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SLAB: level stone slab marked GARRATT. TOMB: Large tomb. Grey marble with cross and railings.   1st side facing South: In memoriam Job GARRATT/Born 30th October,1839 died 12th June,1908/Annie Maria his wife/Born 8th June,1843 Died 3rd April,1912/The undermentioned were their children/ Ada Annie GARRATT Born 16th December,1861,Died 7th April,1872/Henrietta Beatrice GARRATT Born 12th May,1870,Died 17th May,1872/Fanny GARRATT Born 21st February,1872,Died 28th February,1872/ Evelyn Maud GARRATT Born 23rd July,1882,Died 6th August,1882/Also in remembrance of Shelah GARRATT Born 10th April,1865 Died 10th July,1902/and was interred in Weston Super Mare cemetery.   2nd side facing East: Julius GARRATT/Dearly loved husband of Beatrice Edith Born July 10,1866 Died Sept. 22,1943/Beatrice Edith/Born August 24th,1871 Died Sept. 13th,1959./John Howard GARRATT/The dearly loved son of Julius & Beatrice GARRATT/Born 4th Sept.1900,Died 25th Nov.1925.   3rd side facing West: J.WHITMORE GARRATT/Lt. Col. V.D./Late D.C. 7th Bn. Worcs. Regt./Born Sept. 23rd,1867 Died April 20th,1942/F.SHENSTONE GARRATT/Maj. Lancs. Fus./Born January 27th,1874 Died Sept. 30th,1936 Interred at Bexley/Arabella Mary GRAINGER/Born Dec. 25th,1875 Died April 21st,1955 Cremated Golders Green London.   4th side facing North: Shelah GARRATT/Born 17th February,1816 Died 24th Sept.1893/Harriet GARRATT/Born 30th January,1814 Died 24th Sept.1893/Albert Victor/Born 24th May,1887 Died 12th Dec.1910/Seventh and youngest son of Job and Annie Maria GARRATT Isiah? 10

Large grave of white stone with cross. In loving memory of Mary Ann PEARSON/of this town who died March 30th,1905/Also Mary Ann (Pollie) daughter of above/who died March 9th,1905/"The day break and the shadows flee away."

Tomb of raised stone. No inscription.

SLAB: A level stone slab unmarked  TOMB - brown marble. Side 1 facing South: Robert JOBSON/Born Roscoe Place Sheffield/1st April,1817 Died 1st August, 1872/Lillias his wife/Born 15th June,1815 Died 13th September,1905 Buried at Churchill Worcestershire.   Side 2 facing East: Robert LIVINGSTONE JOBSON/Eldest son of Robert and Lillias JOBSON Born 29th April,1846 Died 18th July,1866/Arthur HENDERSON JOBSON/Born 26th September,1852 Died 31st January,1884 Buried at Funchal Madeira.   Side 3 facing West: Lillias Edith JOBSON/Born May 7th,1848 Died Hagley Lodge Worcs.December 10th,1931.   Side 4 facing North: Howard COCHRANE JOBSON/Born 30th June,1850 Died 4th July, 1901 Buried at Kensal Green Cemetery./Edward Percy JOBSON/Born 20th March,1855 Died 20th April,1909 Buried at Himley.

Tomb - large with inscriptions in shields along sides. 1st side facing East: 4 shields. In memory of Ann daughter of John and Ann FELLOWS/who died Sept. .. 1848 aged 18 years./Also in memory of John FELLOWS/who died Nov. 5th,1856 aged 55 years. /Also in memory of John son of John and Ann FELLOWS/who died Feb. 16th,1855? aged 16 years. Also a 4th shield which may have been blank.   2nd side facing North: 3 shields. Also in memory of Richard son of John and Ann FELLOWS/who died May 1st,1860 aged 36 years./Also in memory of Ann wife of John FELLOWS/who died Dec. 4th, 1877 aged 80 years./Also in memory of Maria STOKES daughter of John and Ann FELLOWS/who died Sept. 8th,1892 aged 66 years.   3rd side facing West: 4 shields. Also in memory of Arthur son of John ALLEN and Maria STOKES/ Died 7 June,1929 aged 87 years.Shields 2 & 3 are blank.Shield 4 - In memory of Charlotte WEBSTER/ who died March 28th,1858 aged 65 years.    4th side facing South: 3 shields.Blank or unreadable.

Tomb with railing three quarters of which are missing. P.A.L. 1817/A.B. 1818/J.R.B. 1819/E.R. 1821/M.P.B. 1821/E.B. obt. Jan. 6,1827 age? 32.

Tomb with railings.   1st side facing North: Sacred to the memory of/William ROBINSON Esq. of Dudley who died at the Park Cheltenham/March 17th,1867 age 64? years./"These - the - for the people of God"/Also Harriet his wife/Died - Feb,1892 Age 86 years.   2nd side facing West: Sacred to the memory of/William George ROBINSON Barrister at Law/who died December 11th,1888 Age 45 years.   3rd side facing South: Sacred to the memory of/Brooke ROBINSON Esq./who died October 1.11 Aged 70 years./For 20 years men ........ for this ........   4th side facing East: Sacred to the memory of/John ROBINSON Esq.Late of The Firs Dudley/who departed this life September 24th,1840/in the 49th year of his age./"The memory of the just is blessed"/Also of Elizabeth Anne his wife/who died on the 21st of December,185? Aged 59 years./ "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."

A level stone marked HARPER. Modern grey marble tomb. In affectionate memory of Mabel/The beloved wife of Harry HARPER/died Dec.4th,1935 aged 53 years. /"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."/Also of the above Harry HARPER/died July 14th,1938 aged 61 years./Reunited.

A level stone slab marked F.CLARK 1901. Large grey tomb with cross. 1st side facing North: In loving memory of/Frederick CLARK/Born Sept. 20th,1832 Died February 26th,1901/"I know that my Redeemer liveth."/Also Charlotte his beloved wife/Born Dec. 28th,1830 Died January 7th,1911/"Rest in the Lord." 2nd side facing East: In loving memory of/Sarah Ann beloved wife of/Frederick Edwin CLARK/Born 28th October,1861 Died 6th February,1934/"Though the body dies the soul shall live for ever."/ Also of Frederick Edwin CLARK/Born May 21st,1863 Died September 1st,1945. South and West sides of tomb blank.

A level stone slab marked R.U.DUDLEY No.16,1858. White stone with white cross. 1st side facing North: Sacred to the memory of/Reginald Unwin DUDLEY/of Prospect Place,Highland Road. By whose bequest was founded and/endowed the Reginald Unwin DUDLEY Homes,Fair View Road./ Died 17th September,1904 aged 81 years."Blessed are the merciful." 2nd side facing West: Also Benjamin DUDLEY/died December 26th,1858 aged 78 years./And Elizabeth DUDLEY/wife of above died May 25th,1863 aged 72 years./Father and mother of Reginald Unwin DUDLEY.

A level stone slab marked W.WIGGINTON No.15 1858.

A level stone slab marked Mrs. MILLWARD No.14 1859. Tomb stone with railings. In memory of Ann CHILD/who died June 13,1859 aged 77/Also John CHILD husband of the above/who died April 2,1863 aged 83 years./Also James MILLWARD/who died September 22,1861 aged 33/Also Elizabeth wife of Joseph NEWEY CHILD/who died December 8th,1861 aged 26 years./Also Joseph NEWEY CHILD/who died September 22nd,1903 aged 82 years./"I know that my Redeemer liveth."/Also Ann NEWEY widow of the above James MILLWARD/who died June 25,1906 aged 82 years/Also Sarah NEWEY MILLWARD/Died November 22,1942/Aged (80 or 30?)years.

A level stone slab marked D.DAVIES No.13 1887.White cross and stone. 1st side facing north: Sacred/to the memory of David DAVIES (of this town)/who died November 10th,1893 aged 70 years./"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."/Emma widow of the above/ who died Feb. 19th,1899 aged 73 years. 2nd side facing East: Also of Annie DAVIES/daughter who died 16th October,1935 aged 70 years.

A level stone slab marked S.RUDGE No.12 1859. Large tomb. 1st side facing North: Sacred to the memory of/Julia/the beloved wife of Samuel RUDGE who died September the third,1859/aged 33 years.Also the above Samuel RUDGE/who died August 7th,1881 aged 63 years./Also Mary Ellen relict of the above Samuel RUDGE/Died December 27th,1893 aged 70 years. 2nd side facing South: Sacred to the memory of/Samuel HARRISON RUDGE/Son of Samuel and Julia Died January 25th,1920 aged 68 years.

A level slab marked DUNN. Grey tomb with pillar.   1st side facing South: In memory of Hugh/The beloved husband of E.J.Gertrude FELLOWS/Born June 19th,1862 Died March 4th,1916./Also E.J.Gertrude FELLOWS/July 1863 - Sept. 1941.   2nd side facing North: In loving memory of Epaphroditus DUNN/Who fell asleep the 9th day of April,1880 in the 62nd/year of his age."From suffering to rest."/Also Sarah his wife who fell asleep the 10th day of March,1892 in the/73rd year of her age."God's finger touched her and she slept."/Also Joseph Charles HEWETT their baby Born July 20th,1850/Died August 20th,1851/"Jesus called a little child."/Also Arthur Daniel grandson of the above and son of Daniel and Sarah P. BRADLEY Born May 3rd,1860 Died January 6th,1879./"In the Kingdom of Thy Grace give a little child a place."   3rd side facing east: In loving memory of William BACHE/who died April 15th,1877 in his 80th year./Also Elizabeth wife of the above/who died January 6th,1864 aged 68 years./Also James their son who died April 13th?,1861 age 1 year./Also Joseph their son who died on his 40th birthday August 16th,1871/Also of Catherine Rachel (Kate) daughter of E. & S. DUNN/who died October 3rd, 1924 aged 79 years./"Made perfect through suffering."   4th side facing West.In loving memory of Caroline wife of Joseph BACHE/who died October 3rd, 1871 in the 32nd year of her age.

A level stone slab marked Revd. H.A.CARTWRIGHT & FAMILY No.10 1859

A level stone slab marked John Orme BRETTELL.No.9 1859.

A level stone slab marked SHUTTLEWORTH. Brick built grave In Sacred Memory of Tamar Dearly loved wife of/Wilfred SHUTTLEWORTH Died 18th March,1934 aged 47 years./Also the above Wilfred SHUTTLEWORTH Died 23rd March,1961 aged 76 years.

Brown marble with cross. In loving memory of Wynn JENKINS second son of/Watkin and Louie JENKINS Born August 25th,1885 Died March 16th,1893.

3 level slab stones marked. In memory of Joseph COOKE/who died January 18th,1860 in the 81st year of his age.

2 level stone slabs marked. In memory of Frances wife of Josiah STORRS/Sergeant Major Q.O.R.W.Y.S./who died June 14th,1860 aged 50 years.

Raised stone with cross.   1st side facing North: In loving remembrance of William SMITH/who died August 3rd,1886 aged 60 years. "Blessed be the man that provideth for the sick and needy. The Lord shall deliver him in time of trouble."   2nd side facing East: .... Remembrance of Jane/Relict of the late William SMITH who died November 12th,1890 aged 73 years./ "In the midst of life we are in death."   3rd side facing West: Loving Remembrance of Emma/daughter of William and Jane SMITH who died February 19th,1890/Age 35 years."Thy will be done."

Large level stone. In memory of Martha wife of Evan ROBERTS/who died February 18th,1864? aged 33 years./Also to the affectionate memory of Evan ROBERTS/who died on his birthday May 20th,1868 aged 45 years.

Large level stone. Sacred to the memory of Edward the beloved son of/Thomas and Ellen SHEPPARD who died June 24th, 1859 aged 1 year and eight months./Also Florence KING/cousin of the above who died December 4th, 1864 aged 6 years.

Raised stones with railings and cross. In memory of Joseph STOKES Solicitor of Dudley/ who died 3rd July,1884 aged 50 years."Thy will be done."/ also Esther Dearly loved wife of the above/ who died 23rd August,1909 aged 79 years. "He giveth His beloved sleep."/ In memory of Elizabeth LAWLEY/Eldest daughter of Joseph and Esther STOKES of Dudley/ who died 20th February,1879 aged 17 years./ Also of Edith Ellen second daughter of the above/ who died 25th July,1866 aged 3 years./ Also of Albert Allen son of the above/who died 19th October,1865 aged 3 months.

Large level stone slab. In affectionate remembrance of Frederick James WHITFORD/ who died January 9th,1866 aged 15 months./ Also Ellen WHITFORD who died September 18th,1875 aged 12 days./ Also in loving memory of Emma Jane/The beloved wife of George WHITFORD who died May 15th,1877 aged 42 years./"For ever with the Lord."/ Also George Walter WHITFORD/ who was drowned in the wreck of S.S.Gulf of Aden/ March 12th,1890 aged 29 years./ Also Catherine EVANS Daughter of George WHITFORD/who died November 27th,1900 aged 34 years./ Also Maud Eleanor Beloved wife of Herbert WHITFORD/who died October 23rd,1906 aged 31 years./ Also of James Alfred and Alfred Henry their sons./ Also George KNIGHT WHITFORD/who died October 3rd,1912 aged 85 years./ "Father in thy gracious keeping leave we now our loved one's sleeping."

Large level stone slab. In affectionate remembrance of William HARRISON of King Street Dudley/ who died March 14th,1868 age 67/ Also Margaret HARRISON wife of the above/ who died March 30th,1868 aged 69/ Also of Margaret HARRISON Eldest daughter of the above/ who died September 9th,1881 aged 58/ Also of Amelia IRVING Widow of the late Robert IRVING of Annan, Scotland and youngest daughter of the above/ who died at 50 King Street,Dudley November 10th,1891 in the 54th year of her age.

large level stone. In memory of Susan Anne wife of Robert DICKINSON/ Died 1st December,1869/ Also Mary their daughter Died 18th November,1870 aged 2 years and 8 months./ Also George FELLOWS DICKINSON Died October 26th,1874 aged 4 years and 11 months./ Also Edward,son of Robert and Emily Mary DICKINSON/who died September 16th, 1876 aged 1 year and 8 months./ In loving memory of Robert DICKINSON/Beloved husband of Emily Mary DICKINSON/ who fell asleep July 14th,1924 in his 88th year./ "The Lord shall give thee rest."/ Emily Mary beloved wife of Robert DICKINSON died June 12th,1936 in her 80th year.

White marble cross. In memory of Patience Beloved wife of George MORRIS of /this town who died March 4,1878 aged 44 years./ "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord for they rest from their labours."/ Also John GREEN son of the above who died January 19,1865 aged 7 years/ Also Emily Jane,their daughter who died January 26,1868 aged 13 years/ Also Laura Patience,their daughter who died October ..? 1871 aged 7 weeks/In memory of George MORRIS/ who died April 3rd,1881 in the 50th year of his age/ Also Sarah Ann MORRIS, daughter of the above/who died April 9th,1881 in the 22nd year of her age.

Stone,coffin shaped. In memory of William EAGLES JOHNSON of this town Surgeon/who departed this life the 7th day of July,1861 aged 42 years./ In memory of Marianne Relict of William EAGLES JOHNSON/who died at Great Malvern on the 5th day of May,1862 aged 40 years.

Square pillar with urn on top. In affectionate remembrance of Betsy/the beloved daughter of Job and Mary BATES of Hall Street in this town/who departed this life May 11th,1870 aged 2 years and 8 months (Further M.I. unreadable then) In affectionate remembrance of Rachel/beloved daughter of Job and Mary BATES/who departed this life December 22nd,1875 aged 11 years and 5 months.

White stone with round pillar. In memory of Richard MEREDITH of Netherton/who departed this life March 2nd,1873 aged 49 years.

A level stone slab marked J.R.B. (Once) white stone and cross. Ellen Louise the dearly beloved wife of John P.BILL/ who died suddenly August 7,1897 aged 35 years/ "Until the day break and the shadows flee away."/ Also Claude Harrold and Reginald Kinsey/ children of the above who died in infancy./ Also James Harper BILL Died February 27,1892 aged 76 years./ "So He giveth His beloved sleep."/ Also Susanna/ Died February 18th,1909 in her 81st year./ In sacred memory of John Poole BILL/ The beloved husband of Edith R.BILL/ Also Edith Beloved wife of the above who entered into rest July 25,1949.

A level stone slab marked. B.HOLLAND 1901/W.HOLLAND 1906/H.HOLLAND 1907/A.E.HOLLAND 1909/M.HOLLAND 1931 Brick built. In loving memory of William HOLLAND/Died May 6th,1906 aged 80 years/ Also his wife Martha HOLLAND/Died August 1st,1931 aged 80 years.

Black with pillar. In memory of Frederick TANDY/ Who died January 29th,1871 aged 30 years/ In memory of John Eldest son of Frederick and Mary TANDY/ who died February 21,1863 aged ? months. (Plus further M.I. worn away.)

White cross (once had railings.) In loving memory of Thomas Bradford MEREDITH/Died October 1st,18..? Aged ?/Also of Sarah wife of the above died October 27,? Aged ?

? A level stone slab marked H.C.R. Raised brick and slab. No inscription.

? A raised stone slab marked S.D. Blue brick and slab. No inscription.

A level stone slab marked T.MORRIS 1877. White stone & cross. In memory of Thomas MORRIS of Dudley/who died December 7th,1877 in his 49th year/ Also Emma his beloved wife/who died September 20th,1898 aged 67 years/ "Thy will be done."/Erected by their children Ann, Emma & Harry.

Blue brick and earth grave. No inscription

Brown marble with pillar. In loving memory of Frances FISHER /The beloved wife of S.J.PERKS,Jeweller of Dudley/ who entered into life 31st October,1887 aged 56 years/ Also Samuel J.C.PERKS Died 8th May,1912.

Brick and earth grave. No inscription

A level stone slab marked C.LEWIS 1889 Stone grave with cross. Sacred remembrance of Frances Leondra/ The loving wife of E.C.LEWIS/ Born July 15th,1905/ "Fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name;thou art mine."/ Also Ebenezer Charles LEWIS who died May 12th,1945 aged 88 years.

A level stone slab marked DOVEY 1889. White stone and cross. In ? memory of Thomas DOVEY of Hall Street.Dudley/ who died September 25th,18..? aged 78 years./ Also of Hannah his beloved wife who died January 24th,1889 aged 76 years./ "Blessed are those ... ... the Lord when he .......... find ..."

Raised slab. Sacred in Memory of William TAYLOR/ Died May 27th,1891 aged 65/ Eliza TAYLOR who died January 2,1893/Harry Howard TAYLOR who entered to rest Nov. 22,1902 aged 39 years./Frank TAYLOR who died March 15th,1914 aged 52.

White stone grave In loving memory of E... Ma... ..... / Who passed away February 21st,1924 aged 6.? years/ Also Edgar P.BILL Died June 16th,1952 aged 68 years.

Slab marked BARTRAM Modern type grave In loving memory of Annie/the beloved wife of W.C.BARTRAM/ who passed away December 26th,1933 age 69 years/ William Cole BARTRAM/ Passed away June 7th,1939 age 82 years.

Slab marked B.A.KIMBERLEY 1888/ E.KIMBERLEY 1904/ H.B.KIMBERLEY Died October 9th,1932 in her 82nd year. Metal kerb stone with disc M.I. Beatrice Annie KIMBERLEY Born February 20th,1876 Died October 3,1888/ "Not lost but gone before."

Slab marked W.PARSONS 1887 Raised kerb stone with headstone. William PARSONS of Bond Street,Dudley/ who died February 14th,1890 aged 80 years/ Also of Mary his wife who died February 7th,1867? aged 75 years/ Also of John PARSONS son of the above who died May 21st,190? aged 73 years./ Also of Elizabeth HYDE? wife of the above/Died March 3rd,1... aged 84? years.

Slab marked J.C.RAWFORDGround level grave edged in blue brick. No inscription.

Slab marked B.D Stone with cross (MI very worn). Loving memory ? of Benjamin DAVIS/ who entered into rest January 30th .... aged 46/ "A pleasing mind .... a generous heart,a good companion/ .... without .... just in his .... to his friend/ Beloved through ..............ted in his end.

Slab marked J.E.HISTON. Ground level grave edged in blue brick no inscription.

Slab marked Jesse JEWKES 1878 Brown marble pillar with heavy railings. In affectionate remembrance of Janet/wife of Jesse JEWKES of this town died June 22nd,1881 aged 59 years/ Also of the above named Jesse JEWKES who died September 21st,1887?/ Aged 68 years."Not my will but thine."

Large white cross with statue and chains. In loving memory of John WALMSLEY of Dudley/ who died January 19th,1878 aged 37 years/ "Beloved in life,lamented in death."/ "The memory of the just is blessed."/ Also of Emma wife of the above who died March 24th,1903 aged 77 years./ In loving memory of John Francis BAYLEY/who died February 1st,1887 aged 58 years/ "Come unto Me,all ye that are weary and heavy laden,and I will give you rest."/ Also of Sarah wife of the above who died January 31st,1911 aged 84 years/ Also of Louise Phoebe daughter of the above/ who died October 31st,1912 aged 55 years.

Slab marked J.Y.M.  White cross with railings. In loving memory of John YOUNG MEREDITH/ who entered into rest September 30th,1889 aged 68 years./ "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."/ In ever loving memory of Sarah Ann/ Eldest daughter of John YOUNG and Anne MEREDITH/ who fell asleep (suddenly) January 1st,1927 aged 80 years/ "The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God." R.I.P./ Also of Sophia Margaretta who passed away January 23rd,1945 aged 82 years/ "To His own His well beloved father giveth a new life."/ In loving memory of Harriet PAINE/ second daughter of John YOUNG and Anne MEREDITH who died March 22nd,1877/ in the 20th year of her age."Not lost but gone before."/ Also Alfred fourth son of the above J.Y. and A.MEREDITH/ who died December 12th,1878 in the 24th year of his age./ "Beloved Esteemed,Lamented."/ Also Richard YOUNG son of the above John YOUNG and Anne MEREDITH/ who Died January 18th,1855 aged 17 months./ In loving memory of Arthur Edwin MEREDITH/who entered into rest January 4th,1943 aged 83 years.R.I.P.

Raised slabs. In loving memory of Mary the beloved wife of Thomas MEREDITH/ who entered into rest April 21st,1887? aged 36? years/ Also Margaretta Hyde MEREDITH/......... daughter of the above/who fell asleep ......... Aged 1.? months ?

Slab marked M.M. 1894. Stone slabs with pillar. In loving memory of Michael Beloved husband of Agnes MACKIE/ who died at 109 King Street,Dudley April 7th,1894 in the 78th year / of his age. Also of their two sons/ John Alexander and William who died in infancy./ "Oh call it not death tis a holy sleep and the precious dust the/ Lord doth keep. They shall wake again and how satisfied / with the likeness of Him who for them died."/ In loving memory of Agnes widow of the late Michael MACKIE/ who died at 109 King Street,Dudley October 9th,1895 age 75 years/ "Oh call it not death it is life begun, for the waters are fast/ The home is won the ransomed spirit hath reached the shore./ Where they weep and suffer and sin no more."/ In loving memory of Helen SHEARER MACHARG?/Niece of Michael MACKIE/ Died 19th February,1918 aged 61 years. R.I.P.

Slab marked E.H.WRIGHT White stone with cross. .....Eliza Hale WRIGHT/ who died January ..... aged (10 or 40) years/ Also of Henry William WRIGHT brother of the above/ who passed away June 15th,1911 aged 55 years/ "I know that my redeemer liveth"/ Also of Esther WRIGHT of 43 Constitution Hill, Dudley who died August 29th,1911/ In loving memory of Ann Hannah GUEST who passed away January 9th,1932/ Aged 81 years.1

Slab marked D.M.PITCHFORD 1893/ J.T.PITCHFORD 1896/ J.T.PITCHFORD June.1906/ Ann PITCHFORD 1930. White modern marble stone. M.I. along sides. In memoriam/ Joseph Thomas PITCHFORD Aged 54/ Ann PITCHFORD aged 76/ Joseph Thomas PITCHFORD Aged 24/ Dorothy Mary PITCHFORD aged 14.

Slab marked W.ALLAN 1893 Grave with large white stone with cross and dove. In loving memory of William ALLEN/ who died 3rd July,1893 aged 49 years/ "In the midst of life we are in death."/ Mary Elizabeth ALLEN/ Died 5th May,1923 aged 68 years.

Slab marked M.A.FELLOWS 1893. In loving memory of Mary Ann wife of William FELLOWS/ who departed this life 21st April, 1893 aged 61 years/ Also of William FELLOWS who entered into rest 11th March, 1896 age 73 years/ Also of Mary Ann WHITWORTH FELLOWS daughter of the above/ who died 20 August, 1898 aged 38 years/ Also of Lucretia WEBB wife of Edward C.WEBB and youngest daughter/ of the above William and Mary Ann FELLOWS who died 31st December, 1934/ aged 69 years/ Reunited.

Slab marked J.W.R.BACHE Brick and earth grave.No inscription.

Stone kerb with headstone. Prudence second daughter of the late Thomas HARTLAND/ of Tipton who died March 9th, 1889 aged 65 years/ "I know that my redeemer liveth."/ Also of Eliza Jessie LAW niece of the above/ who died January 15th,1900 aged 41 years.

Slab marked John EDWARDS  Tomb with railings. (1st inscription of brown marble stone.) In memoriam of Thomas DAVIS 1843-1931/ Mary his wife 1846-1927/ Ernest their son 1877-1899/ Kate (Kitty) their daughter 1878-1926/ "Loves last gift remembrance."/ (Earlier inscription on slab.) John EDWARDS who died July 9th,18.. aged 85 years/ Also Henry Wilcox EDWARDS June 22nd, 1882 aged 74 years/ Also Emma EDWARDS wife of Henry Wilcox EDWARDS/ who died February 14th, 1884 aged 85 years/ Also Sarah SMITH who died June 24th, 1894 aged 82.

Slab marked G.W.P. Raised slabs with railings. In loving memory of Charles William PHILLIPS/ who departed this life the 9th day of December, 18?9/ ..50th year of his age./ (Middle of inscription gone.)/ Charles .... PHILLIPS/(Son of Charles and Ann PHILLIPS)/ who died at Brownhills September 11th,1893 aged 39? years/ "He giveth his beloved sleep." 

Very large tomb/grave raised blue brick filled with chippings. No inscription.

Slab marked Gray MAITLAND. Blue brick grave with chippings. No inscription.

Slab marked M I SMITH

Raised white marble slab with inlaid cross. In loving remembrance of Alice Sophia PAYNE/ who passed to her rest February 4th, 1936 aged 74 years/ "He giveth his beloved sleep."/ Also Hannah PARKES died 12th January, 1965 aged 79 years/ "Peace Perfect Peace"/ In loving memory of Catherine Jane PAYNE/ who died October 20th,1951 aged 85 years/ "Blessed are the pure in heart."

Double slab. No inscription.

A slab. Here lie the bodies of Francis DOWNING/who died November 17th, 1857 aged 80 years/ and of Mary Ann his wife who died/ May 31st,1874 aged 89 years.R.I.P. Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

A slab marked J.MATTHEWS A.D.1880. A very tall brown marble, needle type pillar. In affectionate remembrance of Joseph MATTHEWS/ of this town who died October 18th, 1882 aged 65 years/ "His end was peace."/ Also of Phebe MATTHEWS widow of the above/ who departed this life July 9th, 1893 aged 74/ "Rest in Peace."

A slab marked J.R.T. Grey marble coffin (shape) inlaid with cross. Mary the wife of John ROUND TILLEY of Edgbaston/ Formerly of Dudley who died May 14th, 1894 aged 75 years/ Elinor Gertrude TILLEY wife of Benjamin Bissell TILLEY/ who died February 15th,1930 aged 74 years/ In loving memory of Benjamin Bissell TILLEY/ of Gromartie Edgebaston who died 17th January, 1920 aged 68 years/ John Round TILLEY of Edgebaston Formerly of Dudley/ who died December 18th, 1902 aged 84 years/ John William TILLEY of Field House Harbourne/ Died January 20th, 1942 aged 88 years/ Sarah Ann wife of John William TILLEY/ Died January 28th,1945 aged 86 years.

Small slab with small raised slab M.I. In loving memory of Alfred John DAVOREN/ M.B.B.C.H./ Born November 12th,1884 Died November 29th,1943/ Also his beloved wife Beatrice Daisy/ Died January 3,1960 aged 75 years.

A slab marked G.B. Stone with grey cross. In loving memory of George BAGOTT at one time Mayor of Dudley also a former church warden of this parish who died January 21st, 1906 aged 80 years. "Life's work well done, Life's crown well won."/ Also of Ann BAGOTT his widow who died February 25th, 1911 aged 80 years. "Blest are the departed who in the Lord are sleeping." Also of Beatrice Georgina BAGOTT/ who died August 22nd,1935.

A slab. Inscription worn away. Grey marble cross. In loving memory of James John HOLLAND DARBEY/ of Claslyn Dudley who departed this life on May 22nd, 1915/ at the age of 55. "He giveth His beloved sleep."/ Alice Lillian FELLOWS/ Born 26th December, 1866 Died 25th April, 1947/ Also of Ernest Edwin FELLOWS/ Died 26th October, 1961 aged 87 years./ (M.I. along side) In remembrance of Mary Ann DARBEY/ Died 5th July, 1894.

A slab. No inscription. Stone kerb with headstone. In loving memory of Louisa wife of Thomas WHITMORE/ of Dudley who departed this life May 31st, 1896 in her 33rd year./ "In the midst of life we are in death."/ Also Thomas WHITMORE who departed this life/ November 7th, 1896 aged 35 years "At rest."/ Also Maria Louisa HICKTON Relict of the late William HICKTON/ who departed this life November 19th, 1896 aged 37 years.

A slab marked J.H. Grey kerb stone Grave. In memoriam Joseph HOMER/ Died September 26th, 1901 aged 49 years/ Also Charity HOMER his wife/ Died October 4th, 1933 aged 73 years.

Grey marble grave In loving memory of Edith Annie beloved wife of/ James FEREDAY who departed this life October 8th, 1937/ aged 54 years. "She is not dead but sleepeth." S.Luke VIII-52.

Black Bible. In loving memory of Bert H.WEAVER. Died 17th July, 1966/ Aged 70 years "At rest"/ Also his dear wife May WEAVER/ Died 18th August, 1980 aged 81 years. Reunited.

Stone kerb and cross. In loving memory of Alice Maude BLOOD who died October 23rd, 1946/ "She hath awakened from the dream of Life."

Raised slab with M.I. on stone cross. In loving memory of Samuel William CUMMING L.R.C.P. L.R.C.S.I./ of Beaconsfield House, Dudley and Shercock Co. Caven/ Born September 1st, 1876 Died January 14th, 1939/ "They rest from their labours and their works follow with them."

Level slab marked W.B. 2 stone rasied slabs with M.I. on stone coffin. Remember in the Lord William BAGOTT/ Died 28th October, 1903 in his 85th year/ Septimus BAGOTT Died 11th March, 1907 aged 77/ Ann BAGOTT his wife Died 24th August, 1910 aged 86/ William Henry BAGOTT A nephew of the above/ Died 15th October, 1924 aged 67./ Who (no further inscription.)

2 level slabs unmarked. Raised tomb grey marble M.I. In loving memory of Edgar Henry LETT of Dudley/ Born February 25th, 1844 Died January 28th, 1893/Also of Ann Maria LETT wife of the above/ Born August 2nd, 1847 died July 26th, 1925/ "Her end was peace."/ In loving memory of Gertrude Annie LETT/ Born September 9th, 1876 died October 6th, 1948/ "Her end was peace."/ In loving memory of Ethel Mary LETT/ Born March 8th, 1881 died March 16th, 1964/ In loving memory of Rupert Arthur RUTLAND LETT/ Born September 13th, 1886 died July 10th, 1929/ Also of Millie his wife/ Born July 14th, 1885 died February 12th, 1975.

Thick level slab. Unmarked. White marble stone grey marble cross lying across grave. Sacred to the memory of John HYDE HOUGHTON F.R.C.S. J.P./ who departed this life February 12th, 1879 aged 63 years/ "He is not dead but sleepeth."/ And to Isabelle Eliza Catherine, his beloved wife & eldest daughter of the late Rev. James CAULFIELD BROWN,D.C.L./ Vicar of this parish, at rest January 30th,1908./ And to James HYDE HOUGHTON their son/ who departed this life April 5th, 1874 aged 20 years.

Large raised tomb with large grey marble raised cross. Here rests in peace the body of/ James CAULFIELD BROWN D.C.L./ 25 years Vicar of this parish who departed this life/ March 11th, 1870 aged 65? years/ Also Isabella his beloved wife died December 12th, 1877/ Also Isabel Grand-daughter widow of Walter HOLLINS/ of Willoughbridge Wells Staffs. Died October 30, 1928/ R.I.P./ Also Harriet their 4th daughter widow of J.C.BROWNE A.H.S./ Died February 4th,1901/ "Her children arise up and call her blessed."/ Also Percy O.E.THORNE/ youngest son of the above died April 4th, 1928 aged 60/ R.I.P.  Level slab unmarked.

Brick and earth grave. No M.I.Level slab unmarked.

Slab with railings. In affectionate remembrance of John STOCK/ who died August 15th, 1887 aged 62 years/ Also of William WARD/ who was called suddenly away by an accident on April 29th, 1892/ Aged 50 years. Also of Hannah WARD/ wife of the above who entered into rest March 5th, 1905 aged 70 years. Level slab unmarked.

Level slab marked B.BAKER Large raised slab. In affectionate remembrance of Benjamin BAKER/ who died September 17th, 1889 aged 68 years/ "God is our refuge and strength a very present help in our troubles."/ Also Sarah BAKER of Stafford Street Dudley/ who died April 6th,1896 aged 73 years.

White headstone placed in centre of white kerb edged grave. In loving memory of George Ernest WOODHOUSE/ The beloved husband of Flora WOODHOUSE, Hall Street, Dudley/ Born January 20th, 1865 Died February 4th, 1894/ "From death unto life."/ Also of Betsy OATWAY wife of T.G.WOODHOUSE/ of Market Place, Dudley. Died February 15th, 1904 aged 71 years./ Also of the above Thomas George WOODHOUSE/ Born February 2nd, 1828 Died May 16th, 1910/"At rest "/ Charles WOODHOUSE/ Born March 25th, 1867 Died January 16th, 1913. Level slab unmarked.

White cross and stone. In loving memory of Anne wife of Edwin FELLOWS/ who departed this life April 5th, 1894 in her 57th year/ Also Edwin husband of the above/ who departed this life September 26th, 1894/ In his 57th year./ "Thy will be done." Level slab unmarked.

Brown stone with cross. In memory of Laura GRIFFIN the beloved and devoted wife of/ Frederick Richard MCDOWELL who died August 11th, 1949 aged 76/ "So he giveth his beloved sleep."/ Also of the above Frederick Richard MCDOWELL/ who died January 26th, 1951 aged 82.

Level slab marked J.?.SECKERSON 1908 Blue brick grave with white chippings. Mary Ann SECKERSON 1876-1973.

Level slab marked J.L. 1905. Brick and earth no inscription.

White cross. In memory of Sarah ROBERTS/ of Bourne Street? Dudley who died 18th June, 1907/ Rest in peace.

Level slab marked J.BEDDINGTON Slab with marble headstone and railings. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee crown of life."/ In loving memory of Harriet the dearly loved wife of/ James BEDDINGTON of the Inhedge who died May 11, 1904 aged 74 years/ "Peace Perfect Peace, our future all unknown/ Jesus we know, and he is on the throne."/ Also of the above James BEDDINGTON who died December 30th, 1906 aged 76 years./ "Heaven's morning breaks, and Earth's vain shadows flee in life, in death O Lord, abide with me."

Level slab marked C.T.OWEN. Stone edged grave, white M.I. stone. All inscription worn away.

Level slab marked E.HAWKINS Stone kerb and cross. Loving memory of Elizabeth Ann wife of Edward HAWKINS/ who died June 2nd?, 1895 aged 72 years./ "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."/ Also of Edward HAWKINS who died June 30th, 1909 aged 75 years.

Level slab marked R.HARPER Stone kerb and cross. In loving memory of Rev. Robert HARPER M.A./ Rector of Tubney who died November 25th, 1898/ in his 74th? year/ Also of Jane wife of the above who passed away/ October 23rd, 1899 aged 68 years./ "I heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest."

Level slab marked C.PARGETER. Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Level slab marked C.H.M. 1900. Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Level slab marked with a large H White marble stone with Bible/ book M.I. In Memoriam George W.Freeman HOOPER/ who died 13th August, 1901 aged 86/ Arthur G.HOOPER M.P. for Dudley 1908-1910/ Born 30th January, 1857 Died 28th April 1940/ Fanny SHILLITO HOOPER wife of A.G.HOOPER/ Died 23rd October, 1947 aged 89/ Sarah PITT wife of G.W.F.HOOPER/ who died 29th November, 1911? aged 85/ Sidney GUEST HOOPER son of the above/ Solicitor of this town died 7th April, 1924 aged 63/ Jessie SMITH THOMPSON wife of S.GUEST HOOPER/ Died 12th March, 1945 aged 77 cremated at Golders Green/ Emma Constance wife of E.A.J.HOOPER/ Died 2nd February, 1944 aged 82/ Edgar Augustus Joseph HOOPER of Handsworth / son of G.W.F. and S.P.HOOPER who died 3rd August, 1912 aged 50/ Minnie Sarah Josephine TANFIELD of Handsworth/ Daughter of G.W.F. and S.P.HOOPER who died 3rd March,1913 aged 47.

Level slab marked A.R.TAYLOR. Blue brick and earth. No inscription.

Modern grave white marble stone. In loving memory of Elizabeth GROCOTT RAYNES/ Widow of Francis RAYNES of Walsall/ who passed peacefully to rest June 13, 1916 aged 83 years/ Peace Perfect Peace.

Level slab marked GOODYEAR.  Grey marble stone, grey marble Bible M.I. In loving memory of Arthur GOODYEAR/ Died August 2nd, 1934 aged 36 years/ "Blessed is he that endureth to the end for he shall be saved."/ Always a loving son/ Also of Howard Sidney his brother and beloved husband of/ Sarah GOODYEAR died October 13th, 1935 aged 47 years/ "Blessed are the pure in heart."/ Also Alice dearly loved wife of William GOODYEAR and mother of/ the above passed away November 26, 1936 aged 73 years./ Also William GOODYEAR beloved husband of Alice/ Died December 19th, 1947 aged 86 years. Re-united./ Gladys GOODYEAR died January 7th, 1970 aged 74 years.

Modern white marble stone. Sacred to the memory of Ada BREEZE/ Beloved wife of John W.TILLEY/ Died 29th September, 1951 aged 70 years/ Also of John William TILLEY/ Died 5th September, 1958 aged 79 years.

Slab marked E.T.D. Brown marble pillar with small cross on top. In loving memory of Prudence DICKINS/ of The Bridge Hotel, Tenbury/ who died May 3rd, 1911 aged 70 years/ "Rest in The Lord."/ Also of Edwin Tew DICKINS husband of the above/ Who died June 19th, 1912 aged 78 years/ "Come unto me ye weary and I will give you rest."/ In Loving Memory of Willliam Stephen TIMMINS/ of the Bridge Hotel, Tenbury/ Nephew of the late Prudence and E.T.DICKINS/ who died February 22nd, 1918 aged 52 years/ "No more sorrow no more pain."

Slab marked E.P. Grey marble stone and cross. In loving memory of Pollie LONG/ who fell asleep October 14th, 1944/ "At rest."

Slab marked T.H. Unusual monument, tall, 6 sides with railings. In loving memory of Thomas HARPER/ Born 1st December, 1822/ Died 14th February, 1908/In loving  memory of Eliza HARPER/ who died January 11th, 1896 aged 61 years.

Slab marked G.H. 1902. Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Slab marked H.B. E.J.B. Stone grave coffin shape with inlaid cross. Henry ? BAGOTT of this town/ who died September 8th, 1904 aged 84 years/ Also Ann his dearly loved wife/ who died March 21st, 1902 aged 67 years/ Also Harry Herbert BAGOTT/ who died June 8th, 1871 aged 9 months/ And Ernest Jarvis BAGOTT/ who died April 15th, 1904 aged 33 years.

Slab marked W.S. Grave with kerb stone and unusual pink colour marble cross. In loving remembrance of/ William SPITTLE of Manhattan Villa/ who fell asleep January 30th, 1906 aged 72 years/ "I know that my Redeemer liveth."/ Also of Maryann beloved wife of the above/ who died January 29th, 1916 in her 78th year/ "Rest in the Lord."

Slab marked A.T./H.E.W./J.W.H./R.H. Brick and earth grave.No inscription.

Slab marked J.GUY Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Slab marked A.S.WRIGHT 1906/R.WRIGHT 1907 Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Slab marked M.A.MORRIS Grave with kerbstone & white marble cross. In loving memory of Mary Ann MORRIS of Dudley/ who died December 20th, 1908 aged 88 years/ "Her end was peace."

Slab marked R.HOLLAND 1907 Brick grave, slab top. In loving memory of John T. Holland 1949? Ellen M. Holand 196? George E. Holland 1968 Phyllis L. Holland 1970 William D. Holland 1989 Jean T. Holland 2002

Slab marked H.M.H. 1908 White marble stone and cross. To the beloved memory of/ Hannah Maria HARVEY of High Street, Dudley/ Widow of the late James HARVEY of Mauchline/ Born July 2nd, 1833 Died January 30th, 1908/ "When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee." / Also of Mary Ann Lucas HARVEY Daughter of the above/ Born July 12th, 1861 Died September 26th,1916/ "So He bringeth them to Heaven where they would be."

Slab marked D.H. 1910 Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Slab marked A.JAMES 196 3 slabs with inscription Frederick JAMES 1937

Slab marked W.H.THOMPSON Raised brick, edged grave. Stone cross, slate M.I. plate. In loving memory of Harriet Edith/ The wife of William Henry THOMPSON/ Died 19th February, 1935 aged 71/ Also of the above William Henry THOMPSON/ Died 30th September, 1940 aged 80.

Raised slabs marked. In loving memory of Francis STOCKTON/Died April 7th, 1931 aged 78 years/ Also Elizabeth beloved wife of the above/ Died January 17th, 1935 aged 80 years.

Slab marked M.A.SHEPPARD 1931/ H.SHEPPARD March 1940 Raised slabs. No inscription.

Slab marked HARTLAND 1924. White marble kerb with pillar M.I. Sacred to the memory of Hannah HARTLAND/who died 13th March, 1924 aged 64 years/ Also of William Edward HARTLAND husband of the above/ who died 25th January, 1927 aged 65 years. Also their son Walter HARTLAND / who died 24th January 1951 / aged 65 years / and his wife ETHEL / who died / 1st June 1984 / aged 92 years Marjorie Billie DIXON / daughter of Ethel and Walter HARTLAND / 26.06.1916-08.12.2006

Slab marked E.A.PENN 1915/ J.PENN 1920. Slab marked A.ROBINSON 1918. White marble tomb with chippings and pillar with cross M.I. In loving and affectionate remembrance of Eliza Ann/ Dearly beloved wife of John PENN of 37 Wellington Road, Dudley/ who departed this life November 19th, 1915 aged 56 years./ "On that happy Easter morning all the graves their dead restore/ Father sister child and mother meet once more."/ Her sufferings were great her end was peace./ In loving memory of Ada dearly beloved wife of George ROBINSON/ and elder daughter of John and Eliza Ann PENN/ who departed this life November 28th, 1918 aged 32 years/ Rest in peace./ In loving memory of George ROBINSON Died 15th February, 1951/ aged 69 years."Thy will be done."/ In loving and affectionate remembrance of John PENN/ Dearly beloved husband of Eliza Ann PENN/ who passed peacefully away March 6th, 1929 aged 71 years/ "Until the day break and the shadows flee away."

Slab marked J.W.JONES 1942  White marble grave with Bible M.I. Sacred to the memory of James William/ Beloved husband of Irene JONES/ Called to rest May 18th, 1942 aged 56 years./ Sleep on beloved."/ Also of Irene Gladys JONES/ Died 13th November, 1961 aged 70 years.

Slab marked Sir George BEAN. Double size grave/tomb with pillar. In loving memory of Sir George BEAN KT:,/ Born April 27th, 1855 Died January 23rd, 1924/ Also of Lady Mary Ann BEAN/ Died August 3rd, 1932 aged 78 years.

Kerbstone and earth. In loving memory of William Henry CARROLL/ who died April 12th, 1917/"Peace Perfect Peace." /Also of Matilda HARPER CARROLL/ who died October 8th,1924/ "He giveth his beloved sleep."

Slab marked M.A.GUEST. Brick and earth grave. No inscription.

Slab marked J.W. H.W./L.W. 1912 White marble stone and cross. Francis John WILKES April 25th, 1893/ August 31st, 1912/ "Patience Beloved! Yonder is thy cuerdon; here all is change;/ Uncertainty,decay; Transient and passing are Earth's choicest/ treasures; Beyond deaths ends, love life, thine own alway in God."/ Herbert WILKES/Born July 9, 1862 Died January 26th, 1924/"Peace Perfect Peace."

Grey marble stone and cross. Sacred to the memory of Samuel SPITTLE/ Born December 16th, 1836 Died January 26th, 1917.

Slab marked A.PREEDY. Large marble tomb. Sarah PREEDY the dearly beloved wife of Henry PREEDY / Born November 9th, 1877 passing onwards September 23rd, 1923/ Henry PREEDY /Born March 18th, 1872 passing onwards March 22nd, 1950/ Alfred PREEDY/ Born October 11th, 1840 passing onwards February 20th, 1921/Sarah Hannah PREEDY/ died February 25th, 1930 aged 89 years. Charles PREEDY/ Born May 26, 1873 passing onwards February 1st, 1922/Ada PREEDY the dearly beloved wife of Charles PREEDY/ Born March 23rd, 1874 passing onwards January 12th, 1953/Evlyn Sarah Beloved wife of Kenneth Leslie PEARCE/ Daughter of Henry and Sarah PREEDY/ Born September 9th, 1908 passing onwards June 21st, 1957/ Alfred PREEDY/born 9th February, 1900 passing onwards 1st December, 1976.2.

Raised grey marble Bible/book. In loving memory James Dougal TAIT/Beloved husband of Violetta A/ Passed to his rest April 8th, 1949/ aged 77 years. Small white marble scroll. In loving memory of Ernest DAVIS/ Died September 23rd, 1955 aged 78 years/ Also of his wife Martha/ Died December 2nd, 1958 aged 82 years..

Black marble modern grave. In sacred memroy of Joseph William/Beloved husband of Beatrice BAYTON/ who fell asleep November 14th, 1952/ "O rest in the Lord."/ Also the above Beatrice Ellen BAYTON/who fell asleep November 22nd,1973 aged 82 years.Reunited.

Old type headstone. In memory of William BUNN. A Christian miner/ who on the 23rd of February, 1848/ Sustained fractures in the spine and both thighs/ But survived in humble faith and exemplary patience / until the 16th of December, 1857 when clothed in the wedding garment/ of the saint he entered on a blessed immortality. Aged 50 years./ This stone is erected in the earliest hope that ye who read/ will pray for grace to live the faith as he lived/ die in Jesus as he deed and then rejoin him in those/ prepared mansions. Where the wicked cease from troubling/ and the weary are at rest./ By his faithful and affectionate friend./ The Vicar.

Headstone. Foresters Memorial erected to the Memory of Brother/ Edwin LEWIS P.H.C.J.B./ By the members of Dudley and Cradley Heath/ District of the Ancient Order of Foresters/ Friendly Society in recognition of his long and faithful/ services in all good work in connection with the above society./ He died April 28th, 1898 aged 68 years/ and was interred in Queens Cross Cemetery./ "Be thou faithful unto death." 

Slab marked John W.YATES Large marble slab raised. Inlaid with cross. In loving memory of/ Francis Walter YATES/ who passed away January 3rd, 1936 in his 59th year/ Also Janet Mary beloved wife of John Walter YATES/ who died March 12th, 1952 aged 75 years/ Also their son John Villiers YATES/ who died November 2nd, 1953 aged 40 years. 

White marble with headstone. In loving memory/ of Francis WORTLEY LOXTON M.A./ First Curate in Charge of St. Francis Church, Dudley/ Youngest son of Thomas GATLEY and Laura Jane LOXTON/ of Sheffield died July 14th, 1934 aged 39 years/ "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."

Grey marble with headstone. In loving memory of Eva HOUSE/ Who died August 2nd, 1932 aged 48 years/ "Thy will be done."/ Also of Sarah Ann HOUSE Mother of the above/ Died March 5th, 1935 aged 77 years/ Also William HOUSE/ Died January 22nd, 1940 aged 84 years.

Raised slabs. In loving memory of my dear husband Thomas VINES/ Born October 2nd, 1860 Died December 6th, 1931/"Untill the day breaks."

Modern grey/black marble grave with headstone. In loving memory of Alexander James HARDIE/ Died 29th May, 1931 aged 63 years/ Also of Sarah Eliza HARDIE his wife/ Died 13th November, 1932 aged 62 years/ "Peace Perfect Peace."

White marble stone and pillar. In loving memory of Harry James/ Beloved son of Albert Edward and Harriet HARVEY/ who died February 2nd, 1930 aged 37 years/ "I know that my Redeemer liveth"/ Harriet Jane HARVEY/ Died April 15th, 1942 aged 79 years/ Albert Edward HARVEY/ Died July 21st, 1947 aged 84 years/ Re-united.

Large grave with kerbstone and brown marble pillar. In fondest remembrance of Mary Susannah/ Dearly loved wife of Arthur Edgar WESTLEY/ Born September 24th, 1897 passed on September 27th, 1926/ Also of Arthur Edgar WESTLEY/ Died December 25th, 1949 aged 67 years.

White marble cross and stone. In loving memory of Frank Martin MAYHEW/who died August 9th, 1924 aged 51 years. "Peace Perfect Peace.'/ Also of his dear wife Edna Ellen/ who died April 29th, 1959 aged 89 years./ Re-united.

White marble with headstone. In loving memory of Frederick Hurst GOODHIND/ who died March 4th, 1946 aged 65 years/ Also Agnes his beloved wife/ Died January 31st, 1957 aged 76 years/ In loving memory of Marjorie/ Beloved wife of Edward K.RICE/ Died 3rd March, 1979 aged 72 years.

Raised slabs unmarked.

White marble stone with statue. In loving memory of Phoebe/ Dearly loved daughter of Joseph and Bertha/ of Oakham Farm. Died August 3rd, 1929 aged 22 years/ "Oh for a closer walk with God a calm and heavenly frame/ A light to shine upon the road that leads me to my God."/ The soul's of the righteous are in the hands of God /Also Joseph WHITEHOUSE/ Died March 2nd,1941 aged 81 years.

White marble stone. In loving memory of Mary Elizabeth/ Beloved wife of Thomas George HADLEY/ who fell asleep November 26th, 1926 aged 54 years/ "She is not dead but sleepeth."/ Also her beloved husband Thomas George HADLEY/ Died 13th June, 1963 aged 90 years./ "Abide with me."

White marble stone and cross. In loving memory of Hubert William/ Dearly beloved son of Alfred Henry and Myra Elizabeth OLIVER/ who entered into rest April 20th, 1924 aged 19 years./ "Well done good and faithful servant enter thou into the Joy of the Lord."/ Also of Alfred Henry OLIVER who entered into rest/ November 8th,1937 aged 64 years/ "Safe in the everlasting arms."

White marble stone and cross. In loving memory of Isiah Albert/ Dearly beloved husband of Georgina JACKSON/ who departed this life November 29th, 1923 aged 31 years/ "Thy will be done."/ In loving memory of Georgina/ beloved wife of Alexander BANKS who passed peacefully away/ May 12th, 1938 aged 45 years."At rest."/ In loving memory of Florence Maud/ Dearly beloved daughter of Isiah and Clara JACKSON/ who departed this life May 2nd, 1929 aged 38 years/ "At rest."

White marble stone. Anchor MI stone and 2 scrolls. To the honoured memory of Sailor James HORTON/ of Kingswinford who gave his life on November 25th, 1923/ in a gallant attempt to rescue from drowning/ Clifford Albert SMITH who himself died a heroic death/ in coming to his brothers assistance and Albert Edward PARKES/ whose bodies were laid to rest beneath November 30th, 1923/ Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his/life for his friends./ In everloving memry of Clifford Albert SMITH Beloved son of William and Mary SMITH/ who was accidently drowned November 25th, 1923/ Aged 15 years. "Be strong fear not." /In everloving memory of Albert Edward PARKES/ Beloved son of Samuel and Alice Mable PARKES/ who was accidently drowned November 25th,1923/ Aged 16 years. "Faint not nor fear his arms are near."

Slab marked B.H. Stone kerb,grey marble cross. Ethel Mary HARPER daughter of the late Benjamin and Henrietta/ HARPER died 17TH February, 1943 aged 64 years/ Thomas Jaffray HARPER Dearly beloved husband of Amy Lillian/ and eldest son of the late Benjamin and Henrietta/ Died 2nd August, 1940 aged 64 years interred at Bloxwich Cemetery/ Also of Arthur HARPER/ born 18th July, 1882 died 6th February,1959./ In loving memory of  Henrietta Beloved wife of Benjamin HARPER/ Born 14th August, 1848 Died 15th December,1907/ "In the midst of life we are in death."/ Also Benjamin Clifford son of the above/ Born 5th April, 1889 died 17th September, 1889/ Also Benjamin HARPER/ Born 12th December, 1836 Died 10th December, 1922./ Also Stanley Benjamin/ eldest son of Sydney and Elizabeth HARPER/ and Grandson of the above/ Born 12th July, 1911 Died 6th May, 1923.

Slab marked W.O.H. Slab marked R.H. Tall pillar M.I. with railings. In affectionate remembrance of Matilda/ The beloved wife of Richard FELLOWS HARPER who departed this life / January 26th, 1890 aged 57 years/ Also Matilda Grand-daughter of the above/ who died June 11th, 1892 in the 5th year of her age./ In affectionate remembrance of Richard FELLOWS HARPER/ who died March 10th, 1889 aged 58 years/ Also Ellen HARPER Grand-daughter of the above/ who died August 31st, 1889 aged 4 years /In affectionate remembrance of Walter Owen HARPER/ who died March 31st, 1889 aged 42 years /In affectionate remembrance of Mary Ann/ beloved wife of Walter Owen HARPER/ Died June 22nd,1 926 aged 69 years. 

Raised slab. No inscription.

Slab marked WESTWOOD. White marble stone and cross. Sacred to the memory of Lucy Olive/ Beloved wife of Albert Henry WESTWOOD/ who died 18th March, 1925 aged 48 years/ "Till we meet again." Also the above Albert Henry WESTWOOD/ who died 31st August, 1934 aged 59 years/ "Re-united."2

Slab marked James SMELLIE. Double size grave,white marble stone. Alderman James SMELLIE M.B.E. J.P./ Born 31st May, 1861 Died 27th May, 1948/ Mayor of Dudley November 1924-November 1926/ Annie Grace SMELLIE/ Born 26th July, 1861 Died 14th April, 1926/ One of God's Saints on Earth. Mayoress of Dudley./ 10th November, 1924-14th April, 1926/ Cecil A.SMELLIE/ Born 8th February, 1895 Died 15th June, 1930/ Josephine S.SMELLIE/ Born 12th May, 1896 Died 3rd May, 1940.

Stone coffin shaped. In memoriam Douglas Percival PIELOU, M.P./ Born October 17th, 1887 Died January 9th, 1927/ Michael PIELOU Born October 5th, 1919 Died May 27th, 1971/ Nora PIELOU nee PITCHFORD/ Born December 23rd, 1888 Died December 30th, 1978.

Slab marked SOUTHALL. Grey marble stone & Cross. In memory of George, beloved husband of Mary Ann SOUTHALL/ Died May 31st, 1927 aged 59 years/ "Even Christ pleased not himself" Rom's./ Also Mary Ann SOUTHALL, died January 5th, 1956 aged 82 years/ "Rest in Peace". In memory of Nancy beloved wife of Francis BAGNALL/ Died March 31st, 1953 aged 33 years/ and their younger daughter Annie Ivy BAGNALL/ Died March 31st, 1953 aged 33 years.

Grey stone kerb and headstone. In loving memory of Stella BROWN/ who passed to her rest November 19th, 1931 aged 39 years/ "Blessed are the pure in heart."/ Also Fanny Elizabeth BROWN who passed to her rest January 2nd, 1970/ aged 82 years and Emily BROWN/ who passed to her rest January 31st, 1970 aged 79 years.

White marble stone & headstone. In loving memory of Gladys Muriel/ Beloved wife of William R. EDWARDS/ Passed away 2nd June, 1952/ aged 60 years and William Robert EDWARDS/ Passed away 12th June, 1974 aged 82 years.

Black bible. Precious remembrance of the love and happiness/ shared with my beloved husband Albert Edward Victor SHERWOOD/ Born August 20 ,1897 fell asleep June 19, 1957/"Father in thy gracious keeping leave we now thy servant sleeping." Old stone slab marked T.M.

Small slab - MI now missing, formally recorded as featuring a cup and M.I. Reginald LITTLE 1894-1963/ Doris May LITTLE 1890-1969. Small white stone. Amy HOPSTER Born 2nd July, 1964 died 17th March,1965/ "Hers was a brief but happy life."

Black bible. In loving memory of Thomas WRIGHT/ who died 25th January, 1979 aged 56 years. "Till we meet". Small white marble cup and M.I. stone. In loving memory of Mary ASHMAN/ Died 27th December, 1962 aged 72 years/ Also her dear husband Thomas/ Died 27th June, 1965 aged 76 years/ "Re-united in Peace at last." Small slab marked. In memory of Mary Irene ALLEN MOSS/ who died June 13, 1957.

Small grey marble wedge shaped stone. Treasured memories of Alfred passed away peacefully/ New Years Day 1962 aged 79 years/ Fondly loved husband of Dorothy WINBOW who died 28th October, 1974 aged 82 years. Much loved by her family. Small grey marble cup and M.I. stone. To the tender memory of Doreen Eley/Beloved and devoted wife of Albert L.H.CUTLER/ Died May 1st, 1958 aged 63 years./ Also her beloved husband Albert Lees Hingley CUTLER/Died January 11th, 1978 aged 85 years.

Small pale grey marble slab. In memory of Lucy Maud CLAY Died July 31, 1955 aged 84 years/ Emma HILLMAN HARVEY Died November 23rd, 1958 aged 82 years/ Mary Kathleen Maud CLAY Died October 17, 1980 aged 82 years. White Bible/book. In loving memory of my dear husband/ John Wesley PLIMMER/Passed away October 21st, 1953 aged 71 years./ "Peace Perfect Peace."/ Also his beloved wife Hilda/ Passed away January 28th, 1975 aged 92 years/ "At rest." White Bible/book. In loving memory of my dear husband/ Albert Henry HOTCHKISS/ Died 7th November, 1959 aged 47 years/"Peace after pain."

Small grey marble slab. With Happy Memories of Terence John Charles CLIFT / 1933-2002 Small grey marble slab. In loving memory of John SPENCER 1899-1982/ 50 years Diocesan Lay Reader/ Elizabeth SPENCER 1899-1970/ A devoted wife and mother. / Nellie / second wife of John / died 2nd Jan 2007 / aged 97 years

Small engraved marble slab. John ROBERTS 1914-1998 / Betty ROBERTS 1922-2008 Small marble stand for flowers. J.R. PLIMMER 1914-1999 / Ruby 1921-2001 White bible and cup. In loving memory of Charles WILLIAMS/who died December 11th,1971 aged 58 years.RIP. / Also daughter Janet Margaret THORNSBURY Died Oct 6th 1988 / Aged 34 Years / Lovingly remembered / And also wife and mother Louise May died 12-2-91 Aged 73

Brown marble slab. Always in our thoughts / Simon Thomas MORGAN / Alter Server / Died 11th May 1991 Aged 18yrs Black marble slab. Treasured memories of a wonderful husband / father and grandfather / Charles Edward CRAWFORD / Died 12th March 1995 / Aged 73 years / Life fades but memories live forever. Black marble wedge/slab with pot holder. In loving memory of Edward WAGSTAFF/Died 14th August,1978 aged 69 years. / Annie Amelia WAGSTAFF / Died 24th May 1990 / aged 82 years

Small memorial slab. Patricia Hilda Kathleen KEAR / 1904-1986 / "Rest in the Lord"

Grey slab with raised lettering. In loving memory of Hilda WHITEHOUSE/ died 20th May 1981 / aged 86 years. / Also of her beloved sister Vera / died 5th Oct. 1986, / aged 85 years. Dark grey marble slab. In loving memory / of a dear wife & mother / Annie Elizabeth SHAW / died 7th Sept. 1983 / age 67 year. White marble slab with flower pot. Ellen CLARK / died 11th September 1984 / Henry William CLARK / 13th July 1986

Black marble slab. Iris BAKER / 1920 -1985 / Bert BAKER / 1919 - 2010 Grey marble slab. William Francis HANDLEY / Beloved husband and father / Died 20th Nov 1982 / Aged 70 years / And his wife Betty / Died 29th Oct 2009 / Aged 82 years / Together forever

Black marble sloped slab. Gold engraved letter P. In loving memory of John Bradley PEARSON/ C.B.E. / Died 31st October 1986 / Aged 77 years / A very dear husband and father / Also Joyce Rose / Died 24th November 1991 / Aged 82 Years / His dearly loved wife and a much loved mother Black marble slab, gold lettering. In loving memory of / Mary DAVIES / 1915-1987 Black marble sloped slab. Gold lettering. In loving memory of /Lewis J. LIVINGSTONE / who passed away / 8th August 1987 / aged 71 years / also his wife Violet / who passed away / 17th October 2003 / Aged 83 years / God bless. Black marble slab. In loving memory of George RICHARDSON / died 20th January 1988 / Aged 78 years / And Dora RICHARDSON / died 15th January 2014 / Aged 102 years

Small white marble headstone. In loving memory of a dear husband and father/ Albert Ernest BRIDGEWATER/ who entered into the higher life/ March 15th, 1964 aged 67 years./ "At rest."/ In loving memory of Frank Donald GUEST/ Died 16th July, 1976 aged 48 years. Small white marble slab. In loving memory of Arthur Eric ROBOTHAM/ Died 17th August, 1969 aged 81 years. / And his wife / Edith May / Died 1st October 1983 / Aged 90 years / Also their daughter / Ann Charmain ROBOTHAM / Died 1st October 2007 / Aged 81 years. Black sloped marble slab. In loving memory of Alfred Mervyn DAVIS / devoted husband, dad & grandad / Passed away 20th Feb. 1994, / Aged 80 years. / Also Kate Davis / Loving mom, nan & greatnan / Passed away 14.7.06, / Aged 92 years / Reunited forever / "I know that my redeemer liveth" 

Small white marble headstone. In loving memory of Edward Michael KELLY (PRIEST)/Died February 1st, 1955 aged 53 years/ "To me to live is Christ and to die is gain."/ And Norah who died at Oxford 19th May, 1962/ "Put thou thy trust in God." Small grey marble slab. In loving memory of Harold HARTLAND SHORTHOUSE/ Born 9th October, 1885 Died 6th November, 1955/ Also his dear wife Alice Evelyne/ Born 18th June, 1891 Died 30th April, 1981. Small white marble slab. In loving memory of Samuel BRISTOWE/ Died 26th September, 1957 aged 82/ Also of his wife Christiana/ Died 18th September, 1962 aged 84/ and their daughter Lily/ Died 2nd August, 1962 aged 50/ "Peace Perfect Peace."

Cross monument. In loving memory of Helen Seppings F. COSENS / Taken from her family June 5th 1890 / "The stamp of heaven sealed her / dreamless rest, and hushed the cares / of earth at last on the breast of eternal / peace." / "Life! What is life? A shadow! / Ten thousand accidents for us in ambush lie!"

Gravestone laid flat. Sacred to the memory of 3? children of John & Mary STOKES / who died in their infancy

Gravestone laid flat. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Daughter of / Thomas & Sarah PITT / who died Nov 7th 1797 / Aged 12 years