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What's your strangest talent?

Which do you prefer, talking to people or messaging them?

Do you think your life used to be better?

How long would you like to live?

What color is the sky when it's at its most beautiful?

What's the most recent lie you've told?

What's your quirk?

Are you happier behind or in front of the camera?

Why did your parents give you your name?

Do you believe in God?

Have you ever been skinny dipping?

Your flat is on fire and you only have time to save three things. Which ones do you grab?

What bores you?

Something you've never done and never want to do.

What was the name of you best friend at school? Are you still friends?

The joke you always tell.

What annoys you about the other sex?

What's the best thing anyone has ever told you?

What's the best decision you've ever made?

What did your parents call you when you were little?

North or South?

What's the meaning of life?

What's your favourite character?

Which song makes you happy every time you listen to it?

What did you want to be when you were little?

Throw a dice, move your counter and answer the questions. No worries, this isn't psychotherapy. Just a fun English class! 🙃