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Results of the evaluation of children for the eTwinning programm, Let's play every day

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When asked if they remember the title of our program, almost all, 91%, answered "yes"

When asked to write their name, almost 400 children answered

Children from all schools of the program participated in the evaluation questionnaire

When they hear the title of the program, most children think of toys and some think of mascot or communicating with other schools.

The vast majority of children, almost 95%, remembered the mascot of the program

When asked which activity they liked best, almost half of the children preferred the school yard toys and of the rest, most preferred the parents' games and the rest shared on Global School Play Day and Code Week.

96% of the children liked the communication with the other schools

Of the collaborative activities, 41% preferred the collaborative wheel, 29% the fairy tale cards, 23% the Christmas puzzle and a few the collaborative story

Finally, almost all the children, 97%, liked the program