concepts related to multilingualism and the acquisition of languages in contexts in which more than one language coexists."
Integrating Plurilingual Tasks into the Foreign Language Classroom
"As for multilingual tasks, the first activity we did in the workshop (Language Portrait), it seems to me a great activity for the first few days of class in a C1 level class and C2, as it is a creative activity that later leads to a very interesting conversation in small groups, because of the questions presented to us by the speaker for discussion between us. You can adapt them or modify them slightly according to our purpose class. In any case, students will talk and reflect on the influence of languages in their lives, how they have learned them, if any identify with some more than others for certain tasks, etc. Of course, this activity can also be adapted to levels B."
"As for Anita Cvetkovic's workshop on the use of technology, it has been very interesting. The main task of the day was undoubtedly "Going Shopping", in which students from two classes in different countries were able to represent a role-playing game in real time through video conferencing and the digital whiteboard. Surely it could be adapted to an adult context and be so attractive. "
"The second workshop, with Euline Cutrim Schmid, confirmed the feelings of the first talk: including the students' mother tongues in the foreign language classroom not only promotes the learning of the new language, but also increases the emotional bonds of the student towards the foreign language class. However, although the proposed tasks can be very attractive to students from different backgrounds, in an EOI class where the characteristics of the students in terms of languages, cultures and places of origin are very homogeneous, it can not working so well."
"Hilal Şahin's talk on the integration of multilingual tasks in the foreign language classroom has been necessary for the theoretical foundations he has provided. Not only has a definition of multilingualism been sought collaboratively, but it has also gone further and sought individual reflection on the multilingual reality of course attendees. The way to do it, through a drawing of a human body and with a color for each language, is a very graphic way to represent the reality of each one. It is a very nice activity that could be implemented in an EOI English class with adults in order to know the perception of the students of each language they know and connect with the groups from the beginning of the course."
Linguistic Mediation: how to include it in our classes
"Regarding the mediation workshop, it was very interesting because it explained different short activities and strategies that can be worked on in the classroom with the goal of improving the mediating competence of our students. Sometimes, we become obsessed with practicing complete mediation tasks and forget about activities, games and dynamics that we already do every day and that contribute to the mediation task itself too."
"While Cvetkovic's workshop has stood out for its theoretical basis on the role of technology as a support for multilingual tasks, the following on mediation with Giulia Ciaramita strengthened the foundations of mediation tasks. This is an issue where there is still no consensus and it is only necessary to observe the mediation tasks in the certification tests of the official language schools of each Autonomous Community. If we take into account the Valencian model, none of the proposed tasks would meet the requirements to be a mediation task. I think it helped me think about mediation more globally, not thinking exclusively in what is required in the certification exam which is always a thing that worries me and that I want them to practice a lot during the course. It can be implemented from many forms and much more dynamic than are normally posed in books of text. I also liked their use of ‘realia’ to introduce the practice of ‘realia’ mediation."
Exploring and analysing plurilingual teaching methodologies, materials and tools.
I" found the work “Exploring and analyzing plurilingual teaching methodologies, materials and tools” very interesting. This has been a way of looking at how to work with different languages using the translation resources."
"From the third presentation, I liked mostly the Padlet that was collecting resources in various languages, as I found websites, videos and images on the subject of climate change and the environment that will help me to plan speaking activities and mediation for my classes."
"Finally, Ton Koenraad's presentation on European programs has been very motivating for examples of projects from other bilingual areas such as Friesland, as well as others that promote language learning and contact such as Eurocall or Pedagogical Tranlanguaging. In addition, this paper has suggested many resources and sources from which to take advantage of teaching practice."
Congrats and good job everybody!