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Resilience Strategies for Educators

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of resilience and the impact of stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue on the educational environment
  • Identify signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue
  • Examine the 7 types of rest
  • Create a self care plan

Welcome to this training course!

SEL for adults: Resilience during Crisis

What is Trauma?

According to the Readiness Emergency Management for Schools, trauma involves experiences or situations that:

  • are overwhelming
  • threaten one's physical or mental wellbeing
  • leave one feeling helpless or fearful
  • impact one's relationships and belief systems




The Impact of ACE's

In your own words, how would you define trauma?




  • Recognize the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) / trauma among all people
  • Recognize that many behaviors and symptoms are the result of traumatic experiences

What does trauma informed mean?

Trauma Informed Practices

Expect Unexpected Responses

Trauma Informed Practices

Employ Thoughtful Interactions

Trauma Informed Practices

Be Specific About Relationship Building

Trauma Informed Practices

Promote Predictability and Consistency

Trauma Informed Practices

Teach Strategies to "Change the Channel"

Trauma Informed Practices

Give Supportitve Feedback to reduce Negative Thinking

Trauma Informed Practices

Create Islands of Competence

Trauma Informed Practices

Limit ExclusionaryPractices

Trauma Informed Practices

Minahan, J. (2019, October 1). Trauma Informed Teaching Strategies. ASCD Educational Leadership, 77(2).

Do you routinely share—and exchange ideas about—what's working with a traumatized student? How could you better improve lines of communication across the whole support team?

Think about one of your students who struggles with behavior. How could you help him "switch the channel" when he is upset?

What small changes are you willing to try in your classroom to foster a sense of safety among traumatized students?

Reflection Questions


"When teachers encounter a student’s stress reaction, they experience their own stress reaction. Sometimes the over or under activation of the teacher’s physiological state serves to either heighten or dampen the collective state of the class. This phenomenon undermines teachers’ relational connections with their students. It can also fuel vicarious trauma and/or burnout for the teacher. The Regulated Classroom© helps to diminish the likelihood and frequency of these occurrences."


Positive Stress

A brief increase in heart rate, intensified focus, mild elevation in stress hormone levels.Example: Meeting new people.

Tolerable Stress

Serious but temporary stress response manageable due to positive, buffering influences or relationships.Example: A marriage in the family


Intense prolonged activation of stress response systems without positive, buffering influences or relationships.Example: Abuse, neglect or addiction

According to the Readiness and Emergency Management Systems for Schools, everyone has a baseline level of resilience that is the result of their inate characteristics.

Compassion Fatigue

Basic Caregiver Resilience

  • Caring and compassion are required when working with stress, loss and trauma.
  • Exposre to others distress can be challenging to educators and other school personnel.
  • Building or enhancing resilience is the antidote to compassion fatigue.

"Self-compassion entails being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism." Kristin Neff

After watching the video, how would you describe self-compassion?

Self-Care: 7 Types of Rest

  • Practice body fluidity (64 oz of water a day minimum.
  • Give stillness purpose; practice mindfulness, mediation, prayer.
  • Prepare for sleep.

Improve your rest

Mental Noise

  • Self-critiquing
  • Ongoing inner monologue
  • Dwelling on "what-if's"

Mental Rest

  • Let go of "perfect"
  • Pet an animal for 10-15 minutes
  • Practice meditation
  • Practice the pause
  • Get 15 minutes of sunshine

