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Make a problem worse

Add fuel to your car

Solve a problem

What does this idiom "Add fuel to the fire" mean?

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To ignore a problem

To go to the beach

To have a headache

What does this idiom " bury one's head in the sand" mean?

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A big part of a problem

A lot of work

What does this idiom "The Tip of the Iceberg" mean?

A small part of a larger problem

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Slow down

Get scared

Train your horses

What does this idiom "hold your horses" mean?

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Unlikely to happen


be patient

What does this idiom "when pigs fly" mean?

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To be talkative

To be prudent

What does this idiom "cat got your tongue" mean?

To compel someone to speak

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Reveal a secret

Forget a secret

A lost cat

What does this idiom "let the cat out of the bag" mean?

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Good behaviour

Immature behaviour

What does this idiom "monkey business" mean?

Silly or dishonest behaviour

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people like birds

birds can talk

What does this idiom "a little bird told me" mean?

secret source of information

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