Maintaining Social Interactions in Remote Teaching
Frances Sinanu
Created on May 27, 2020
This presentation discusses challenges in maintaining social interactions in a remote teaching environment and suggest strategies & tools to help teachers and students feel the warmth of a face-to-face classroom.
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Frances SinanuUniversitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Maintaining social interactions in remote teaching
Teachers' stories
Challenges in maintaining social interaction in remote teaching
- Teaching young learners: "Mama, Mama, I lost Ms. Martha" -- when the video is off
- Students do not show up for consultation via WA -- "no data package" excuse
- I have tried using all platforms to be available for the students, but they are still not engaged.
- I have to teach 6 hours for a 3.5 hours class meeting -- "it takes a longer time to explain."
- the asynchronous format is challenging for students due to the long delay.
Some stories:
What are your stories?
Students' stories
Challenges of maintaining social interaction in remote teaching
di rumah banyak hal yang bisa bikin kita terganggu salah satunya hawanya jadi malas Ibu. Kl dikelas rasanya kondusif, apalagi kl bareng2 teman2 jadi lebih ada rasa pgn belajar 😁😁😁😁
Karna kadang kalau online jadi agak susah utk komunikasi, Ibu. Misalnya dari mahasiswanya yg sudah hubungi dosen tapi tidak ada respon, dll seperti itu Ibu. Beberapa teman mengalami ini soalnya.
Sama kurang detail aja ma'am. Kalau di kelas kan selama 3 jam, kadang ada banyak pesan dri dosen, atau dosennya cerita. Dan ada practice trs diskusi lgsg jdi kita bisa lgsg belajar dri kontribusi teman2 lainnya.
Meski yang lain pada sibuk sendiri pas dosenny jelasin tp sy lebi suka offline,kayak ada vibe2 kehidupan gitu ma'am
Jujur saya gak punya banyak teman tapi saya suka keramaian, Ma'am😂
gak bisa interaksi dengan teman2.. kaku rasanya.. kalau di kelas biasa bisa hidup rasanya.. bisa bercanda2 sedikit.. terasa takut kalau dosen marah, atau senang saat kelasnya asyik.. kalau online, terasa monoton..
Social Interaction in Online Teaching
Educational Experience
The researchers found that learner-instructor/learner interaction was the most consistent factor influencing learners' performance in the discussion forum, group project, and final exam.
Kind of interactions in an online classroom
Wei, H. C., Peng, H., & Chou, C. (2014). Effects of college students’ perception and actual use of a course-management system on their learning achievement. Computers & Education, 83(1), 10-21.
- learner-self interaction (e.g., using a assignment completion tracking feature)
- learner-interface interaction (e.g., following course management system announcements),
- learner-content interaction (e.g. viewing a multimedia presentation)
- learner-instructor/learner interaction (e.g., using the discussion board and email).
"Social presence is the extent to which the learner has a developed sense of belonging to a collective group or community with fellow students on the same course. In the context of a transition from face-to-face to remote learning, the challenge is, of course, maintaining rather than establishing the sense of community. The effective remote teacher must intentionally promote this sense of community."
Some strategies to maintain Social Interaction in Remote Teaching
Garrison, D. R., and T. Anderson. 2003. E-learning in the 21st century: A framework for research and practice. New York: Routledge Falmer
1. Sharing of Personal Stories and Experiences
- The icebreaker/creating classroom community.
- Posting/Blogging Posting/Blogging
- Office hours
Garrison, D. R., and T. Anderson. 2003. E-learning in the 21st century: A framework for research and practice. New York: Routledge Falmer
2. Frequent Feedback
- The weekly email
- Office hours
- Require each student to contact you at least once during the course.
Garrison, D. R., and T. Anderson. 2003. E-learning in the 21st century: A framework for research and practice. New York: Routledge Falmer
3. Continuous Conversation
- Ask a Trivia question related to a concept to get students engaged (ts) (ss) (sc)
- Including opportunities for collaboration
- Offer a poll where you ask students’ opinions on something related to the course/topic
Teachers' stories
Some tools to maintain Social Interaction in Remote Teaching
Trimakasih juga ma'am sudah mau tanyakan kabar kami. Sangat berarti ma'am buat saya.
- WhatsApp Group for teaching and online discussion
- WhatsApp Group to talk about problems in an online class (not related to the materials)
- WhatsApp personal call for individual consultation
- Distance/Mood Check-in & Check-out with emoticons or pictures or bitmoji to make the students feel more relaxed
- The data can help you to be connected to your students and to relate the lesson with the students' current situation.
- Like Google Form, you can include comments, and when conducted in real-time, you can see your students typing their responses.
- Use videos or pictures to show the human side of the class.
- Similar to Whatsapp but in a more controlled environment using their uni email address.
- Thread feature that helps the students to follow the discussion
- Video call if necessary
- Online/active indicator
- Using Facebook Group
- Messaging feature
- Watch Party and comments -- mimic f2f classroom setting where there is a class discussion after watching a movie.
- Students are familiar with Facebook
What tools do you use to interact with your students, and how?
Maintaining social interactions in remote teaching