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Click musical note for song of the half term to be played every day.

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

Autumn 1 Year 4

Bonjour, bonjour, comment ça va?

Write any number between 0 and 10 on a post-it note. Send one member of the class outside. Hide the post-it somewhere in the classroom. Bring the "finder" back in. Class guides the "finder" by chanting the number over, getting quieter if the child is far away and louder as they get close. Can they use their voices to guide the finder to the number?

Hidden Number

Recognising numbers 0-10

Click on the + sign for this interactive activity. Teacher clicks on an audio fle to hear a number read aloud. The children write down what they think the number is on mini whiteboards and hold them up. One person comes to drag the number to the correct place on the number line. Did everyone get it right? Click on the blue tick to make the class's work.

week beginning 6th Sept 2021

Click icon for short video to practise new vocabulary

Order the number

Click on the + sign for an interactive acitivity. Click on an audio icon in the pairs game and get the children to listen to it. Ask the children to write the number in digits. Can one person come to the front and correctly match the audio to the digit card? Can the class work together to match them all successfully?

Number match

Write a number between 0 and 10 on a whiteboard, keeping it hidden from the class. Ask the children to guess the number in French. Whoever guesses first, comes and writes their own numbers between 0 and 10 on a whiteboard for the rest of the class to guess. Repeat several times.

Guess my number

Week 1



Pupils choose 5 numbers to put into their grid, along with one box which has the word 'loto' written inside it. Teacher calls out any number between 0 and 10 in French and pupils cross off those that they hear.

Children draw a loto grid on their whiteboards, as shown below.

Click icon for short video to practise new vocabulary

Writing numbers 0-10

Week 2

week beginning 13th Sept 2021

The teacher stands at the front of the class and claps a certain number of times (any amount betweem 1 and 10). The children count the claps in their heads in French and write down the number that was clapped, in words, on their whitebpards. Everyone to check spelling against the video slides, if needed.

Clap the number

Loto (Bingo)

Click on the + for the interactive activity. Use the roulette wheel to spin a number in digits. Can the children write the number in words on mini whitebpards? Each correct answer wins them a point (deduct half a point for any misssing accents). Who can get the most points?

Spinner spellings

Click on the + for the interactive activity. Display the number written as blanks and allow the children time to work in pairs to try and work out what number it could be and write it in words on their whiteboard. One child is chosen to come and spell the word, using the digital keyboard, and everyone checks their spelling on the whitebpard.

Spelling numbers 0 to 10

Recognising numbers up to 16.

Click on the + for a sound file. Ask pupils to write down every number in order, in digits, from 10 - 16. Listen to the audio clip and cross off every number you hear. Which numbers between 0 and 16 did I not say? Can you tell you teacher in French?

Missing numbers

Pupils choose 5 numbers to put into their grid, along with one box which has the word 'loto' written inside it. Teacher calls out any number between 10 and 16, inclusive, and pupils cross off those that they hear.



One child take noughts and the other crosses. They take it in turns to say and number. If correct, they can put their symbol in the box.










Week 3

week beginning 20th Sept 2021

Click icon for short video to practise new vocabulary

Children stand in a circle. The first person starts at 0, saying either one, two or three numbers in a row in French (e.g. zéro, un, deux). The sequence now moves to the next person, who also says either the next one, two or three numbers in the sequence (e.g. trois, quatre). The number sequence continues round the circle. The aim is not to be the person who says 15. If you are, you are out and the counting starts again.


Children work in pairs and draw a grid, 3x3 (as below) on one whitebpard between them and write a range of numbers from 10 - 16 (some will be repeated). .

Noughts and Crosses

Children draw a loto grid on their whiteboards, as shown below.

Loto! (Bingo)

Learning Focus.



Week 4

week beginning 27th Sept 2021

Click icon for short video to practise new vocabulary







Learning Focus.



Week 5

week beginning 4th October 2021

Click icon for short video to practise new vocabulary







Learning Focus.



Week 6

week beginning 13th October 2021

Click icon for short video to practise new vocabulary





