Présentation de Formation et Orientation Professionnelle
Created on November 28, 2024
Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.
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fait par Elissa Sissani , Ngogaye Seye et Hugo Sitalapressad 5c
General Information
Interesting Resources
Motivational Video
Course Contents
I am a great subtitle, ideal for providing more context on the topic you are going to address
il est considéré comme issu de la rencontre de chants de marins et de musiques de rue venues du Brésil
histoire du fado
Dans les années 1820-1840 le fado apparaît dans les quartiers populaires du Portugal.Années 1930 : Les maisons de fado émergent, notamment dans le quartier du Bairro Alto à Lisbonne.Années 1940-1960 : Le temps glorieux du fado commence, avec l’émergence de talents et la naissance de stars qui contribuent à populariser le genre à l’échelle internationale.
General Information
Write a cool subtitle hereto provide context
Course Duration
Write a cool subtitle here toprovide context
Course Objectives
We are visual beings.We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Narrative Beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
Social Beings.We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
Digital Beings.We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
quelle mouvement utilise les danceurs
A quoi sert la danse fado ?
la dance fado
La danse fado est une danse traditionnelle portugaise qui accompagne le chant fado
Il utilise des mouvements lents une posture élégante , des pas simples des expression émotionnelle et avec des accompagnement musical .
En résumé, la danse fado est une expression émotionnelle et élégante qui accompagne le chant fado, avec des mouvements lents et simples, une posture élégante et une grande liberté d’interprétation.
Voici les trois principaux instruments dans le fado :
Guitarra portugaise
Guitarra portugaise (ou guitarra) Elle est caractérisée par sa forme piriforme et ses douze cordes en acier, réparties en six courses de deux cordes. Viola (ou violão) : instrument à cordes pincées utilisé pour accompagner le chant et ajouter une touche de richesse au son.Viola baixo (ou viola baixo) : instrument à cordes pincées qui joue la basse dans l’accompagnement instrumental du fado.
Le fado , comme tout genre de music a des chanteur/euse vu qu'il il en a trop pour un diaporama je vais en citer seulement 2
(malheureusement je n'arrive pas a mettre de musique)
Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999) : considérée comme LA plus grande chanteuse de fado de tous les temps,nommer "the queen of the fado". Elle a popularisé le genre à l’échelle internationale.Carlos do Carmo (1922-2009) : un des plus grands fadistas du XXe siècle, il a été décoré de l’Ordre du Mérite national et a reçu de nombreux prix pour sa carrière.
chanteurs du fado
Second quarter
Topic 1. Write a great headline
Topic 3. Write a great headline
Topic 4. Write a great headline
Topic 5. Write a great headline
Topic 6. Write a great headline
Topic 2. Write a great headline
What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Topic 1. Write a great headline
Topic 3. Write a great headline
Topic 4. Write a great headline
Topic 5. Write a great headline
Topic 6. Write a great headline
Topic 2. Write a great headline
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words that will be etched into the minds of your audience.
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we retain 42% more information when the content moves.
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight and, in addition, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.
60%You can represent figuresthis way
20%You can represent figuresthis way
10%You can represent figuresthis way
5%You can represent figuresthis way
Resourcesof interest
We are in the era of the digital information explosion. This causes our way of obtaining information to have changed, we have moved from traditional reading to a cognitive strategy based on navigation.
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can put a highlighted title
Multimedia content is essential in a presentation to leave everyone amazed. Additionally, you will synthesize the content and entertain your audience.
Motivational Video
merci de nous avoir ecouter!!!
Professional Skills
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking thanks to the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings. Go for it!
Feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to captivate your audience.
Bring your creation to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Write a great text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should be appropriate to the theme you are addressing.
Basic Concepts
- We are visual beings. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
- Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
- Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
- Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
- Creative beings. Fun is needed for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
- Exploring beings. We turn visual communication into an experience when we add interactivity, animation, and storytelling.
Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Write agreat headline
Did you know... We retain 42% more information when content is in motion? It's perhaps the most effective resource for capturing the attention of your audience.
Pro Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Write agreat headline
- We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
- Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
- Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
- Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
- Creative beings. Fun is necessary for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
Professional Skills
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Disciplines like Visual Thinking make it easy to take visually rich notes using images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings. Go for it!
Feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to captivate your audience.
Bring life to the elements of your creation with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Write a great text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should suit the theme you are addressing.
Did you know... We retain 42% more information when content is moving? It is perhaps the most effective resource for capturing your audience's attention.
With this feature... You can add additional content that excites the minds of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whateveryou want!
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Prioritize and give visual weight to the main points.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure the results.
With this feature... You can add additional content that excites the minds of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.
Did you know... We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource for capturing youraudience's attention.
- Improve communication on any topic.
- Matches your audience...
- And makes them part of the message.
- Has a color suitable for its theme.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines to tell stories.
Tools and Resources
Did you know...90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight? Visual resources are very helpful in reinforcing your message: images, illustrations, gifs, videos… Not only because they remain in memory, but also because they are more attractive and easier to understand.
- It is clear and structured
- Tells stories hierarchically.
- Matches your audience.
- Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
- Includes images and entertains.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines.
- Is animated and interactive.
- Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
- DOES NOT exceed with bullet points 🙃.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.
Write a greatheadline
We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
Did you know... We retain 42% more information when the content is in motion? It's perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention ofyour audience.
Practical Examples
Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.
We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
Social beings.We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
Digital beings.We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
With this function... You can add additional content that excites the brain of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!
Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.
Did you know... In Genially you will find more than 1,000 templates ready to showcase your content and 100% customizable, which will help you tell your stories?
- Improve communication on any topic.
- Match with your audience...
- And involve them in the message.
- Has a color suitable for its theme.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines to tell stories.
Practical Examples
Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.
We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
Social beings.We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
Digital beings.We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
With this function... You can add additional content that excites your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!
Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.
Write agreat headline
- We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
- Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
- Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
- Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
- Creative beings. Fun is necessary for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text… The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.
With this feature... You can add additional content that excites the minds of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whateveryou want!
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Prioritize and give visual weight to the main points.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
Tools and Resources
Did you know that...90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight? Visual resources are of great help to reinforce your message: images, illustrations, gifs, videos... Not only because they remain in memory, but also because they are more attractive and easier to understand.
- It is clear and structured.
- Tells stories hierarchically.
- Matches your audience.
- Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
- Includes images and entertains.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines.
- Is lively and interactive.
- Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
- Does not overdo it with bullet points 🙃.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Basic Concepts
- We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
- Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
- Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
- Digital beings. We avoid becoming part of the content saturation in the digital world.
- Creative beings. Fun is needed for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
- Exploring beings. We turn visual communication into an experience when we add interactivity, animation, and storytelling.
With this function... You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!