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School Ambassadors PE

Liceo Giordano bruno Torino

Vincitori del Premio Euroscola 2020 con il video Io e il PE per l'ambiente

Liceo Giordano Bruno, High School , placed in the Northern rim of Torino, Piemonte,Italia, hosts 1107 students. Surrounded by a large park area, the school is a hub of innovative educational projects and a springboard for the future of all its students 16 countries , 14 spoken languages, 3 mainstream courses (Stem & Steam and Foreign Languages and Cultures Ones ) this unique and unvaluable community is proud to face with latest blueprint issues of education and citizenship committment. The Liceo can boast an old legacy to Europe and European projects: from Comenius to Erasmus + KA2 , from PEG to School Ambassadors for the European Parliament. The School Ambassadors for European Parliament The pandemic crisis of Covid 19 didn't stop us. During the first Lockdown (March 2020) we managed to get the school activities alive and 'onlife' and we are still playing our role as a coomunity of people (students and teachers) who share a sense of belonging and safety Our School is still the place to develop social relationship! Europe is us and our future!

Gli Ambassadors Junior e Senior : ecco chi siamo Irene Cravero, Beatrice Alutto ,Stefania Boriceanu, Marta Scavone, Aurora Bianco, Eleonora Alessio, Giulio Peracchi , Matteo Zambotti , Nikita Faretra, Antonio Piras, Luca Marcato, Veronica Arcangeli, Giorgio Garrone, Miriam Tommaselli, Noemi Primavera, Ilaria Valenti, Enrico Ratto, Jihane Es Safiani, Elisa Gattuso, Lorenzo di Grigoli Last but not least a special thanks to Pietro Ricotta and Sergio Boschetto who greatly contributed to the editing of the Euroscola contest winning video ' Io e il PE per l'ambiente '

The school has many facilities for laboratorial activities where all the students can experience active citizenship at first hand The Main Assembly Hall is fully equpped with latest digital tools to bring into connection more than 160 peole in presence and to join the rest of the world. The school has ICT , Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and foreign language labs and a Planetarium

Who are the school ambassadors for the European Palrliament and what is their mission School ambassadors have to contribute to increase awareness of Europe, democracy and political choice among young people across the EU. Ambassador schools do this by organising a Europe Day event, setting up an info point, linking up with schools in other EU countries and completing the EPAS Workbook. Training is provided for teachers and the programme is suitable for Transition Year students. Schools completing the programme are awarded a European Parliament Ambassador School plaque and each student receives an EPAS Certificate. 65 schools across Ireland are taking part this year. The ambassadors in 2020 had to tackle with the unexpected challenge of Covid 19 when resilience becomes a winning strategy The Covid 19 didn't stop us and we strove harder and harder managinf to keep the pace with the planned activites to spread the news and the role played by European Parliament