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students' presentation


1. Margherita MILETO (Italy)2. Antonella LOSITO (Italy)3. Maria Chiara Debellis (Italy)4. Ayça GULTEKİN (Turkey)5. Merve Patan (Turkey) 6. Farah Stitou (Belgium) 7. Lucas Vercaeren (Belgium) 8. Mauro Lagunas Vargas (Belgium)9. Anna Meeusen (Belgium)10. Indira Baran (Belgium)11. Worke Vromant (Belgium)12. Phil Coenen (Belgium)

code: 20 88 59 5


Known as one of the best novelists of the Victorian eraWrote 15 novelsHad 7 siblings --> second eldestFather: John DickensMother: Elizabeth Barrow

Born in Portsmouth, EnglandBorn on February 7, 1812Died on June 9, 1870Cause of death: strokeLived in Higham, Kent, EnglandResting place: Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, England

12 years old: work in factoryMid-twenties: jounalistEnded marriage with Catherine Hogarth after 22 yearsHad 10 childrenFell in love with Ellen Ternan in his mid-forties


The era and the historical background

  • 'Oliver Twist' published from February 1837 to April 1839
  • Victorian era (1820-1914)
  • Queen Victoria
  • Britain had the status of the most powerful empire in the world
  • Class-based society: more people able to vote, expanding franchise, rich culture, etc.
  • Industrial progress --> growing state and economy
  • Population Wales, England and Scotland doubled
  • Population Ireland decreased
  • Cause: Good Famine --> food shortage
  • Population bloom --> economy doing well --> 3/4 working class

The era and the historical background

  • Even though economic and industrial progress, war almost every year
  • 'Oliver Twist' adresses how poor Victorian England gets treated + effect of the industrial revolution
  • Dickens showed that a lot of people were classist
  • Treated poor like criminals
  • Huge difference between first, middle and third classes
  • Using children to develop the economy
  • Book shows how difficult it is escaping a situation like that


Oliver Twist is a 2005 drama film directed by Roman Polanski. The screenplay by Ronald Harwood is based on the 1838 novel of the same title by Charles Dickens.

Oliver lives 10 years in 'kid ranch'He is shipped of to work to a funeral directorOliver goes to London where he meets


“For the rest of his life, Oliver Twist remembers a single word of blessing spoken to him by another child because this word stood out so strikingly from the consistent discouragement around him.” ― Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

I want some more...

... A council was held; lots were cast who should walk up to the master after supper that evening, and ask for more; and it fell to Oliver Twist....

  • "The bad guy"
  • Leader of a gang boy of boy thieves
  • Tries to turn Olivr Twist in thief
  • Kids pick pocket for him


  • First child protagonist in an English novel
  • Story through his eyes
  • Orphan raised in a workhouse
  • 9 to 12 years old
  • Raised by criminals
  • Good-hearted, sweet, caringand innocent

Oliver Twist


  • A stoutly-built man in his thirties
  • Raised under the supervision of Fagin
  • Highly professional housebreaker and thief
  • Murder of Nancy on his coscience

Bill Sykes

  • Member of Fagin's gang and his mistress
  • Probably also a prostitute
  • Seventeen years old
  • Stands up for Oliver and protects him. Gets her killed


  • Suspected Oliver of stealing his handkerchief
  • Takes Oliver home and takes care of him
  • Helped Oliver to free from Fagin's plot
  • Adopt Oliver eventually

Mr. Brownlow

  • 17 years old orphan
  • is adopted by her aunts Mrs Maylie
  • Broken into by Sikes and Crackit with Oliver
  • Rose takes care of Oliver
  • Actually Oliver's aunt
  • Has been seriously ill
  • Got married with Harry

Rose Maylie

  • Goes by the name Monks
  • Oliver's half-brother
  • Wants Oliver's inheritance
  • Sickly, vicious young man in his late twnties

Edward Leeford

  • The beadle of the parish
  • Choleric and fat
  • Likes abusing those below him
  • Raised Oliver in the workhouse

Mr. Bumble

  • Gaunt and tall man
  • The parochial undertaker
  • He likes Oliver, his wife hates him

Mr. Sowerberry

  • Artful Dodger
  • Fagin's cleverest pickpocket
  • Same Age as Oliver
  • Finds Oliver and leads him to London

Jack Dawkins

Mrs. Mann

Toby Crackit

Mrs. Corney

  • A charity-boy with a fierce look
  • Mr. Sowerberry's apprentice
  • Bullies Oliver
  • Joins Fagin's gang

Noah Claypole

  • Dickens's novel are full of Pathos, Sentimentality and Melodrama.
  • in his works we can find Humor and Satiric tone. In Oliver Twist he uses Irony to satirize the various institution.
  • Dickens in his novels, underlines problems of the society in which he lives.
  • Main characters in his works are usually children
  • His novel begins in a negative way and rises to happy endings

Features and Style

  • Oliver Twist is told by a third-person, omniscent narrator.
  • There are also parts in which there is a first person narrator.
  • Dickens's style is rich and various in fact he is considered a realistic novelist.
  • He uses the novel instalments' technique.
  • Dickens follows the Bildungsroman's style.


  • They lived in the 19th century.
  • In their works they both write about the society of their time.
  • Oliver Twist and Rosso Malpelo, the main characters of their most famous works have somethings in common.
  • They had different attitude towards reality.

Dickens and Verga

Critical Insight


  • Child labour before the minimum legal age
  • The worst form of child labour
  • Hazrdous work

3 categories of child labour:

Child labourers are between the ages of 5 and 11. Child labour exploitations is linked to poverty conditions

Unthinkable, Deplorable

From Agenda 2030

Can wealth be more dangerous than poverty?


AMERICAN HUNGERBlack Boy (American Hunger) is a autobiographical novel by the African- American author Richard Wright published in 1945. Wright, wrote novels, short stories, poems and non-fiction all focusing on the issue of racial discrimination. Extreme poverty and hunger accompany is childhood upbringing by his deeply religious mother and grandmother while the impact of racial Inequalities is felt throughout his life. Both Oliver Twist and Black Boy (American Hunger) look at the issue of hunger from the point of view of a child. The setting is different in time and place, but the suffering and desperation of the child protagonists is the same.


Sustainable Development Goal 2 Zero Hunger' sets itself the goal not of reducing but of eliminating hunger throughout the world. After decades of progress in achieving the aim, however, the prevalence of undernourishment has started to increase again. The problem is mainly the result of conflicts, climate change and economic downturns. The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has aggravated the situation. Swift action needs to be taken to provide food to protect these people against starvation and to feed the additional 2 billion people the world will have by 2050.

  • Amazing minds, Mauro Spicci Timothy Alan Shaw
  • Performer Shaping Ideas, Marina Spiazzi Marina Tavella Margaret Layton
  • Lit Hub, Martelli Bruschi Nigra Armellino
  • Literary Journeys, Arturo Cattaneo
  • Tme Passages
  • https://meet.google.com/ygx-catm-pws (picture)
  • httpsupload.wikimedia.orgwikipediacommonsff5Olivertwist_front.jpg
  • httpsblog.12min.comoliver-twist-pdf-summary
  • https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/oliver/characters/
  • https://www.gradesaver.com/oliver-twist/study-guide/character-list
  • http://deepermeaningbooks.blogspot.com/2011/07/oliver-twist-victorian-era-and-modern.html
  • https://www.britannica.com/event/Victorian-era
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_era





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