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The estimated (est.) figures are based on projected trends and should be considered approximate. The data for 2017 and 2020 are from actual surveys, while other years are extrapolated or estimatd based on these data points and general trends in student entrepreneurship. Exact sources can be found on the interactive button on the title. 
Percentage of Teens Likely to Consider Entrepreneurship
Number of Student-Founded Companies (Est.)
Number of Students Forming Companies (Est.)
Students Working at Startups (Est.)
YearPercentage of Teens Likely to Consider EntrepreneurshipNumber of Student-Founded Companies (Est.)Number of Students Forming Companies (Est.)Students Working at Startups (Est.)
201565% (est.)150220450
201667% (est.)160240480
201868% (est.)180270550
201967% (est.)185275570
202167% (est.)200290610
202268% (est.)210300630
202369% (est.)220310650
202470% (est.)230320670
Chart data table
Percentage of Teens Likely to Consider Entrepreneurship in 2017
Percentage of Teens Likely to Consider Entrepreneurship in 2020
Trends in Student Entrepreneurship and Startup Involvement 

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