Emotions et Apprentissage C
Gaëlle Molinari
Created on November 28, 2024
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Les émotions dans l'apprentissage collaboratif
Pr. Gaëlle Molinari, TECFA, Université de Genève
Repensez à un travail de groupe qui a été significatif pour vous. Quelles ont été les émotions que vous avez ressenties durant cette expérience? Quel impact ont-elles eu?
Eléments théoriques
Un processus de co-construction de sens (Stahl, 2021)
"Collaboration is a coordinated, synchronous activity that is the result of a continued attempt to construct and maintain a shared conception of a problem" (Roschelle & Teasley, 1995, p. 70)
Kreijns et al. (2003)
Espace relationnel
Espace cognitif
Collaboration, a content space (consisting of the problem to be solved) and a relational space (consisting of the interactional challenges and opportunities) (Barron, 2003, p. 310)
Contrôler / Réguler
Prendre conscience / Observer / Suivre
Importance des processus de régulation dans l'apprentissage collaboratif (Järvelä & Hadwin, 2013)
e.g., evaluating task progress as not satisfactory may result in feelings of frustration or anger
e.g., experiencing shame may prevent from asking for help
Winne & Hadwin, 2008
Emotions = Produits
Emotions = Conditions
Non-verbal cues are scarce in online collaboration, impacting mutual awareness (Eligio, Ainsworth, & Crook, 2012)
Mutual modelling (Dillenbourg et al., 2016)
Les Group Awareness Tools (GAT) informent les membres sur leur propre activité, celle de leur(s) partenaire(s) et celle du groupe
Sangin et al. (2008)
Bachour et al. (2008)
EATMINTAffective computing and Emotion Awareness Tools for computer-Mediated INTeractions
- Molinari, G. & Avry, S. (psychology)
- Channel, G. (affective computing)
Etude 3 Emotion regulation and emotion sharing
Etude 2 Achievement appraisals and emotions
Etude 1 Emotion sharing
Effet du partage des émotions
Toutes les 5 minutes, un message pour inciter à partager les émotions
(Avry, Molinari et al., 2020a ; Cereghetti et al., 2015 ; Molinari et al., 2013)
Emotions négatives
Mes émotions
Emotions de mon partenaire
Emotions positives
Without the Emotion Awareness Tool (15 same-gender dyads)
With the Emotion Awareness Tool (EAT) (15 same-gender dyads)
Skin temperature and conductance, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration (Guillaume chanel, CUI, Unige)
self-confrontation with video data to assess emotions during collaboration
Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003)
Emotional Contagion Scale (Doherty, 1997)
Emotional Expressivity Scale (Kring et al., 1994)
Evaluation of their own and their partner's activity (defending ideas, arguing, building on each other's ideas, comparing emotions, communicating about emotions)
Evaluation of the intensity of their own and their partner's emotions (10 positive and 10 negative, identical to those of the EAT)
Collaborative task (40 mn)
BioSemi physiological sensors + eyetracker calibrations
Cereghetti, Molinari et al. (2015)
Les émotions communiquées sont majoritairement positives (intéressé.e, satisfait.e, amusé.e)
Les participants regardent autant leurs émotions que celles de leur partenaire
Comparés aux femmes, les hommes regardent davantage les émotions de leur partenaire
des émotions ont été communiquées de façon spontanée
- Discrepancy between the emotions felt and the emotions shared
- Sharing emotions, a strategic choice (Avry, 2021)
Comparer ses émotions à celles de son/sa partenaire
Construire sur les idées de son/sa partenaire
- Le temps perçu à modéliser les émotions du partenaire et à construire sur ses idées est positivement corrélé à l'intensité des émotions positives ressenties après la collaboration (Molinari et al., 2013)
The EAT (Emotion Awareness Tool) increases (a) the use of relational acts that help maintain a positive climate, (b) the use of mutual modeling acts enabling collaborators to gain a higher awareness of their partner's activity (Avry & Molinari, 2018)
* p < .05 ; ** p < .01
Sharing emotions encourages men to collaborate in a more relaxed manner, but discourages them from opposing each other (Avry & Molinari, 2018)
- Emotional sharing influences the regulation of collaboration
- The sharing of specific emotions is associated with specific patterns of collaboration (Avry et al., 2020a)
Régulation et partage des émotions
124 students, automatically assigned with an unknown partner of the same gender and a similar EROS (Emotion Regulation of Others and Self; Niven et al., 2011) score
(Avry & Molinari, 2021)
Résoudre ensemble un problème d'optimisation
Partage : Temps 5
Partage : Temps 4
Partage : Temps 3
Partage : Temps 2
Partage : Temps 1
Feedback sur la qualité du modèle des émotions du partenaire
Evaluer les émotions de votre partenaire
Evaluer vos émotions
Mainly for negative emotions (e.g., confusion)
Evolution of the partner's emotion modelling accuracy score (Avry, 2021)
Productivity = The degree to which participants perceived their partner as contributing equitably to the collaboration
Equality = The degree to which participants perceived their partner as treating them as equal
The sharing of emotions cancels or reverses the relation
Relation between dispositions to regulate emotions and relational quality of collaboration (Avry & Molinari, 2021)
Imaginez un outil technologique conçu pour aider les membres d’un groupe à mieux collaborer qui tiendrait compte des émotions. Quelles seraient ses caractéristiques ?
Avry, S., Chanel, G., Bétrancourt, M., & Molinari, G. (2020). Achievement appraisals, emotions and socio-cognitive processes: How they interplay in collaborative problem-solving?. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 106267.Avry, S., & Molinari, G. (2021). Explicit sharing of emotions improves the relationship of groups with lower dispositions to regulate emotions in collaborative problem-solving. In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on computer-supported collaborative learning-CSCL 2021. International Society of the Learning Sciences.Avry, S., Molinari, G., Bétrancourt, M., & Chanel, G. (2020). Sharing emotions contributes to regulating collaborative intentions in group problem-solving. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 1160.Avry, S., & Molinary, G. (2018). Sharing emotions impacts computer-supported collaborative processes: Effect of an emotion awareness tool. Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, (68), 85-96.Molinari, G., Avry, S., & Chanel, G. (2017). Les émotions dans les situations de collaboration et d’apprentissage collaboratif médiatisées par ordinateur. Raisons éducatives, (1), 175-190. Molinari, G., Chanel, G., Betrancourt, M., Pun, T., & Bozelle, C. (2013). Emotion feedback during computer-mediated collaboration: Effects on self-reported emotions and perceived interaction.
Sunny Avry