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Kotahena Riots, 1883 25th March "It is nothing short of disgraceful... that we should have to call on the military to quell a religious riot of this sort." - The Times of Ceylon Extraordinary, March 27th, 1883. Click this link to see more about these riots

Sinhala-Muslim Riots, 1915 May 28th “This was rumour. Its role in spreading the riots was ignored or discounted by many officials … These rumours though modified and embellished on their way, were everywhere of a religious character … To some places the rumours were brought from Colombo, Kandy and other towns and bazaars by people such as carters, pilgrims, traders, city-workers and visitors to weekly markets on their way home … In several bazaars the rumours reached crowds which had already assembled for some special occasion or another. Kandy … was crowded with Wesak pilgrims. In Gampola … In Wattegama … But generally the crowds were assembled by the force of the rumours.” Kannangara, A. P. (1984). The Riots of 1915 in Sri Lanka: A study of the Roots of Communal Violence. Past and Present, 102, 130-165. Click this link to see more about these riots

Gal Oya Riots, 1956 June 11th-16th “…differences on such a vital question [should be] resolved without another ‘1915’ in this country…” -Pieter Keuneman, 5th June 1956 Click this link to see more about these riots

2019 Riots May 13th-16th "It's upto every one of us to ensure that 83 riots are not repeated." -Mahinda Rajapaksa Click this link to see more about these riots

1977 Riots August 13th-September 15th “The country should never again witness events such as those of August 1977, which are a disgrace to a country which professes to live by the ideals of...brotherhood and compassion” -Fr Paul Caspersz Click this link to see more about these riots

Ampara/Teldeniya Riots, 2018 February 26th- March 2nd ''No one in Sri Lanka can be marginalized or threatened or harmed due to their ethnicity or religion. We are One Country and One people. Love, trust and acceptance should be our common mantra. No place for racism and violence." -Kumar Sangakkara Click this link to see more about these riots

Aluthgama Riots, 2014 June 15th "The government must show minorities, including the Muslims, that they are part of this country, that they have the same rights like anyone else," -Jehan Perera Click this link to see more about these riots

The Black July Riots (1983) July 23rd "...her agony at last exposed, Sri Lanka burns alive." -Yasmine Gooneratne Click this link to see more about these riots

Mawanella Riots, 2001 April 30th - May 2nd "We have forgotten the principles of spreading kindness, compassion, tolerance and friendliness towards each other." -Chandrika Kumaratunga Click this link to see more about these riots

1958 Riots May 25th- June 5th “This government is prepared to do justice to all sections of the people of this country.” -S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike Click this link to see more about these riots