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Projekty KA2 podané v školskom roku 2019/2020

Digital Competence and eSafety

Digital Competence (DC) is a key competence for our globalized society, involving the confident, safe and critical use of ICT and Information Society Technology (IST), including the use of digital devices to communicate, exchange information and participate in collaborative online networks. Our schools participated in a etwinning project & realised the importance of increasing DC & eSafety. New competences are needed to cope with social needs & new threats. GDPR, social networks, awareness about potential dangers, the right use of technology and attitude are some of the facts we need to focus on. A small scale research for our needs assessment validated the necessity of DCeS (annex). This project, aims towards the development of digital literacy and eSafety skills, achieving a high degree of DC, developing an e-safety policy, supporting innovative/open pedagogies in education (Virtual LC, ICT tools, Google Classroom, Wikis, Collaborative/Peer Learning). DCeS will focus on DC and eSafety, dealing with new matters such as eportfolios, rights/obligations regarding GDPR, EU Skills passport, Digital footprint and reputation, Sextortion, Fake news, Misleading advertisements, scams, Hate Speech, Online extremism/radicalization, as well as the common: Cloud services, Social network use, navigation, Security, Safety, Sexting, Cuberbullying, Grooming, Addiction. At least 30 students and 5 teachers from each school will be directly involved. Special training and dissemination activities will involve the school communities, even parents, thus increasing the impact. At least 2.000 members of all communities will be directly or indirectly influenced. Teachers will be trained in two phases of the project. They will design and use learning activities and lesson plans forintegrating DC and eSafety in the curriculum. The schools will focus on certain aspects of DC/eSafety. Six exchanges will be held, each dealing with different matters:Poland: Smart phones, Navigation, addiction (excessive use of social networks, online gaming and gambling), Security(viruses,malware, spam,phishing) Iceland: Cyberbullying, transactions, eCommerce, Digital footprint and reputation Italy: Kahoot, Prezi, Sexting, Sextortion, Personal Data Protection, Managing access to dangerous content Greece: Programming, EU Skills passport, eLC, Cloud services, Rights and Obligations regarding GDPR, Grooming Slovakia: Fake news and Misleading advertisements and scams, Hate Speech and Online extremism/radicalization, Typing, vlogs Sweden: Image/Video processing, effects/influence of social media, EthicsThe project will promote cross-curricular collaboration, creativity and innovative learning approaches. Before eachmeeting appropriate preparation will take place. Research data will be gathered (pre-test), with questionnaires, testing attitudes, previous knowledge and existing level of digital skills. Results will be taken into account and lesson plans prepared. Assignments (prior to the meeting) will be assigned to students. During each meeting students will participate in theme activities (courses presentations, students teaching peers increasing engagement) and lesson plans will be put into practice. After each meeting there will be follow up activities, such as further implementation of lesson plans, further training, dissemination and evaluation activities. Students will publicly share their own understanding, fostering an authentic dialogue about what they learned. All processes will be enhanced through reflection. Most importantly, a post-test activity will be conducted with the group that participated in the pre-test in order to examine the direct impact of the activities and the meeting to the participating students (using SPSS software and correlated t-tests). A Community of Practice among teachers will be formed, using web 2.0 tools. Thus the following products will be delivered: Website for dissemination Lesson plans for integrating DC in the curriculum/good examples Research activities, questionnaires, t-test results, articles presenting

E-Portfolio: Self-reflection Tool for Recognition of Learning from Primary School to University

One of the main responsibilities of schools and universities is to equip students with knowledge and skills that they can use in their future life. Now, schools and universities are preparing students for today, not the future to better meet the needs of students who become much more active and reflective learners from the early years of K-12 education and to keep up with changes in the business world. It is more important than ever to develop key competencies and basic skills in learners and to showcase them to audiences inside and outside of schools and universities. As the European Commission stated, "key competences and basic skills are needed by all for personal fulfillment and development, employability, social inclusion, and active citizenship". Once students have started to gain these competencies and skills, they want them to be recognized by their teachers, peers, parents and potential employers. E-portfolio is a great tool as it provides students with a platform for self-reflection and recognition. It enables the introduction of innovative ways of demonstrating learners' achievements through video files, podcasts, and other multimedia content. Students can showcase their learning and development starting from an early age. Introducing e-portfolio widely through different educational institutions enhances the possibility of reduced early-school leaving because of a constant sense of achievement and enhances continuity of learning as well as facilitating progression between institutions. E-portfolio based learning results in deeper learning because it boosts student learning with less instruction by keeping students responsible for their learning. It also helps students acquire digital skills and improve them throughout their life. As it is stated in European Council Resolution on the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027, digital skill development is a must to provide equal opportunity for accessing university education and employment to all young people in the EU. The recent move to online education due to Covid-19 also makes it evident that it is essential to improve students' digital skills and to employ more student-centered methods to help students learn on their own, at their own pace and in their own time. This project will build a learner-centered agile personal platform for learners of different ages by using an open-access digital tool (Mahara, a Moodle platform). The project aims to establish an e-portfolio as a learner-centered methodology in partner organizations to provide students an individualized platform to present their skills and competencies that they gain through curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout their educational life. In the first place, the open-access e-portfolio platform will serve selected 250-300 students and 10 teachers from four schools and a university participating from five different countries including Croatia, Germany, Finland, Slovakia, and Turkey (university). Each partner organization has a different motive to involve in the project. The German partner has taken the initiator role because of their substantial experience in e-portfolio use and their desire to share their knowledge and introduce innovation and enhancement in their own existing system. The Finnish partner has involved in the project due to their interest in e-portfolio to create an innovative, inclusive and student-centered learning environment, especially for students with special needs. Croatian, Slovakian and Turkish partners have been teaching with technology with different capacity and e-portfolio would complement their current student-centered digital practices. The project activities consist of sharing and learning good practices in e-portfolio use through transnational learning, teaching and training activities, face-to-face and virtual meetings; piloting e-portfolio in select courses and extra-curricular activities on an open-access Moodle-based e-portfolio platform called Mahara; producing a Moodle page that will include training materials and resources about the e-portfolio platform, and creating e-portfolio pages by four school and the university students. Each school partner will do a needs analysis and select some courses to pilot the use of e-portfolio for one year, between January 2021 and January 2022. Students will use e-portfolio to demonstrate their learning in those courses. The university will pilot the e-portfolio platform with students for the recognition of students' involvement in extra-curricular activities. The project will deliver visible results attractive to all EU schools and universities in the pursuit of student-centered education enhanced with technology. Sharing and learning together with transnational collaboration will help students develop ideas and exchange experiences to produce individual e-portfolios that they can share and inspire other students in different parts of the EU. Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the

European Students for sustainibility

Climate change and global warming is engaging young people all over the world and today we can see hundreds of thousands students in school strikes all over the world, this in the frames of "Friday for future". UNICEF has sought to integrate sustainable development into ongoing programs that engage young people in local action. Global warming and climate change is also one of the key targets in EU 2020 and in UN:s agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Therefore, there is a need of developing strategies and education-tools for working with education for sustainable development (ESD). It is also necessary to make it easier, in the school framework for young people in Europe to find ways to exchange ideas and to collaborate in this field. This project, when teachers’ and students ́ from different European countries develop tools and network together promotes this process. This project has three objectives: 1. Improve education for sustainable development (ESD) for upper secondary schools. This we will do by sharing good practise in how we work with a teacher guide for working with (ESD) that we created inour former project. Our work will end up in an annex to the guide and that will help us to improve our and other schools work in this field. The content of the annex will be improvement and comments of the now existing activities, but also new activities. All schools have different expert areas and from these areas we will learn from each other and that will develop and improve the teacher ́s guide. This objective is linked to environmental and climate goals and pedagogy and didactics. 2. Getting better knowledge about how students experience education for sustainable development. This we will achieve by doing an evaluation among the students. The evaluation will be supervised by Ulrika Bergmark, (female), Associate Professor, Luleå technical university. In the beginning of the project we will create a questionary that we will distribute to the students and the results will be processed during the project time. To follow up the results from the questionary we will also do five depth interviews with students, in each school. The result will be a part of the annex and also a part of the final report. This objective is linked to environmental and climate goals and pedagogy and didactics. 3. Creating a network of "Sustainable schools" monitored by students. The schools in this project will be the "base" in the network, but the aim is that more schools can join later. One of the central things for the network is a digital platform. A platform that supports, promotes and give ideas for a“green lifestyle” Activities: There will be five schools from five different countries participating. Sweden, (Piteå), Slovakia (Zilina), Italy (Parma), Spain (Cambrils) and Greece (Kos). The schools have been chosen because of their interest and knowledge in the field. The project will contain six opportunities with common teacher training and five students ́ exchange, one in each country. The activities will be supervised by the hosting school. Each training week/student exchange will have different themes, connected to the work in the school with ESD and to the schools special competences in this field. Between the activities teachers and students will continue to work on their own schools, using what they have learned at the exchange and at the training.To support this process we will create a virtual place where participants could exchange ideas and best practise. We will also work with E-twinning, this for exchanging knowledge and ideas among our students and teachers.


KOC UNIVERSITYhttps://international.ku.edu.tr/

Srednja skola Jure Kastelanhttp://ss-jkastelan-omis.skole.hr/

Hämeenlinnan yhteiskouluhttps://www.hameenlinna.fi/yhteiskoulu/

Koordinátor : 2nh Lyceum of KOS http://2lyk-ko.dod.sch.gr/portal/

Strömbackaskolan Piteåhttps://www.pitea.se/strombackaskolan

LICEO ATTILIO BERTOLUCCIhttps://liceoattiliobertolucci.edu.it/

Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Piotra Skargihttp://www.loskarga.edu.pl/

IIS Ernesto Balduccihttp://www.istitutobalducci.gov.it/

Verzlunarskoli Islandshttps://www.verslo.is/

INS LA MAR DE LA FRAUhttp://lamardelafrau.net/

2nh Lyceum of KOS http://2lyk-ko.dod.sch.gr/portal/

Koordinátor: Strömbackaskolan Piteåhttps://www.pitea.se/strombackaskolan