Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

presente simple

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Contar historias con orden y jerarquía es fundamental.

Haz que los números sean historias con gráficos.

Los iconos siempre son buenos aliados.

The present simple is used to talk about scheduled events, whether present or future. Used to describe actions that happen regularly or are part of a routine

IHow and when is the past continuous used

present simple

Present simple


  • I read books.
  • She plays the piano.
  • I do not (don’t) read books
  • She does not (doesn’t) play the piano.
  • Do you read books?
  • Does she play the piano?



Captamos mejor el contenido visual. El contenido visual está asociado a mecanismos cognitivos y psicológicos. Las cosas entran por los ojos, la primera imagen es la que cuenta. Asociamos el contenido visual con emociones.

Aquí puedes poner un título destacado

Uso de "s" y "es" Añadir "s": Se añade "s" al verbo en tercera persona singular. Ejemplo: He runs. Añadir "es": Se añade "es" a los verbos que terminan en -s, -sh, -ch, -x, o -o. Ejemplo: She watches TV.

Take into account that:

example of how to use it in a routine

I woke up at 7:00 AM and brushed my teeth. After that, I had a quick breakfast. Then, I went to work and spent the day in meetings and completing tasks. I returned home around 5:30 PM, cooked dinner, and watched my favorite show. Finally, I relaxed for a bit before going to bed at 11:00 PM.