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The wonderful town of mushrooms


  • Cortes mycological city

  • Types of mushrooms

  • Conservation

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Cortes mycological city

Because Cortes is a mycological city? Cortes is a town for mushrooms, they enjoy learningabout, and seeing, all of them. Also, has a fantastic natural environment, it has manyspecies of fauna and flora, but above all it highlights the huge variety of differentmushrooms. This occurs thanks to its geographical location and its favorable climate forthem. Many people come to visit Cortes for this reason, and they enjoy a lot knowing andseeing all of them, also one weekend a year the town is dedicated to mushrooms, theyspend a lot of time in the field and then in each town bar, they make a typical tapa withmushrooms, and finally they compete among themselves.

types of mushrooms:

puffball: parasol mushroom: bloody milk cap:




This type of mushroom is seen a lot here, it is something rare and inedible. It has medicinalvalue and is characterized by the fact that when you step on it it explodes and smells plague,it stinks!

Pale brown hat , closed when young, which opens over time, reaching a diameter of up to 30 cm. It has flattened and dark scales that radiate from the center, where a dark umbon is located. Sheets free, white and tight. Long stem with a double ring also covered with scales, and which is easily separated from the hat. His hat can measure 40 cm wide and 20 cm foot. It presents a mobile ring and a mamelon . if it is large it can be used to make a pizza, it can also be eaten with cheese or fried scrambled with egg

It is a very curious mushroom, since it only grows in places surrounded by pine trees, thereare 2 types, one is edible and the other is not, they differ because the called niscalo (false)when making a small slit in any part of it, a liquid comes out It is white in color, which meansthat it cannot eat, on the contrary, the original and edible niscalo, when cut, a red liquidcomes out. This type of mushroom is usually eaten breaded, with egg and breadcrumbs. It isa delicious and very common food here


to help mushrooms continue to grow and keep them we can:-Collect the mushrooms in a basket with holes so that the spores fall to the ground and can continue to reproduce-go with suitable shoes so as not to step on the ground in a bad way and avoid its reproduction -We should not litter, as it hurts their growth.