Spice up your teaching!
Elaine Beaulieu
Created on June 9, 2020
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Spice up your teaching!
Have you ever thought of using games to stimulate learning?
A practical cookbook of games you can integrate into your teaching practiceby the Educational Game Group (EGG) at the University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
" [Gaming is] the theatre of the mind. […] It’s the lens through which we understand how the world works without having to literally go to [live it] ourselves. It’s a way for people to be warned and to learn about what the world contains to better prepare themselves for what’s happening in their real life."
Jason VandenBerghe, (Playing Hard, 2018)
Game-based learning
Game-based learning is developing or using games which help us learn.These games can be very simple or very elaborate.Many can be integrated when remote teaching, and could help students motivation and engagement with the course material. We have gathered here a few ideas for you to use.
Choose which type of game you would like to know more about
Crossword puzzles
Escape games
Trivia and quizzes
Case studies
Interactive stories
Pervasive games
Cooperative games
Easter eggs
or alternate reality games
Pervasive games
Pervasive games are scenario-based activities that blur the line between reality and fiction. They usually integrate various riddles or puzzles using different media to create a fictitious but realistic storyline. The scenario evolves according to the discoveries and decisions of the participants. Clues lead to a series of puzzles to solve over the course of the game. Pervasive games are very effective ways of staging course material and problem solving, especially over long periods of time.
Pervasive games
or alternate reality games
Players can work alone or in groups
Number of players
Days, weeks or even a whole semester
None; once played, the game is over
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
Pervasive games
or alternate reality games
This is the most challenging and time consuming part.Introduce participants to the story gradually.Set clear expectations.New developments and clues should be regularly introduced to keep students engaged.
Prepare hints for students who are stuck.Be as realistic as possible (provide real numbers to call, real emails and convincing answers, etc.). You can can integrate other type of activities such as puzzles, crosswords, etc.
Platforms such as Canvas or Piktochart can be used to create templates or fake documents such a newspaper.
Bulding your scenario
Clues and other activities
Creating in-game material
Pervasive games
or alternate reality games
Looking for inspiration? Here are a few examples.
Online activity to support learning of course content
Crossword puzzles
Students solve crossword puzzles constructed by their professor, which means that clues can be tailored to come directly from course content. This activity works well for learning a new vocabulary – be it the vocabulary of a second language or the specialized vocabulary associated with a new discipline (e.g. anatomy). Crossword puzzles encourage students to slow down and think about what they have been learning and to practice recalling course content as they link clues with words. Having to fit each word into the right number of boxes helps with spelling of new terminology, an ongoing challenge for students. Feedback is immediate and puzzle completion provides low-stakes opportunities to fail and to learn from mistakes.
Crossword puzzles
Single player, but students could work in small groups
Number of players
15 to 30min
Students can redo puzzles to review content interactively when preparing for exams
Distance learning
Method of delivery
Crossword puzzles
Crosswords don't need to be solely about learning vocabulary; they can also be about understanding and solving simple applied questions...... or even Math crosswords!
You can be creative!
The 5'-3' complimentary strand of the following sequence 5'ATAGGCC3'
Is it possible, or impossible, simply from looking at a double stranded DNA fragment, to see which parental strand will give rise to the lagging strand or the leading strand during replication, if you don't know where the origin of replication is?
Crossword puzzles
Let your students create crosswords!Building a crossword on a particular subject can become an individual or group assignment which engages students with the course material, whilst giving them the agency to create a learning tool.
Why do all the work?
Crossword puzzles
Online resources to create crosswords
Create crosswords and more, freely and easily on this website.
A free download (windows only) that works with a variety of languages and allows you to create many different puzzles from the same set of clues.
Or breakout rooms
Escapte games
Escape games are activities in which participants, placed in a fictional environment, must search for and use a series of clues to solve puzzles and riddles in order to achieve a specific objective. Escape games are a great way to foster student engagement. They are a form of experiential learning in which participants can progress in a safe space. They also encourage research, understanding and use of various materials, tools or knowledge.
Escape games
or breakout rooms
Can be both cooperative and individual
Number of players
30min to 3hours
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
Escape games
or breakout rooms
Many media are available to adapt escape games to the online environment: websites, downloadable files, videos, etc. There is virtually no limit to what can be used online, or within your own course material, to create escape game material.
The sky is the limit! ...
Creating a puzzle or riddle where the course content or material must be examined (not just browsed) is challenging. Identifying clear and specific learning outcomes is critical.Creating a consistent scenario is a complex task, especially without proper training. The storyline has to be both plausible and aligned with the course material. It is useful to design a general vision of the scenario at the beginning. Then, each step can be created in detail.
... But the task can be sizable
Escape games
- It is important to find a way to supervise students while they are going through the activity (by you if the scenario allows it, or by a colleague).
- It is useful to prepare clues in case participants get stuck during the activity.
- It is critical to test the puzzles and riddles because the mind of the creator does not necessarily work like the minds of the participants.
Prior to and during the game
Tips and tricks
or breakout rooms
Escape games
or breakout rooms
Here are a few example to whet your appetite! (some are only available in French)
Looking for inspiration?
Escape games
or breakout rooms
Online platform specialized for creating escape game ($)
Free open source tutorial By Jen Giffen
Creating Digital Breakout EDU Locks with Google Forms
Creating Digital Breakout EDU Locks with Genial.ly
There are multiple online platforms for creating escape games. Here we present a few:Breakout EDU ($)Goolgle forms (free)Genial.ly (some free)
Tutorials and online resources
A timeless learning tool
Trivia and quizzes
Trivia and quizzes are champions of recall but they can also be much more!Recalling information is one of the best ways to memorize new information and good quizzing can also identify gaps in understanding or areas of weakness in one's knowledge. They are a great metacognitive tool for our students and so much fun!
Trivia and quizzes
Can be played Individually or in groups, depending on game
Number of players
5min to an hour
No, but they can become study tools and reused as such.
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
Trivia and quizzes
Practical tips and tricks
Building question sets and flip cards in Quizlet or other platforms can easily become a question bank that builds over the years.Creating a trivia game or participating in building questions for a trivia game could be given as an assignment to students.
Motivate play by telling your students that some of the questions will be on the exam.Students can play each other’s games, and, with an adjudicator present, scores can be tallied for the winners, a bit like a tournament. Use games as icebreakers!
Trivia games and quizzes do not have to be solely based on low-level questions on Bloom’s taxonomy, but can also incorporate application of knowledge, transfer, problem solving and analytical questions.
Creating games
Integrating games in your teaching
Making games challenging!
Trivia and quizzes
Multiple platforms are available to create games
Quizlet let's you or your students create quizzes and flash cards for a course or a topic, the bank of questions can build over the years.
AhaSlides allows you to create quizzes and tally answers from participants on a leaderboard. Very interactive and fun, multiple options of question types, including pictures, interactive links, etc...
Flippity is an online resources for creating multiple games using Google templates. Easy to use and free!
Kahoot is a popular online platform that let's you create quizzes or use quizzes already created by other users. Multiple help videos for using are available. Use a limited version for free.
Genial.ly is an online platform that has some free content that can be used for creating all sorts of games, including trivia games. Multiple tutorials and good support comes with using the platform.
Charades is an app for mobile devices, where you can create games that will challenge your opponent to dance, sing or guess the word. The app is free (in app purchases) and allows you to create youe own challenges or use one from their bank.
The Jeopardy template makes uses of google slides and can be downloaded as a ppt presentation.
Trivia and quizzes
Example of a online game created by Dr. Beaulieu and Dr. Petit-Turcotte
The game was created to help students practice and recall new knowledge in a novel manner. Points in the game are tied to points in their final grade and some questions were reused in exams.
Creating BioLingo
Students can track their progress over time using a leaderboard and stats for each subject in the course, over different levels of difficulty. This supports metacognition throughout the semester.
Personalizing learning
Each student must register to play the game (free) and must achieve a certain number of points in the game in order to obtain participation points for their final grade.
Rewarding effort
Cooperative games
Cooperative games require two or more players to work together. In well-designed co-operative games, players need to co-ordinate their choices and actions to maximize their ability to play the game well. Depending on the game, this can require—and offer opportunities to practice—skills such as communication, negotiation, strategic decision-making, resource optimization, or spatiotemporal awareness.
Cooperative games
Multiple playersStructured in groups
Number of players
20 to 90min
Yes, can be replayed whenever new groups are formed
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
Cooperative games
Cooperative games can be well-suited to situations where group work is required. Group work is one of those things that students are often asked to do, but they haven’t necessarily been formally taught how to do it (in a professional setting). While cooperative games do not replace effective training in how to work well in groups (unless the game is designed specifically to do so), they can be used to let groups practice working together as groups with reduced consequences for failure (i.e. no impact on course grade for poor performance). Photo from wikipedia
Think of multiplayer video games!
Whole universes of spontaneous cooperative play.
Cooperative games
They can be fun icebreakers!
Here are a few examples of ready made online cooperative games
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Cooperative games
Escape games and theatre games can also be cooperative games
Here are a few examples of boardgames that are cooperative
"It’s a game full of tension and mental gymnastics, all bundled into a highly accessible package." - Tony Mastrangeli, Board Games Quest.
Work as a team and save the world!
Beat the other teams at building the best fireworks!
Cooperative games
Creating your own game or purposely using ready-made games
When using cooperative games, take time to identify the skill(s) that you would like the group to be able to practice and then search for a game that highlights the use of that skill. To do this, focus on the game’s mechanics rather than its theme.Some games are suitable for remote teaching, some are not.
People who are averse to competition may respond well to cooperative games. Keep in mind that some games are both cooperative and competitive (e.g. team vs. team). Also, cooperative games can still be intense if they have time limits or impose a high attentional load.
It is a good idea to monitor teams playing cooperative games to provide feedback on group interactions and to ensure that things run smoothly (e.g. watch for personality clashes).After a cooperative gaming session, debrief with groups to help them attend to the skills that the game had them practice.
Plan what you want students to learn
There is something in it for everyone
Play your gamemaster role well
Find more information here
or branching scenarios
Interactive stories
In interactive stories, participants follow a scenario and decide how it evolves. They are a virtual adaptation of "Choose Your Own Adventure" books and allow the creation of an interactive case study. At different stages of the scenario, a list of choices is presented to the participants who have to make a decision based on the facts of the story and the material provided. The choices made have direct consequences on the course of the story and participants cannot usually reverse their decision.
Interactive stories
Can play individually or in small groups
Number of players
15min to 3 hours
Yes, by exploring different branches of the scenario
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
or branching scenarios
Interactive stories
Here are two examples of interactive stories, created for a course in environmental law at the University of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. The University of Ottawa is a bilingual university (French/English), and both of these interactive stories are in French.
The interactive stories were built in H5P, a free online platform where you can create interactive presentations and integrate the created content directly into your Learning Management System.
or branching scenarios
What could this look like?
Interactive stories
or branching scenarios
It is also possible to create interactive stories using Power Point
Here is a tutorial in English on how to create an interactive story in Power Point
Here is a tutorial in French, on how to create an interactive story in Power Point
Interactive stories
or branching scenarios
Preparing the scenario and its different branches beforehand makes the creation process easier. Linking the scenario branches to the intended learning outcomes can help create the options. Sometimes there can be the illusion of a choice. Some branches can be looped back to the main storyline.Try to keep a limited number of main storylines (3 to 5), as well as a limited number of endings (3 to 5), to keep the creation and content manageable.
Students can go through the scenario alone or in small groups. The story can also be used as a presentation in class or online in small groups (e.g. breakout sessions in Zoom), in which case choices can be made collectively. A group approach can help to build different perspectives on the same topic.Branching scenarios allow students to progress at their own pace and make their own choices. The professor should assist them as they move along the story, be available to answer questions, and discuss the choices made.
First step: storyboarding!
Delivering the story and managing students
Interactive stories
or branching scenarios
Have we truly whet your appetite for interactive stories so that you're ready to fully commit to creating complex stories?There is a whole community out there that shares your enthusiasm! You can join them and start coding in Twine.There is a plethora of tutorials and other resources available for Twine users, but it is a bit more complex as it uses various forms of coding. For hard core storymakers only!
For the enthusiast
Clicker case studies
Clicker case studies focus on using lectures to engage students in stories of discovery and problem solving. Combining stories containing scientific messages with “Class Response Systems” or “Clickers” can be an exciting way to engage students in “live” face-to-face or "online” sessions.
Clicker case studies
Multiple players, very large clasrooms, individually or in groups
Number of players
30 to 90min, possible to string one or more case studies over the term
No, but students can use it as a studying tool
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
Clicker case studies
Clicker case studies are closer to experiential learning than lecturing. Students are presented with a case scenario with a "mission" and must follow prompts, analyze data, apply and acquire new knowledge, make sense of the knowledge, draw conclusions, and reflect on meaning in a manner that is contextual rather than theoretical.This form of inquiry-based learning requires that everyone is following the same case study in real time, and the instructor acts more as a mentor to students with direct, interactive feedback on student progress.
A simple and powerful tool for actively engaging students with course content
Clicker case studies
- Powerpoint or similar
- A researched story
- A polling system (LectureTools, Mentimeter, Socrative, MS Forms, etc.)
What you will need is simple
Teaching face to face
All the above and an online conferencing system (MS Teams, Zoom or other)
Remote teaching
Get inspiration from real stories (crime stories, medical stories, news articles, published scientific papers). Ask various types of questions in which students must make informed decisions, offer opinions or conclusions based on observations. Focus on learning outcomes.Incorporate "think-pair-share" when tasking students to perform the activities.
Tips and tricks
Presenting slides (F2F or online), the instructor introduces the case and provides the information that students will need to consider. The instructor may also use slides to “lecture” and task students to answers questions using a polling app (i.e. interpret data, make decisions, offer opinions, etc.).
Student answers can then be shared with the rest of the class (anonymously) and can typically be used to elicit discussions and debates, allowing the professor to correct misconceptions and customize instruction. You can even poll students to know “which” part of the case they would like to explore first.
Asking students where they would like to start gives them agency. The instructor can then move to the related portion of the case, and once done, ask the class what the next destination will be.This way, each section of the case can be discussed, but not necessarily in the “order” originally chosen by the professor.
Presenting the clicker case study
Polling the students
Giving the students agency
Clicker case studies
FoxP2 and Speech
Here are a few examples of clicker case studies from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS) used in Dr. Colin Montpetit's introductory class to genetics.
Looking for inspiration?
Bloodline: a human genetic case
Cross-Dressing or Crossing-Over?
The Case of the Druid Dracula
Clicker case studies
This case study was divided in 3 parts, used at different times during the semester.
Based on a tv drama about a family secret that can only be solved using genetics.
This is great example! My class loves this one!
This is a case of a crime scene – another good one!
There are several online tutorials for creating or using clicker case studies or simply using "clicker" questions.Here are few freely avaible resources to get started.
Tutorials and online resources
Clicker case studies
or time attacks
Many course-based learning activities encourage reflection and reward quality, but once students move into to the workforce, they are often expected to work quickly too! Having to meet tight deadlines or quotas can come as a shock since courses don’t typically emphasize the need for speed. Activities such as a speedrun or time attack – where the main goal is to complete an activity quickly – encourage students to learn to work efficiently, prioritize certain elements, and improve their time management skills. Individuals work against the clock, but adding a competitive element can motivate students.
Multiple players. playing individually
Number of players
5 to 10min
Yes, different activities can be implemented over the course of a semester by using leaderboards.
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
or time attacks
- A timed quiz to test reading comprehension
- Summarizing a reading or video in 250 words in 5 minutes
- Providing five key words to describe a given reading or video
- Translating a text on a short deadline
How to incorporate speedruns into your class
or time attacks
Published by Lynne Bowker
Keep individual speedrun activities short (i.e., 5-10 minutes), but conduct them regularly (e.g. one per class, or one every other class) to develop the habit of working quickly.
Do the very same speedrun activity at the beginning and end of the course; after a semester of regular speedruns, students will hopefully see an improvement in their time.
Students prefer this activity when it is not graded (or counts only minimally towards a grade).If doing this in class, it’s a great warm-up activity at the start of class.
Keep it short and practice often!
See the progress!
Keep it low stakes!
or time attacks
You can set up the activity using the “quiz” feature within most Learning Management Systems, even if the activity is not a “quiz” per se. The LMS records how long students spend on the activity, and it may be able to auto-correct and give feedback.
To encourage friendly competition, create a leaderboard using Google Sheets where you can record times (or implement an honour system where students can record their own times). When multiple speedrun activities take place during a course, cumulative times can be recorded on a leaderboard in order to crown an overall speed champion at the end of the course.
Organize activity
Organize students
or time attacks
Easter eggs
In video games, comic books, and movies, an Easter egg refers to a hidden message, image or feature. The original Easter eggs were coded into the game or movie. Gradually, however, the concept was loosened so that an Easter egg could appear in the content itself (e.g. a “hidden Mickey” in a Disney movie), or it could be offered as a sort of bonus for viewers (e.g. deleted scenes). As part of this wider definition, you could even consider an Easter egg to be a sort of fun prank (e.g. a harmless bait and switch). For instance, you can embed a link in a document that at first reading appears to be “serious” course content, but when clicked, it leads to something fun, such as a cartoon. Hunting for the Easter egg can be an activity to motivate students to explore and engage with the course site or content.
Multiple players, mostly playing individually
Number of players
3 to 5min
Yes, different activities can be implemented over the course of a semester
Distance or face-to-face learning
Method of delivery
Easter eggs
Tips and tricks
Anticipation is half the fun, so one Easter egg per week or module is enough. Turn it into a friendly competition (i.e., Easter egg hunt) with a small prize for the winner (e.g. the first one to find the Easter egg gets to skip the discussion question for the week, or gets a participation point).Incorporate a popular internet meme (e.g. rick-rolling!).
The Easter egg can still be relevant to the course content, but it just deals with the “lighter side” of the subject, so the link could lead to a cartoon, a joke, a parody site, or even just a fun popularized explanation of a concept, etc. The Learning Management System (e.g. Brightspace, Canvas) of your institution can possibly be used to incorporate an Easter egg into the class content.
Don't overdo it!
Fun but relevant
Easter eggs
Easter Eggs
In a translation course, the Easter egg could be a site with some funny texts that have been poorly translated.
In a psychology course, the Easter egg could be an article on The Onion parody site.
Here are a few ideas and interesting resources.
Easter eggs
Editors and contributors
Elaine Beaulieu
Assistant professorFaculty of ScienceUniversity of Ottawa
Alexandre Lillo
Ph.D. candidate and Part-time profFaculty of LawUniversity of Ottawa
Lynne Bowker
Full Professor School of Translation and Interpretation and School of Information Studies University of Ottawa
Thomas Burelli
Assistant Professor Civil Law Section University of Ottawa
Colin Montpetit
Assistant professorFaculty of ScienceUniversity of Ottawa
Mish Boutet
Digital Literacy Librarian University of Ottawa
Steven Ousko
Jackie Carnegie
Associate Professor Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine University of Ottawa
David MacDonald
Assistant professorDépartement de dramaturgie Université d’Ottawa
Specialist, Educational Development and Digital LearningUniversity of Ottawa
The Educational Games Group (EGG)University of Ottawa
The Educational Games Group (EGG) is a community of practice dedicated to game-based learning at the University of Ottawa. Created in September 2019, it brings together a group of about 15 individuals that use game-based strategies in wide range of teaching or training activities. It includes professors from different departments and faculties (Law, Biology, Medicine, Arts, etc.), support staff from various services (Library, Teaching and Learning Support Service, Academic Writing Help Centre, Health Promotion, etc.) and students from different disciplines.Based on the strong belief that games can transform higher education and that this revolution will be fostered by a collective approach, The EGG is a forum to share experiences, generate new ideas and create interdisciplinary or cross-faculty collaborations.
More details in the published version!