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2 de mayo de 1808

-1814 -Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain-Dimensions 268 x 347 cm -Oil on canvas

María and Karen


An attempt was made to identify the place of the event with options such as the Puerta del Sol or the architectural mass with a dome located in the background with the Royal Palace or the church of San Francisco el Grande. But these are uncertain assumptions. Goya rather to paint madrid in general because the event occurred 6 years before the painting.

This event was in the morning, we can see a little of the colors of the sunrise in the background


There are no heroes with names and surnames, it is the people as a collective hero.

But we identify a Valencian who jumps on the neck of a mameluco, mounted on the downed horse on the left.

Mameluco bleeding out

The composition focuses on the body of a dead Mameluco, bleeding out on his white horse, while a Spanish person continues stabbing him.

The Mamelucos

These are Egyptian soldiers that fought for the Napoleonic troops. They are represented with turbans and exotic clothing, which differentiates them from the Spanish people. Their expressions and postures reflect the brutality and determination in the fight.

The white horse

This white horse represent the power. In this case the people in killing the horse, it represents how the Spanish people try to kill power of France.Also the blood in people, in the horse and the floor represents the resistance of the Spanish people in the war of independence and all the lifes that were lose for defending their country.