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Date:- 2076/01/18 ( May 1, 2019)

Province 1 Conference, Damak , Jhapa, Nepal

Society of Technology Friendly Teachers

Digital Materials for Teachers

Digital Materials for Teachers

Tika Subedi tika.subedi483@gmail.com

Using smart phones, laptops, and social media is part of everyday life (Prensky 2001).

What are digital materials?

1. Preparation

2. Device types / os

3. Search using

5. Prepare yourself

4. Ask friends to send you

3. Search

How to get digital materials?


Use the free feature.Genial.ly is an easy-to-use and free web tool used to create interactive visual content.

Sign up is compulsory

Explore it and enjoy developing everything in a single plateform.That's all

Go to genial.ly

How to prepare materials using this online tool?

युनिकोडमा टाइप गर्न पर्छ ।

नेपाली भाषामा काम गर्छ ?

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