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Learn more about the Canvas Certified Educator Program!

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September 18, 2024

August 5, 2024

June 24, 2024

Upcoming Start Dates

How is this program different?

What is the time commitment?

How can I enroll?

Where can I learn more?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

What have participants said about it?

When do the courses start?

Canvas Certified Educator (CCE) is designed by educators for educators. A series of online courses make up the program, aimed to strengthen your hands-on experience teaching with Canvas as you learn pedagogical best practices for online and blended learning. Check out our top Frequently Asked Questions and their answers below to see if it's right for you!

Canvas Certified Educator FAQs


CORE 4: Transformational Practices

CORE 3: Personalized Learning

CORE 2: Engagement Strategies

CORE 1: Foundational Frameworks

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

Canvas Certified Educator is made up of four CORE courses and two electives. The program is designed as a progression, and each course builds on the last. More about the courses is below - click to see a short description.

Frequently Asked about CCE: What will I learn?

  • Courses are asynchronous with due dates
  • Courses are facilitated by an Instructure employee who has also been through the program
  • Each course runs for six weeks
  • There are four weeks of content. The two weeks built in at the end of the course are for final project completion and flexibility
  • All of the Modules follow what we call our PANDA methodology, which we'll introduce you to in the program
  • Weekly Modules include interactive Pages, reflective Discussion questions, and application Assignments

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

Each course is designed the same way to provide a familiar environment for our particpants. Check out more details below.

Frequently Asked about CCE: How are courses structured?

  • Since there are 6 courses, and each course runs for 6 weeks, it will take a participant a total of 36 weeks to become Canvas Certified
  • We estimate each CORE course takes about 10 hours to complete
    • Most participants spend about 2-3 hours per week during the four weeks of the content in the CORE courses
  • We estimate each ELECTIVE course takes about 7 hours to complete
  • Although there are due dates, they are flexible. They are meant to serve as guideposts throughout the six weeks
  • We understand that life happens, and our facilitators are available for questions and concerns
  • We work with participants who need extensions or who need to pause their enrollments

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time commitment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

Courses are designed to be completed in six weeks. Courses begin every six weeks throughout the year. See more below!

Frequently Asked about CCE: What is the time commitment?

Project-based, not seat time (or tests)

Badges and Micro-credentials

Engaging facilitators

Cohort-based community of learners

Canvas, but not only Canvas...

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

The CCE program is deeply tied to pedagogy and technology best practices. Participants engage in project based work that they can put to use in their learning environments right away. Click on the items below to learn more about what makes us different!

Frequently Asked about CCE: How is this program different?

Upcoming Cohorts

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

Courses start every six weeks. Click the Upcoming Cohorts button below to see Cohort start dates and projected finish dates!

Frequently Asked about CCE: When do the courses start?

I am continually stepping outside my comfort level in this course and learning so much. The resources are amazing and I will continue to reference these resources when I am out of the class.

I like that this workshop is asking me to think about using Canvas tools in a new way. I feel like I’m thinking about new ways of approaching more personalized learning instead of how to fit more traditional classroom teaching into Canvas.

"The CORE 2 course encouraged me to use Canvas features in a unique way. Increasing student participation, progression, and motivation is an ongoing challenge for me. CORE 2 helped get my lessons pointed in a fresh direction!"

"This is probably the most meaningful professional learning I have taken. I like the way the course is designed as a series instead of a one-time learning experience. I also like that we have to apply what we are learning. There are many opportunities for reflection. The tasks are appropriately challenging. The content in the course is above par and is 100% aligned with the strategic plan for our school system. I wish I could have every teacher in my system complete this course."

"It was refreshing to have time to focus on professional growth and put it immediately into action."

“This course is making me engage in the Canvas platform in ways that I was not aware of, but it is showing me how it can be a very useful platform for providing content to participants virtually.”

"I appreciate the hands-on approach in having us apply what we have learned in our own courses. After all, we learn more by doing. I also appreciated the variety of positions of my peers. It was wonderful learning about how they use Canvas. I got some great ideas from them! Very well done..."

Upcoming Cohorts

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

The quotes below are from CCE participants. Red are from Higher Ed and blue are from K12. Check out what they had to say!

Frequently Asked about CCE: What have participants said about it?

NOTE: This method is only for individual course purchases. If you would like to purchase more than one course, or for multiple participants, please see the Full Program option.

Need to ask your institution for funding? Check out our sample email template.

  • Convenience of paying on an invoice
  • Can purchase any number of programs
  • Discounts available for bulk purchases
  • Dedicated cohorts available for more than 30 participants at the same institution
  • For info, contact us at cce@instructure.com, or reach out to your contact in Sales or CSM
  • Great for individual purchases
  • Pay-as-you go model
  • Purchase any time through our Canvas Certified Website
  • Visit the Canvas Certified Website here!

Full Program - Invoice

Individual Courses

Upcoming Cohorts

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

We have two enrollment options. Check out which might be best for you!

Frequently Asked about CCE: How can I enroll?

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Visit theCCE Catalog

Visit the CCE Website

Upcoming Cohorts

Where can I learn more?

How can I enroll?

What have folks said about it?

When do the courses start?

How is this program different?

What is the time committment?

How are courses structured?

What will I learn?

We hope that this has helped you answer a few of your questions about the Canvas Certfieid Educator program. Here are a few more resources that might help you!

Frequently Asked about CCE: Where can I learn more?