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Oraciones condicionalesCondicionales abiertas:(Tipo 1)

Domingo Chica / @dchicapardo

They express a condition.It will be happen depending on the main clause.

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

What do they express?

Type 1 (open conditional)

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

1. Types of conditional sentences.

Type 2 (hypothetical conditional)

Type 1 (open conditional)

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

1. Types of conditional sentences.

Type 3 (unreal conditional)

Type 2 (hypothetical conditional)

Type 1 (open conditional)

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

1. Types of conditional sentences.

Type 1Open conditional

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

Main clause + connector + subordinate clause

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

What are conditional sentences?

Peter will come + if + you invite him

If you invite Peter, he will come.

subordinate clause + connector + Main clause

Main clause + connector + subordinate clause

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

  • If, whether.
  • Unless
  • Inversion: should, were & had.


Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

If you phone Peter, he will be very happy

'if" clause: simple presentMain clause: simple present, future & imperative.

Type 1. Formation.

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

If she comes late, we will get upset.

If you phone Peter, he will be very happy

'if" clause: simple presentMain clause: simple present, future & imperative.

Type 1. Formation.

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

If you buy some sugar, prepare some cakes.

If she comes late, we will get upset.

If you phone Peter, he will be very happy

'if" clause: simple presentMain clause: simple present, future & imperative.

Type 1. Formation.

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

If you heat water, it boils.

If you buy some sugar, prepare some cakes.

If she comes late, we will get upset.

If you phone Peter, he will be very happy

'if" clause: simple presentMain clause: simple present, future & imperative.

Type 1. Formation.

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa

Domingo Chica Pardo - @dchicapardocc-by-sa