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Skill up! Improving student Employability with Iwonna Dubicka, Wendy Nash-Steer and Peer Barber-Meyer

Pub Quiz with prizes Join us for a bit of fun and to exercise those little grey cells. Will you answer the most questions successfully in the fastest time and win a 50€, 30€ or 15€ Amazon voucher? Never mind if you don’t. All participants will receive a digital subscription to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (by submission of email address). The quiz will be hosted on Kahoot so please make sure you have access to https://kahoot.it/ on a mobile device before we start the quiz. We look forward to seeing you there.

What's new? With Wendy Nash-Steer and Peer Barber-Meyer

Assessment Q&A with Andrew Khan, Wendy Nash-Steer and Peer Barber-Meyer

Neurolanguage coaching - demo PACT PQC in action Join Rachel Paling and her team to have a first-hand experience of language coaching.

Ask me anything Rachel Paling, Creator of Neurolanguage Coaching®, will answer any questions that would help you start or advance your journey to becoming a language coach.

Speak for yourself: the speaking practice your learners need with Dagmar Taylor Business English courses often need to be streamlined so that learners can improve their spoken English as quickly as possible. In our showcase we will be taking a close look at the components of a practical learner-centred speaking course. We’ll take a look at personalised tasks from the new Heads Up coursebooks from Delta Publishing, and exchange ideas about how to help our learners develop their speaking skills according to their own aims and objectives.

Fierce conversations Teach better conversation skills with an award-winning people management concept.

Find out more about the LTC Online Academy and interesting opportunities for both trainers and clients.

Fierce TRAINER certification process, with Jeff Aristy In this talk, Jeff will explain the Fierce certification process for trainers interested in incorporating valuable soft skills in their training routines. This is also opportunity to ask any questions about this award winning training concept.