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Main CATAPULT Project Results

The lack of provision of specific LSP training to language teachers is documented at the European level : 70% of LSP teachers go into LSP teaching with no specific prior training.

LSP teachers' feeling of isolation (freelancers in adult education, teachers in higher education) is an issue to be addressed.

Residual training needs (felt needs) on the integration of technologies in their teaching are expressed by LSP teachers.

LSP teachers’ skills go far beyond core teaching skills : e.g. needs analysis / corpus compilation to study specialized varieties of a language…

High acceptance by LSP teachers of a MOOC-based Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course.

A MOOC based on both an instructionist and a connectivist approach seems to meet the needs of LSP teachers.


Output 1 (Situational Survey) showed that 70% of European language teachers go into LSP teaching without any specific prior training. This has led the CATAPULT team to develop a professional development course as a MOOC (Output 3 - MOOC). You can download the main results of the situational survey as infographics or read the full report.


Output 1 (Situational Survey) showed that European LSP teachers very often feel isolated and lack support. This has led the CATAPULT team to develop a professional development course as a MOOC (Output 3 - MOOC) and a Community of Practice platform (Output 4 - CoP Platform). You can download the main results of the situational survey as infographics or read the full report.


Output 1 (Situational Survey) showed that 72% of European language teachers had never taught any online classes (prior to the COVID19 pandemic) and that only 18% of them had integrated the use of various technological tools and platforms in their pedagogical repertoire. This has led the CATAPULT team to develop a professional development course as a MOOC (Output 3 - MOOC). You can download the main results of the situational survey as infographics or read the full report.


Output 2 (Common Competence Framework), through a review of the literature (meta-study) and the study of existing LSP teacher education initiatives, showed that LSP teachers' competences go far beyond core teaching skills. This has led the CATAPULT team to develop a Common Competence Framework for LSP teachers across Europe. You can download the Common Competence Framework (CCF) or read the full report.


Output 5 (Accreditation) includes a full Impact Study which shows very high levels of course participants' satisfaction. You can download the full report.


Output 5 (Accreditation) includes a full Impact Study which shows very high levels of course participants' satisfaction. You can download the full report.

policy Recommendations






Specific Continuing Professional Development on LSP teaching should be offered more systematically to in-service language teachers.


​​​Academic recognition of the specific LSP training offered is essential: badges, certificates, and ideally European credits if integrated in curricula/diplomas.​​​

LSP teachers, especially in adult education, should be made aware of and encouraged to engage in online LSP Teachers’ Communities of Practice.

Curricula in initial language teacher education should also include specific modules on LSP teaching: fully online (MOOC) and/or in combination with face-to-face courses.

Given the diversity of LSP teaching in Europe, mobility periods abroad in the form of placements should also be included in initial language teacher education programmes and in language teachers’ CPD courses.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.