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Reported speech and how to use it

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ZastosowanieMowę zależną stosujemy, kiedy przekazujemy czyjąś wypowiedź pośrednio, nie cytując jej wprost. Inaczej mówiąc, relacjonujemy to co ktoś powiedział. KonstrukcjaW mowie zależnej występuje następstwo czasów, czyli cofamy się o czas do tyłu w stosunku do czasu użytego w mowie niezależnej. Present Simple -» Past SimpleAnn said: „I wake up at 7 o’clock everyday”. Ann said (that) she woke up at 7 o’clock everyday. Mr Duda said: I am the best presidential candidate. Mr Duda told the joke that he was the best presidential candidate. Present Continuous -» Past ContinuousMy uncle said: „My wife is preparing breakfast at this moment”. My uncle said his wife was preparing breakfast at that moment. Past Simple -» Past PerfectHe said: „We were in the cinema yesterday”. He said they had been in the cinema the day before. Future Simple -» Future Simple in the PastOur Dad said: „I will buy this vacuum for us”. Our Dad said he would buy that vacuum for us. Future Continuous -» Future Continuous in the PastHe said: „I will be working in the afternoon”. He said he would be working in the afternoon. Present Perfect -» Past PerfectShe said: „I have won 1000 PLN”. She said she had won 1000 PLN. Zwróć uwagę na to różnicę między tell i say, say that ... but tell someone (me, him, them), tell something, the truth, tell a joke, tell a secret.

  • now -» then
  • ago -» before
  • next -» the following, the next
  • today -» that day
  • tonight -» that night
  • tomorrow -» the next day, the following day
  • this week -» that week
  • next month -» the month after, the following month
  • yesterday -» the day before, the previous day
  • three days ago -» three days before
  • last week -» the week before, the previous week
Poza tym zmieniają się zaimki wskazujące:
  • this -» that
  • these -» those
  • here -» there
Zmianie ulegają również określenia czasu w stosunku do zdania w mowie niezależnej:

  • now -» then
  • ago -» before
  • next -» the following, the next
  • today -» that day
  • tonight -» that night
  • tomorrow -» the next day, the following day
  • this week -» that week
  • next month -» the month after, the following month
  • yesterday -» the day before, the previous day
  • three days ago -» three days before
  • last week -» the week before, the previous week
Poza tym zmieniają się zaimki wskazujące:
  • this -» that
  • these -» those
  • here -» there

Zmianie ulegają określenia czasu:

  • now -» then
  • ago -» before
  • next -» the following, the next
  • today -» that day
  • tonight -» that night
  • tomorrow -» the next day, the following day
  • this week -» that week
  • next month -» the month after, the following month
  • yesterday -» the day before, the previous day
  • three days ago -» three days before
  • last week -» the week before, the previous week
Poza tym zmieniają się zaimki wskazujące:
  • this -» that
  • these -» those
  • here -» there

ZastosowanieMowę zależną stosujemy, kiedy przekazujemy czyjąś wypowiedź pośrednio, nie cytując jej wprost. KonstrukcjaW mowie zależnej występuje następstwo czasów, czyli cofamy się o czas do tyłu w stosunku do czasu użytego w mowie niezależnej. Przykłady następstwa czasówPresent Simple -» Past SimpleAnn said: „I wake up at 7 o’clock everyday”. Ann said (that) she woke up at 7 o’clock everyday. Mr Smith: "I am the best presidential candidate' Mr Smith told us that he was the best presidential candidate. Present Continuous -» Past ContinuousMy uncle said: „My wife is preparing breakfast at this moment”. My uncle said his wife was preparing breakfast at that moment. Past Simple -» Past PerfectHe said: „We were in the cinema yesterday”. He said they had been in the cinema the day before. Future Simple -» Future Simple in the PastOur Dad said: „I will buy this vacuum for us”. Our Dad said he would buy that vacuum for us. Present Perfect -» Past PerfectShe said: „I have won 1000 PLN”. She said she had won 1000 PLN. źródło: http://www.angielski.nauczaj.com/konstrukcje-gramatyczne/mowa-zalezna.php

Zwróć uwagę, na różnicę między 'say' i 'tell'. You can say that, but you always tell someone (him, her, them, us), tell your friend, tell a secret, a joke, the truth.

Jennifer Lawrence: I am wearing a red evening dress. She said she was wearing a red evening dress.

Bradley Cooper: I can sing and dance. He said he could sing and dance.

Meryl Streep: I got the AFI Life Achievement Award 15 years ago. She said she had got the AFI Life Achievement Award 15 years before. .

Julia Roberts: I played in 'Pretty Woman'. She said she had played in 'Pretty Woman'.

Kevin Spacey: I have been the artistic director of the Old Vic in London since 2003. He said that he had been the artistic director of the Old Vic in London since 2003.

Peter Nyongío Jr: I come from Kenya. He said that he came from Kenya.

Angelina Jolie: I haven't forgiven Brad yet. She said she hadn't forgiven Brad yet.

Lupita Nyongío: I will be in the picture at all costs. (za wszelką cenę) She said she would be in the picture at all costs.

Channing Tatum: I drink too much. He said he drank too much.

Ellen DeGeneres: It is the best photo ever. Ellen DeGeneres said that it was the best photo ever.

Kevin Spacey: I have been the artistic director of the Old Vic in London since 2003. He said he had been the artistic director of the Old Vic in London since 2003.


I am staying at home for two weeks from now.


Can you report what she said? Check pressing the button.

She said she was staying at home for two weeks from then.


I like watching 'Homeland'.


She said she liked watching Homeland.


I was at school yesterday, but there were no students.


She said she had been at school the day before but there had been no students.


I'm going to tidy my room and read a book.


She said she was going to tidy her room and read a book.


I will be fine.


She said she would be fine.


I have never been under the quarantine before.


She said she had never been under the quarantine before.