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A co-produced resource to support understanding and implementation of a public health approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. Generated in the UK from research with the counter-trafficking sector.


A public health approach to modern slavery

An evidence-based approach to developing a strategy for action on modern slavery in the UK



A guide for policy, strategy and local partnerships


The full report

An interactive framework

Proof of concept report

This resource has been developed from a research project by the University of Sheffield, Public Health England and the Office of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner. It was funded by Research England. It is the product of a follow-on study from a rapid evidence assessment in 2016-17. It builds on an initial framework devised to identify and emergent public health approach.

Please contact Liz Such e.such@sheffield.ac.uk for further details. If you require information about facilitated training in the approach, please contact us.