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Escape Room


Szukajcie wskazówek w pokojach. Gdy pojawi się łapka, znaczy, że jest zagadka:)

00 A strange envelope

There is an evelope on the chair. You see your names on it, so you decide to open it.

There is a letter inside.It's a message from a misterious M.Read his tips carefully and start looking for exercises.Time is running out...

01 A helping letter

This information helps you do exercises hidden in the kitchen.M.

Present Perfect i Past Simple notatka czasPast SimplePresent Perfectzastosowanieprzeszłość w określonym czasie odpowiada na pytanie when? przeszłość w nieokreślonym czasieczynności, które wydarzyły się przed chwilączynności, które zaczęły się przeszłości i trwają nadaldoświadczenia życioweodpowiada na pytanie How long?charakterystyczne słówkaago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last (week),already, just, yet, since, for, never, ever

01 Kitchen cupboard

All drawers are closed except one. Open it.

01 An old book

You've found an old book. It can be a clue in it so you decide to open it.

02 An old oven

You open the oven.There is a quiz inside.Do it and get another letter.

It an old TV set. I think it's broken.

04 A piece of paper

You find a piece of paper in the box. It is another exercise.

03 Remote control

You find a remote control in a sofa. Press the red button. Maybe it works...

03 An old TV set

Suddelly the tv set turns on.Your favourite programme has just started.Are you ready to play?

Another message from M. Who's this guy and how does he know you?It doesn't matter now. Follow his tips and everything will be fine. You hope so.

02 A helping letter

This information helps you do exercises hidden in the living roomM.

What's going on? What does it mean? If you want to know you must find a real camera..

The third letter from M. You are sure that it has not been before. Is he watching you?Is he close? You start looking around and listening but you can see or hear nothing.Don't waste your time. Open. Read. And find exercises.

03 A helping letter

There is only one exercise in the bathroom, but my note can be very useful. M.

05 A bath

Under the old bath you find a polaroid camera. Now you can use it to take a photo of this strange picture.

05 A strange picture

You have just taken a photo. After a few seconds it shows you the true message of the strange picture....

It's an old chest. It's locked. Find a key.

08 A key

It's a little dark here. You see the lamp next to the desk. You switch it on and then the little key drops on the floor.It must be to that old chest!

08 A wooden chest

The key fits the wooden chest.You're opening and see the old photos?In the photos you see a man. Who's he? Is he Mr M?There are some exercises on the back. Do them and get another letter.

06 A phone

You've found phone, but it is blocked.You're trying to guess four numbers...

07 A passcode

Enter the circled numbers.Remeber you have only three chances!

07 A passcode

Incorrect passcode. Try again.

07 A passcode

The first number is correct.Enter the next one.

07 A passcode

The second number is correct.Enter the next one.

07 A passcode

You've got 3 correct numbers!Enter the last one.

you must find a password. It must be hidden in this room.

...but it's still blocked

07 A passcode

There is a piece of paper with some numbers under the bed. Six of them are circled. Maybe it's passcode.

This guy really cares about you....or just only playing a good guy...Anyway, you must trust his tips now. They have never let you down, haven't they?

04 A helping letter

This information helps you do exercises hidden in the bedroom M.

Present Perfect i Past Simple notatka czasPast SimplePresent Perfectzastosowanieprzeszłość w określonym czasie odpowiada na pytanie when? przeszłość w nieokreślonym czasieczynności, które wydarzyły się przed chwilączynności, które zaczęły się przeszłości i trwają nadaldoświadczenia życioweodpowiada na pytanie How long?charakterystyczne słówkaago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last (week),already, just, yet, since, for, never, ever

Jak tworzyć zdania w Present Perfect i Past Simple? czasPast SimplePresent Perfecttwierdzenieos. + -ed / 2 formaos. + have / has* + -ed / 3 formaprzeczenieos. + didn't + bezokolicznikos. + haven't / hasn't* + -ed / 3 formapytanieDid + os. + bezokolicznikHave / Has* + os. + -ed / 3 forma * has / hasn't używamy z she / he / it

It's just only an old cupboard. It's closed.

09 A typewriter

Write a password

09 A typewriter


09 A typewriter



09 A typewriter




09 A typewriter





09 A typewriter





09 A typewriter





09 A typewriter





09 A typewriter

Wrong passwordTry again

08 The last quiz

You open the cupboard and see a piece of paper. Is it a picture which Mr M is talking about in the letter?Look at carefully. You can see squares, rectangles and circles. Where is the letter?


You did it!!! Suddenly you see a familiar letter under the tree...

After reading you were relieved. The end is getting close. But you haven't got the last letter. There must be somewhere in the room.

05 A helping letter

This is your last task. Type all letters that you have and open the secret door.

Present Perfect i Past Simple notatka czasPast SimplePresent Perfectzastosowanieprzeszłość w określonym czasie odpowiada na pytanie when? przeszłość w nieokreślonym czasieczynności, które wydarzyły się przed chwilączynności, które zaczęły się przeszłości i trwają nadaldoświadczenia życioweodpowiada na pytanie How long?charakterystyczne słówkaago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last (week),already, just, yet, since, for, never, ever

Find a strange picture. Look at it carefully and find the last letter.

You still don't who Mr. M.Now you have to get to campsite and tell everybody about the game.And next time you will be better prepared to the game.See you next time Mr. M...

06 A helping letter

Well done! I believed all the time that you did it!I hope you enjoyed as good as I.See you next time:)M

Present Perfect i Past Simple notatka czasPast SimplePresent Perfectzastosowanieprzeszłość w określonym czasie odpowiada na pytanie when? przeszłość w nieokreślonym czasieczynności, które wydarzyły się przed chwilączynności, które zaczęły się przeszłości i trwają nadaldoświadczenia życioweodpowiada na pytanie How long?charakterystyczne słówkaago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last (week),already, just, yet, since, for, never, ever