Black history month - Movies
Created on November 29, 2024
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Check out what others have designed:
The Hate U Give
Django Unchained
The Help
12 years a slave
The Butler
Just Mercy
Black history month
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The Butler
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
Just Mercy
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The Help
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
12 years a slave
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
Django Unchained
The movie trailer
The synopsis
The movie poster
The Hate U Give
Student 1: the movie posterStudent 2: the synopsisStudent 3: the movie trailer=> Get ready to present the movie to the class!
Present a movie: Group work
The Help:
The Hate U Give:
Django Unchained:
12 years a slave:
Just Mercy:
The Butler:
Present a movie: Group work
Cecil Gaines, a black man married to Gloria Gaines, is determined that neither of his two sons, Louis and Charlie, will ever have to know what it's like to be the offspring of a cotton picker like he is, he having witnessed slave-like abuses afflicted on both his parents by their white land owner employers when he was a child. In 1957, he is offered - much to his shock - and accepts a position as an under butler at the White House among the black domestic staff, after a White House administration staffer sees and is impressed with his demeanor and work at the Excelsior Hotel in Washington DC. This appointment begins an approximate thirty year employment at the White House, one that is not always smooth for Cecil either on a professional or personal level. On the professional side, the White House is sometimes just a microcosm of what is happening in the world, his employment setting where he has to be even more careful in what he says or does. On a personal level, he is often at odds with his family. Louis decides to head to the front lines of civil rights activism, often placing himself either in personal danger or in situations still considered criminal. And Gloria may not see Cecil's time at the White House as worth the neglect it causes for their home life.
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
Based on the thrilling and inspirational life of an iconic American freedom fighter, Harriet tells the extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and transformation into one of America's greatest heroes. Her courage, ingenuity, and tenacity freed hundreds of slaves and changed the course of history.In 1840s Maryland, a slave state, Araminta "Minty" Ross is newly married to a freedman, John Tubman, but still a slave herself on the Brodess farm. Minty, who suffers "spells" since being struck in the head as a girl, has a vision of herself escaping to freedom, and she decides to run. She tells John to stay behind, as he would lose his own freedom if caught escaping with her, but plans to meet up with him later. After a few months, Harriet decides to go back for John only to find he has remarried, believing she was dead, and is expecting a baby with his new wife.Devastated, Harriet continues to return, guiding dozens of slaves to freedom as a conductor on the Underground Railroad, and a myth begins to grow...
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) accepts his Nobel Peace Prize. Four black girls walking down stairs in the Birmingham, Alabama 16th Street Baptist Church are killed by a bomb set by the Ku Klux Klan. Annie Lee Cooper attempts to register to vote in Selma, Alabama but is prevented by the white registrar. King meets with Lyndon B. Johnson and asks for federal legislation to allow black citizens to register to vote unencumbered, but the president responds that, although he understands Dr. King's concerns, he has more important projects. King travels to Selma with Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young, James Orange, and Diane Nash. King and black Selma residents march to the registration office to register. After a confrontation in front of the courthouse, a shoving match occurs as the police go into the crowd. FBI director, Cooper, fights back, knocking Sheriff Jim Clark to the ground, leading to the arrest of Cooper, King, and others...
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
A powerful and thought-provoking true story."Just Mercy" follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson (Jordan) and his history-making battle for justice. After graduating from Harvard, Bryan might have had his pick of lucrative jobs. Instead, he heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned, with the support of local advocate Eva Ansley (Larson). One of his first, and most incendiary, cases is that of Walter McMillian (Foxx), who, in 1987, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and the fact that the only testimony against him came from a criminal with a motive to lie. In the years that follow, Bryan becomes embroiled in a labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt and unabashed racism as he fights for Walter, and others like him, with the odds - and the system - stacked against them.
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
Jesse Owens' quest to become the greatest track and field athlete in history thrusts him onto the world stage of the 1936 Olympics, where he faces off against Adolf Hitler's vision of Aryan supremacy.In the 1930s, Jesse Owens is a young man who is the first in his family to go to college. Going to Ohio State to train under its track and field coach, Larry Snyder, the young African American athlete quickly impresses with his tremendous potential that suggests Olympic material. However, as Owens struggles both with the obligations of his life and the virulent racism against him, the question of whether America would compete at all at the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany is being debated vigorously. When the American envoy finds a compromise persuasive with the Third Reich to avert a boycott, Owens has his own moral struggle about going. Upon resolving that issue, Owens and his coach travel to Berlin to participate in a competition that would mark Owens as the greatest of America's Olympians even as the German film director, Leni Riefenstahl, locks horns with her country's Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, to film the politically embarrassing fact for posterity.
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.Jackson, Mississippi, 1963. With the Jim Crow laws enforcing racial segregation, budding journalist Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan returns to her hometown after graduation. But the vibrant, good-hearted white woman doesn't come home empty-handed: Skeeter has come up with the radical idea to interview local black maids and tell their side of the story in her book, a collection of their distressing, moving stories. As Skeeter gradually wins the cooperation of the fearful African-American housekeepers to dish the dirt on the upper-crust southern families, she inevitably locks horns with bigoted community leaders, arrogant childhood friends, and her family. However, nothing can stop the winds of change--not even the assassination of American civil rights activist Medgar Evers.
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
Imagine being the first African-American police officer in 1970s Colorado Springs. Now imagine going undercover in the local Ku Klux Klan chapter. It sounds impossible, right? But that's exactly what Ron Stallworth did with the help of his partner, Flip Zimmerman.In the early 1970s, Ron Stallworth was hired as the first Black officer in the Colorado Springs, Colorado Police Department. Stallworth was initially assigned to work in the records room, where he faced racial slurs from his coworkers. Determined to make a name for himself, Stallworth bravely set out on a dangerous mission: infiltrate and expose the Ku Klux Klan.Along with Flip Zimmerman, they embarked on a daring mission to expose the KKK's nefarious plans, risking their lives in the process. Their scheme was bold, methodical, and outrageous, and it took them right into the heart of the first organized terror movement in American history.
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
Saratoga Springs, New York, 1841. Solomon Northup, the free-born African American son of a freed slave, finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Abducted and sold into slavery, Solomon ends up in the sugarcane and cotton plantations of antebellum Louisiana. In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northrup is doomed to work his fingers to the bone away from his wife and two kids. Sold to the highest bidder, Northup adopts a new identity and does everything he can to survive a succession of hardened deep-South enslavers bent on breaking his spirit. But as the weeks turn into years, a ray of hope shines in the shape of a benevolent abolitionist who crosses paths with the forsaken captive. And after twelve cruel years of soul-crushing slavery, Solomon finally sees his family again. This story is based on an incredible true story of one man's fight for survival and freedom.
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.
Comment parler d'un synopsis de film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
"With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner in Mississippi."In 1858, a former dentist turned bounty hunter named King Schultz seeks out a slave named Django and buys him from a slave trader duo. They both enter on a quest to find and kill some men.Django wants to find his wife, Broomhilda, who along with him, was sold separately by his former owner for trying to escape. Schultz offers to help him if he chooses to stay with him and be his partner. Eventually, they learn that she was sold to a plantation called Candieland in Mississippi. Knowing they can't just go in and say they want her, they come up with a plan so that the owner will welcome them into his home. As the deadly traveling companions embark on a perilous rescue mission in the Deep South two years before the Civil War, death lurks around every corner. When the impatient spirit of vengeance demands payback, who can stand in the way of a man passionate enough to attempt the impossible?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
the poster
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
a larger sizea smaller size
looks stylishlooks geometric
formal informaloptimisticpessimistic
the tone is
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
capital lettersbold
.... is written in
looks formallooks modernlooks handwritten
the typography
... la typographie et le ton
a surprising effecta dramatic effectan eye-catching effectan intense effecta mysterious effect
the lighting creates
frontal lightingsidelightbacklightingunderlightingtop lighting
there is
... la lumière
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
the dominant colors are...there is a combination of (warm and cold) colors...there is a contrast in the colors...the colors draw the attention because...
... les couleurs
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....achieves a particular effect...
(que peux-tu dire du titre? de la phrase d'accroche?. Des autres mots?..)
... les mots
the titlethe tagline
his/her facial expression suggests...his/her body language suggests...
looks... (avoir l'air)looks at/up/down... (regarder)looks like... (ressembler à)is standing/sitting...
(description physique / langage corporel / attitude / émotions / mouvements...)
... les personnages
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les éléments clés et les situer sur l'image/les uns par rapport aux autres
the movie titlethe taglinethe director's namethe main actors' namesthe character(s) the poster creditsthe production company logothe release datethe rated parental guidance...
in front of
next to
There is (+ singulier)There are (+ pluriel)
in the foreground
in the background
in the middle
in the top left-hand corner
in the top right-hand corner
in the bottom left-hand corner
in the bottom right-hand corner
on the right
on the left
at the bottom
at the top
Comment parler de l'affiche d'un film?
creative / epic / neat / surprisingmemorable / unique / engaging / effective / admirable / breathtaking / clever / exceptional / captivating / outstanding / remarkable / unusual / mediocre / boring ...
The camera movements and angles are...The transitions are...The special effects are......The settings are......The actors' performances are......
The soundtrack creates a [...] atmosphere[catchy / mysterious / dynamic / violent / dramatic / memorable / serious / curious / scary / funny / emotional / tense]
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
As I see it...
the main symbols are...this element represents / symbolizes / is a reference to / echoes is in correlation with...
... les symboles
... ce que tu peux en déduire
... ce que tu vois(jeux des acteurs, lieux, plans de caméra et effets..)
... ce qui est dit
Prends en notes:=> les prénoms des personnages/lieux/dates=> les mots répétés/clés=> que tu comprends pour chaque personnage/pour la voix-off...)=> ce que tu comprends de l'intrigue, rôle et solutions proposées par le personnage principale
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors]The movie was released in [release date]The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements].
... ce qui est écrit
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the trailer
2. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... ce que tu entends
1. Concentre toi sur...
(titre, production, dates, lieux, acteurs, récompenses, phrases d'accroche... que peux-tu en dire?
Comment parler d'une bande annonce de film?
Starr Carter is a 16-year-old black girl who lives in the fictional, mostly poor black neighborhood of Garden Heights, but attends an affluent, predominantly white private school, Williamson Prep. As a consequence, she is constantly switching between two worlds: the poor, mostly black, neighborhood where she lives and the rich, mostly white, school she attends. After a gun goes off at a party Starr is attending one weekend, Starr is driven home by her childhood best friend, Khalil. On the way home, they are stopped by a white police officer. The officer has Khalil, who is black, exit the car; while outside the car, Khalil reaches inside his car via the open driver-side window to check in on Starr, and picks up a brush. The officer, thinking Khalil picked up a gun, fires three shots into Khalil, killing him. Khalil's death becomes a major national news story.Now, the uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered and Starr faces pressures from all sides of the community. She must find her voice and stand up for what's right.
Frankly speaking...
As far as I can tell...
From my point of view...
is catchy striking attractive appealing memorable noteworthy because...encapsulates the ideas an insight to the audience into....
the synopsis
3. Donne ton opinion (les techniques employées sont-elles efficaces? Irais-tu voir ce film?)
I would say...
I think...
In my opinion...
I believe...
conveys the impression that...matches the atmosphere of the movie because...achieves a particular effect (little/very/extremely) effective because...makes me want to watch the movie because...doesn't make me want to watch the movie because....
The action takes place in [date] in [location]. At that time, [contextual elements]. The main characters are [character's names]. Here is what I can tell you about them: [information about the characters]. But, we understand that the problem is: [main problem]If you watch this movie, you will learn more about [slavery / the slave trade / the living conditions of slaves on the plantation / anti-slavery activism / segregation / the Jim Crow Laws / racism in the USA / key figures of the American Black history / police violence / racial inequalities...]
... les majuscules et nombres (les noms, lieux, dates... que peux-tu en dire?)... les mots transparents, qui sont répétés, porteurs de sens... l'intrigue principale (quel est le problème/rôle du personnage principal)... des thèmes du film
2. Concentre toi sur...
1. Présente les caractéristiques du film
This movie is entitled [movie title]It was produced by [director's name]The scenario was written by [scriptwriter's name]It features [main actors][nb of user reviews] viewers gave their opinion on the movie and it was given [note IMDb]The movie was released in [release date]It is not suitable for children under [rated parental guidance] ≠ It is suitable for all public.It lasts [duration]It is a [genre] movie.