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Online cooperative work between partner schools of the Erasmus+ project Shaping Young Europeans through Drama

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The Bulgarian team createed the final calendar until January 2021. On each month of the calenddr there is a photo of the original painting, photo of the performed painting, information about the presented SDG and information about the relevant SDG and the message by the school team- January 2021



Each national team recriated/performedby the students the assigned paintings related to the relevant SDGsDecember 2020



Then on 18th of November the chosen 12 paintings related to 12 SDGs were assigned randomly to each partner national team-2 per country. November-December 2020



The students then were assigned in 6 international teams to work through forum and online meetings in etwinning.Each team will received 2 SDGs to present at the calendar through famous paintings. Each team was supported by one of the partner coordinators.October-November 2020



The students chose through voting 12 SDGs to present at the 2021 Calendar We used Google form. October 2020




The SDGs №1,2, 3, 4, 5,6, 10,12, 13, 14, 15, 16 will be presented in the calendar through famous paintings performed by the partners teams.

136 students voted through Goole form and chose 12 SDGs to be presented in our SDGs calendar 2021

The students chose 12 SDGs to present at the calendar through voting online- Google form. to 23 of October



The students then were assigned in 6 international teams to work through forum and online meetings in etwinning.Each team will received 2 SDGs to present at the calendar through famous paintings. Each team was supported by one of the partner coordinators.October-November. The results of this task were uploaded until 17 of November



Street Art – Julien Malland

Graffiti by Banksy

SDG 1- No poverty

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong institutions

Anita Hristova/ Bulgaria/, Agata Polek/Poland/, Alessandro Falcone/Italy/, Dimitris (Jimmy) Anagnostou/Greece/, Oliver Panawo/Germany, Aylen Peñuela/Spain supported by Kathrin Strontschak/ teacher from Germany/ made a research and choose paintings relevant to SDGs №1 and № 16 The participants of the team communicated through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648443 and met online in eTwinning project space.The results of their team work are:



„Nature – Feel the vibration of the land“ – Wendy Andrew

For SDG 15 - Life on land The decison is:

For SDG 2 - Zero HungerThe team desugn is:

The students: Simona Hristova/Bulgaria/, Gabriela Chechelska/Poland/, Fabio Colucelli/Italy/, Anastasia Vasilaki/Greece/, Lilli Rassmann/Germany/, Dani López/Spain/ supported by Mariella Fanizza/teacher from Italy/ made a research and choose paintings relevant to SDGs №2 and № 15The participants of the team communicated through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648448and met each other in etwinning space.Here are the results of their team work:


"Water" belongs to The Four Elements - a series of four oil paintings created by the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo which were created in 1566, during the Renaissance, for Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor. The paintings depict human faces in profile made up of different animals or objects, Water by marine creatures. The series attempts to express the creation of harmony from chaos.

Pasteur's portrait by AlbertEdelfelt/ Finnish painter/ is the best-known portrait of the French chemist Louis Pasteur. Painted by Albert Edelfelt (1854–1905) in 1885 the painting shows Pasteur in his laboratory

SDG 14 - Life Under Water

SDG 3-Good Health and Well-Being

The studnets: Simona Taralezhkova/Bulgaria/, Alicja Czekaj/Poland/, Maraya Laricchia/Italy/, Antonios Koutsakis/Greece/, Jule Rassmann/Germany/, Paula Tornero/Spain/ supported by Agata Reichert /tecaher from Poland/ made a research to choose paintings relevant to SDGs №3 and № 14The participants of the team communicated through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648452and met online in the etwinning space.Here are the results of their cooperative work:


"Scream" by E. Munch

A scream of agony about climate change and its effects on the environment.

"The young teacher", by Timoleon Marie LobrichonA young child teaches other children... This painting symbolizes the quality education that permits everyone to be a became a part of the knowledge.

SDG No 13: Climate actionTeam design is:

SDG No 4: Quality educationTaeam design is:

The students: Martina Yurgandzhieva/Bulgaria/, Asia Goc(Joanna) /Poland/, Danza Andrea/Italy/, Nikolaos Xenikos/Greece/, Catja Klaassen/Germany/, Alberto Asuaje/Spain/ supported by Kassandra Beikaki & Maria Manioudaki /teachers from Greece/ made a research and choose paintings relevant to SDGs №4 and № 13The participants of the team will communicate through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648458 and met online in the etwinning projetc space. Hera are the results of their recearch:


The world is irresponsible when we talk about our production and consumption.

"Bacchus"– Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

"The love embrace of the universe" a self-portrait by Fridha Kahlo. She was a strong independent woman with no fear to express how she feels through art, well-known as a feminist. The painting shows how every human being to earth is just pefect as it is. Moreover it shows the great power that a woman can have. Especially at Fridha’s time, women did not have as many rights as in our days.

For SDG 12 - responsible consumption and production

For SDG 5 - Gender Equality

The students: Viktoria Ivanova/Bulgaria/, Mikołaj Makowski/Poland/, Valeria Lucafò/Italy/, Eirini Pesdemioti/Greece/, Celina Antonaci/Germany/, Salman Mulik/Spain/ supported by Pilar Romero Candau and Begoña Canivell /teachers from Spain/ made a research to choose paintings relevant to SDGs №5 and № 12The participants of the team will communicate through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648465 and met online at the eTwinning project space and deside :


"The Mysteries of the Horizon"by Rene Magritte " Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. ”- Rene Magritte

Inequality exist in various forms, such as economic, sex, disability, race, social inequality, and different forms of discrimination.

"Boy with a Pitcher" by Edouard Manet.Еveryone has the right of access to clean water! Edouard Manet /23 January 1832 – 30 April 1883/ was a French modernist painter. He was one of the first 19th-century artists to paint modern life, and a pivotal figure in the transition from Realism to Impressionism.

SDG 10- Reduced inequalities

SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

The studnets: Mihaela Abadzhieva/ Bulgaria/, Martyna Fajfer/Poland/, Francesco Paternoste/Italy/, Ntiana Pouzikova/Greece/, Oliver Panawo/Germany,Pablo Viña/Spain supported by Natasha Dzhurkova and Nikola Atanasov /teachers from Bulgaria/ made a research to choose paintings relevant to SDGs №6 and № 10he participants of the team will communicate through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648470


"The Mysteries of the Horizon"by Rene Magritte " Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. ”- Rene Magritte

Inequality exist in various forms, such as economic, sex, disability, race, social inequality, and different forms of discrimination.

"Boy with a Pitcher" by Edouard Manet.Еveryone has the right of access to clean water! Edouard Manet /23 January 1832 – 30 April 1883/ was a French modernist painter. He was one of the first 19th-century artists to paint modern life, and a pivotal figure in the transition from Realism to Impressionism.

SDG 10- Reduced inequalities

SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

The studnets: Mihaela Abadzhieva/ Bulgaria/, Martyna Fajfer/Poland/, Francesco Paternoste/Italy/, Ntiana Pouzikova/Greece/, Oliver Panawo/Germany,Pablo Viña/Spain supported by Natasha Dzhurkova and Nikola Atanasov /teachers from Bulgaria/ made a research to choose paintings relevant to SDGs №6 and № 10he participants of the team will communicate through forum : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/93783/forum/130020/thread/1648470


The Students recreation

"Baco" by Caravaggio:

For SDG 12 - responsible consumption and production

The Spanish team recreation

"The love embrace of the universe" a self-portrait by Fridha Kahlo.

For SDG 5 - Gender Equality

The Polish team recreationStudent -JULIA ARTWIK

"Water" by the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo

SDG 14 - Life Under Water

The Polish team recreationStudent- TOMASZ SŁAPIŃSKI

Pasteur's portrait by AlbertEdelfelt/ Finnish painter/

SDG 3-Good Health and Well-Being

The Italian team recreation-Student- Giorgia Chiantera

painting by Wendy Andrew

For SDG 15 - Life on land

Italian team recreationStudent-Francesco Paternoster

Bansky painting

For SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

The Bulgarian team recreationStudent - Stefan Milev

"Boy with a Pitcher" by Edouard Manet.

SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

The Bulgarian team recreationStudents - Evgeni Dzhurkov, Ivo Matov, Simona Hristova

"The Mysteries of the Horizon" by Rene Magritte

SDG 10- Reduced inequalities

The Greek team recreationStudents - Ploumistou Antiopi , Xenikos Nikolaos

"Scream" by E. Munch

SDG No 13: Climate action

"The young teacher", by Timoleon Marie Lobrichon

SDG No 4: Quality education

The Greek team recreationStudents - Dafnomili Maria, Dafnomili Sofia, Kalaitzaki Eleni, Kanderaki Emmanuella, Mountakis Konstantinos

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong institutions

The German team recreationStudents - Catja Klaassen and Lilli Rassmann

Street Art – Julien Malland

The German team recreationStudent - Oliver Panawo

Graffiti by Banksy

SDG 1- No poverty