Is the emerging housing requirement in the plan area to be adopted less than 80% of local housing need# for the authority area?
Progress under the new NPPF 2024
Continue to EIP under the relevant previous version of the NPPF
Revise to apply the new NPPF 2024 (and associated LHN) for Examination within 18 months of 12 Dec 2024, or within 24 months if the plan has to return to Regulation 18 stage
Continue through EIP under the relevant previous version of the NPPF but begin work on a new plan as soon as the ‘revised plan-making system’ is brought into force in 2025
Continue to EIP under the relevant previous version of the NPPF
YES - Reg 22 stage
YES - Reg 19 stage
Is there an operative SDS (Spatial Development Strategy), such as the London Plan?
Regulation 18 (first consultation stage or earlier)
Status of the emerging Local Plan on or before 12 March 2025
Regulation 22 (submitted) between 24 January 2019 and 12 March 2025*
Regulation 19
Minerals and waste plan at Regulation 19 or Regulation 22 stage
$ other transitional policies apply for Spatial Development Strategies and Neighbourhood Plans
# Calculated using the Standard Method formula 2024
*If a plan was submitted for examination on or before 24 January 2019, then the NPPF published March 2012 will continue to apply, once adopted these plans may also be subject to the requirement begin work on a new plan as soon as the new plan-making system is brought into force (para 236)
Does the emerging local plan$ include policies to deliver the level of housing and other development set out in a preceding local plan (such as a joint local plan containing strategic policies) adopted since 12 March 2020?
Application of the new NPPF for emerging Local Plans
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