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travel projectMiddle ages


made by: Jose Pozuelo and evil Irene Rojas


historical context

characteristics of the transports

types of transport

influence of transport


historical context

The middle ages began around 476 A.D. in which Europe lost much power by the Roman Emperor.

And the spanish, french and english monarchies were starting to emerge as well as the cultural development of many other countries.

characteristic of the transports

At that time there were two types of roads: bridle paths, on which only mules, oxen, horses and people could travel; and the roads, on which carriages could circulate. Roads were scarce, and only linked the main cities. The transport most used were the horses.

types of transports

As I have said before, at this time the transportation was horses, etc... and the floats, which were mainly used by nobles. As you can see in this period they didn´t have lots of ways of transport because they didn´t have the technology to build them.

influence of trasport

The transport helped very much the people because they were able to move faster and they were able to travel through roads, etc.To the people it was a great invention because before that they didn´t have any transports.


The main difference is the technology in these transports, they mainly used animals (horses) or people (like in boats) to get from one place to another.Now we´re used to traveling more comfy by car or train.