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materials for technical use

finished materials





  • Animal-based raw materials -> silk, hides...
  • Plant-based raw materials -> wood, cork..
  • Mineral-based raw materials -> marble, sand...

Materials we take directly from nature.

Three groups:

Raw materials

Processed materials are those wich are created by humans from the raw materials, but we can still use them to create more products.

Processed materials

  1. Extract raw materials.
  2. Transform raw material in processed materials.
  3. Use processed materials to make finished materials.

When making them, we follow a process

Object created by humans to satisfy our needs and improve our life quality.

Finished materials

Materials used in technology



Stone and glass





Wood is extracted from the tree´s trunk and brunchies.It's used to make forniture, paper, decorative objects, handles for tools and constructions and to cover walls and floors.Some properties of wood are:MalleabilityDuctilityMechanical resistanceToughnessPermeabilityThermal expansionAcustic conductorThermal aislant


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You can paste wood to almost every surface with a small amount of wood glue.

Pasting wood:
Cutting wood:

Generally, we use saws to cut wood, but depending on the cut and the type of wood we use specifics saws. Some of them are mitre saw, scroll saw, table saw, band saw, circular saw, reciprocating saw, scroll saw orjig saw


What is the difference between corrosion and oxidation?

We extract metal from minerals, these, in turn, are parts of rocks.Some examples are iron, steel or copper.Metals are used in plenty of things, such as parts of machines, tools, furniture, cables, pipes...The properties of metal are:Thermal, electric and acoustic conductivityThermal expansionFusibility, malleability and ductilityMechanical resistanceToughnessOxidation

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To paste or join together metal, the most useful method is to weld. But, if you can't weld you can use a very strong glue.

Pasting metal:

Using shears is the most traditional system to cut metal.

Cutting metal:


Oxidation is a superficial change that occurs because of the exposure to oxygen. Corrosion affects the properties of the material and occurs because of the exposure to enviroment.

Difference between corrosion and oxidation:

What is PVC plastic?

It´s gotten from oil, coal, natural gas, vegetable materials and animal protein.Cellophane, metacrylate and rubber are plastic materials. It´s used to make pipes, packaging, toys, containers and covers for cables.Some properties of plastic are:Thermal expansionSome fusibilityMalleabilityDuctiliutyMechanical resistanceToughness


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Although plastic is a very easy material to glue things to, a recomended glue brand is Pattex wich has a very resistant glue for plastics.

Pasting plastic:

Depending on the type of plastic it´s easier or more difficult to cut.To cut hard plastic it´s recomendable to use a hot knifeTo cut softer plastics scisors are a good option.

Cutting plastic:


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The common denominator of these materials is that they are made up of macromolecules called monomers. Through a chemical process called polymerization, these molecules align into long chains, giving rise to a new material called a polymer. Is used to make toys, cover cables make pipes among other uses.


Textile is got from raw materials such as wool, cotton and silk. Others are synthetic materials such as nylon and lycra.In the form of threats, they´re used to make fabrics for different puposes.Some of the main propertis of textile are:ColorBrightnessFinenessElasticityResistanceHeat resistanceLight resistance

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Textile is such an easy material to cut because with just a pair of scissors is enough.

Cutting textile

To glue something to a textile piece, an especialised in textile glue is the better optionTextil can also get atached to something by using needle and thread.

Pasting textile


Extracted from rocks and used in construction and for decorations.

The properties of glass are:Thermic and luminous conductivityThermal expansionhardnessResistance under presureThermic resistanceTransparency

The properties of stone are:DensityPorosityPermeabilityCalorific expansiononductivity


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Glass and stone

To paste stone you can use a thick paste made from mixing cement, water, and sand. It's primarily used as a sort of glue when building structures with stone.

Pasting stone:

The best tool to cut stone is a tile saw, it can cut variety of types of stone.

Cutting stone:

Normally, glass can be easily paste by using a strong glue. One of the most used is Loctite Super Glue Glass.

Pasting glass:

Glass cutters and sharp knives are popular tools to cut or score glass.

Cutting glass:

Glass and stone

Is get from moulding clay and baking it at high temperatures. China, terracotta, and porcelain are some examples.They´re used to make bricks, tiles, dishes, decorative objects...Some of the properties of ceramics are:Electric insulatorImpermeabilityHardnessCorrosion and compresion resistanceGood insulator

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Ceramics can be glued to things by using a special glue for ceramics or by other epoxy adhesive.

Cutting ceramics:

The item used to cut ceramics is a saw because is very fragile so it can not be cut by any other item.

Pasting ceramics:


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