Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:



Branching Scenario


Objectif :Savoir se positionner comme un des cateurs de la prévention dans son entreprise.

An awesome presentation...

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

¿Sabías que las imágenes ilustran lo que quieres transmitir y son un apoyo para agregar información adicional?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories on their own and also keep the brain awake?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

Did you know that multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect in your creations?

Option 2

Option 3

Option 1

Did you know that images are a support to add info?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tells stories on their own?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

Did you know that the window allows adding more extensive content?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivities, or animation?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

It is clear that, when it comes to making purchases, the emotional component is a driving force, but what is the exact percentage of purchases we make thanks to emotions?

Option 3

Option 2

Option 1

What would you use in your presentation to entertain, provide relevant information, and capture the attention of your audience?

Down with the boring content in your presentation: make it entertainingWith Genially templates you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed surprising external content: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Alright: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through our vision, and we also retain 42% more information when the content is moving.

Well done!

Best result


What you're reading: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content become fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.When giving a presentation, there are two objectives to pursue: conveying information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words that burn into your audience's brain.


Try again.

average result

If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do it through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most well-prepared!Showing enthusiasm, smiling, and maintaining eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when telling stories that excite and capture the interest of the public: 'The eyes, chico. They never lie'. This will help you to match with your audience. Leave them amazed!


Oh no!

worst result


Neutral decision - No impact

Decision point

Cannot be completed successfully

Still can be successfully completed

Next decision point

Right decision - Positive impact

Wrong decision - Negative impact

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Decision making framework

In Genially you will find more than 1,000 templates ready to pour your content and 100% customizable, which will help you to tell your stories

Did you know...

You can add additional content that excites the brain of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!

With this function...