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at the doctor's

let's go to the doctor




real life dialogues

by Agata Jodko

I don’t feel well.

Hello, What’s the matter?

at the doctor's

I have a headache, runny nose and sore throat.

What symptoms do you have?

at the doctor's

For 3 days I think.

How long have you had these symptoms?

at the doctor's

What should I do, doctor?

Ok, I will take your temperature…Yes, you have a fever.

at the doctor's

Thanks, should I go to work/school?

I will give you a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day.

at the doctor's

Thank you for your advice.

No, you should stay in bed for 3 days, drink a lot of tea and rest.

at the doctor's

Of course. Thank you.

If you don’t feel better in 3 days, come again please.

at the doctor's


You’re welcome. Bye

at the doctor's

it's your turn now.

I don’t f___ well.

Hello, What’s the matter?

at the doctor's

I have a h___, r___ n___ and s___ t___

What symptoms do you have?

at the doctor's

For 3 d___ I t___.

How long have you had these symptoms?

at the doctor's

What s___ I do, d___?

Ok, I will take your temperature…Yes, you have a fever.

at the doctor's

Thanks, s___ I g___ to w__/s___?

I will give you a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day.

at the doctor's

T___ you for your a___.

No, you should stay in bed for 3 days, drink a lot of tea and rest.

at the doctor's

Of c___. T___ you.

If you don’t feel better in 3 days, come again please.

at the doctor's


You’re welcome. Bye

at the doctor's

good job.