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Available in an online or in person format

Formations CECR

with Denis Cousineau and IDÉLLO

Denis Cousineau is an extremely gifted speaker. His extensive knowledge about the CEFR combined with his popular practitioner instincts make him highly effective at his craft. With an approach based on usable, high-yield French second language strategies, his sessions highlight the vast resources available on the IDELLO site. He is the perfect tour guide to help educators become more familiar with this excellent content, as he shows you exactly how you can use the resources with your students. M. Cousineau’s personable, relatable and practical approach make him an excellent presenter. Five stars! -Jillian Garey, Anglophone School District South, New Brunswick

02. The training sessions

06. Reserve today!

05. Participant reviews

04. In person sessions

03. Virtual sessions

01. Introduction



In total, we have trained a total of 2,723 participants thanks to the virtual CEFR training session format. That represents 896 participants in 2020 and1,827 participants in 2021.

2020 et 2021


Since 2018, IDÉLLO has had the pleasure of collaborating with Denis Cousineau while offering training sessions aligned with the CEFR for French as a Second Language programs in Ontario and everywhere in Canada. The CEFR training sessions give teachers from Kindergarten to grade 12 tools and strategies that can be put in place in their classrooms right away.


Please send me an email jdesrivieres@tfo if you wish to have a PDF with the training session descriptions.

Classic, custom and personnalised

We offer 3 classic training sessions, 5 customs training sessions and 1 review training session that is available with the purchase of all 8 sessions. We also offer the possibility to personnalise all our training sessions to best fit your needs..


Training sessions

  • 1 training session - $ 650.00
  • 3 training sessions - $ 1,700.00$
  • Transform into webinaire - $ 100.00
  • Recording - $ 50.00


Selection of one or more 90 minutes training sessions planned over one or many days.

  • 100 participants per training session
  • Choose from 8 training sessions
  • Possibility of customizing training sessions
  • Possibility of transforming into webinar for up to 500 participants
  • Possibility of recording sessions


Virtual sessions

In Ontario

  • Full day - $ 2,600.00
  • Half-day - $ 2,400.00
Out of Ontario
  • Full day - $ 3,900.00
  • Half-day - $ 3,600.00


Build and customized a half or full day of in person training sessions.

  • No maximum number of participants
  • Choose from 8 training sessions
  • Possibility of customizing training sessions based on your training needs
  • In person interaction


In person sessions

The CEFR sessions leveraged plurilingualism and the use of practical strategies for the classroom. The speaker captivated the audience. -Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Teacher, Ontario

The IDÉLLO and CEFR training sessions have equipped me with many strategies to take back to my classroom. I appreciate that the levels of the CEFR were broken down and explained. Denis Cousineau is an engaging speaker and does a great job highlighting resources from IDÉLLO. -Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Teacher , Ontario


Participants reviews

Reserve your CEFR training sessions today!

Fill out this form or contact Juliane Des Rivières to reserve or if you have any questions.Juliane Des Rivières, Liaison officerjdesrivieres@tfo.org613-323-1068