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Past habits

12. Have you got any questions?

11. A quote

10.online exercises +a video for 2nd year

9. a quote




5. The past simple

4. Three ways to express habits in the past

3. A tuto de huito

2. A video in English with the rules

1. A cartoon in English


A video with great examples

A cartoon in EnglIsh

A video with the rules

another video in English

For students who need a video in French

A tuto de huito

Examples in English:

Exemple: When I was a child I usually visited my grandmother twice a week.Lorsque j'étais enfant je rendais habituellement visite à ma grand-mère 2 fois par semaine.

Celui-ci s'emploie tout simplement avec l'adjonction de l'adverbe de temps : "usually" ou autres: every day, twice / once a week , for + a period of time..etc.

1. The past simple

3 ways to express habits in the past

Avec "used to", il est question d'habitudes révolues, c'est à dire qu'elles n'existent plus.Elles appartiennent complètement au passé. Elles ne sont plus vraies maintenant.

Il est à noter que "use" se conjuge comme n'importe quel autre verbe.


... I used to love climbing trees.... I used to be shy.... I used to have several cats.

Exemples: 1) When I was a child I would love climbing trees. 2) As I was a teenager I would be shy. 3) A few years ago I would have several cats.

"Would" ne peut en aucun cas être utilisé avec un verbe d'état, un verbe exprimant le goût (les non-action verbs) ou un verbe exprimant un état permanent.

Il véhicule exactement la même notion que "Used to", celle d'une action habituelle ou répétée dans le passé.

Exemples:1) He would walk his dog every morning when he lived in London.2) She would arrive late whenever she used the subway.3) That's the kind of thing I would do when I was a teenager.

"Would" exprime aussi des habitudes, des activités réalisées avec une certaine régularité dans le passé (repeated actions).

3. would

Examples with movies


"Dear humans, in case you forg0t, I used to be your internet"

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 3

Exercise 2

Exercise 1

The same but different!

The same but different!

Exercises on "Used to" and "Would"

online exercises

"Used to" in statements and questions

An exercise by Oxford Universtity Press

A series of 3 exercises

An exercise

A video for second year students

Elon Musk

"As a child, I would just question things".

Here are the lyrics!

Listen to this cool song by Gotye: "Somebody that I used to know"

Have you got any questions?