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spooky idioms esl


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spooky idioms

an extreme case of fearI don’t want to watch that movie, it gives me the heebie-jeebies.

To Get Or Give The Heebie-Jeebies

to frighten someoneDon’t ever do that again! You scared the living daylights out of me.

To Scare The Daylights Out Of Someone

to cause in a person feelings of excitement, nervousness or fearCan you walk to the store with me? Walking around by myself at this hour sends a chill down my spine.

To Send A Chill Down One’s Spine

to frighten a personThat scream of a young woman made my blood run cold.

To Make One’s Blood Run Cold

to cause bumps on one’s skin due to hair standing upWalking around this part of town gives me the goosebumps.Let's go home!

to Give Goosebumps

reaction to a strong emotional experience caused by fear or excitementI felt my heart miss a beat as the teacher called me to the front of the room.

One’s Heart Misses A Beat

to pretend one is not afraid in a scary situationShe appears not to be afraid, but we know she is just whistling in the dark. Public speaking is her nightmare.

To Whistle In The Dark

to frighten someone very muchI was scared out of my wits when I looked out the window and saw a black figure in the dark.

To Scare One Out Of One’s Wits


TO GET OR GIVE ________________TO SCARE THE ________________ OF SOMEONETO SEND A ________________ ONE'S SPINETO MAKE ONE'S BLOOD ________________TO GIVE ________________ONE'S HEART ________________TO ________________ IN THE DARKTO SCARE ONE OUT OF ONE'S ________________

Create a short scary story using three chosen idioms which you've learned...you have to start your story with the words:Last year I went to a spooky forest with my friends...

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