Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:






Vestíbul principal

Habitació 2

Habitació 3

Habitació 1

Per poder recuperrar-les haureu de resoldre les seguents preguntes, Disposeu de 17 minuts per realitzar-lo i sinó... BOOM! Tic Tac....

Totes les obres del museu han desaperagut!

Oh no!


Per ser el primer faraó d'Egipte

Per la descoverta de la seva tomba

Per haver descobert una tomba

Per què és conegut Tutankamon?

Pregunta 1


Habitació 1

FalsNo és cert

VerdaderSí és cert

Les dues són correctes

Akhenaton és conegut per haver abandonat el politeisme i per haver creat un culte al voltant del Déu Aten o Atón

Pregunta 2


Room 1

Here you can put a highlighted title

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

Incorrect Answer

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories by themselves and also keep the brain awake?

Question 3


Habitació 1

Incorrect Answer

Incorrect Answer

Correct Answer

Pregunta 3

Did you know that multimedia content is essential toachieve a WOW effect in the classroom?


Room 1

Here you can put a highlighted title

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

Incorrect Answer

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories by themselves?

Question 5


Room 1

Here you can put a highlighted title

You have found all the works of art in this room!



Truquito: La conexión emocional o engagement con tu contenido aumenta cuando consigues que tu clase se identifique con el mensaje que quieres transmitir.

Truquito: La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu alumnado explora y se relaciona con él.

¿Sabías que... En Genially encontrarás más de 1.000 plantillas listas para volcar tu contenido y 100% personalizables, que te ayudarán en tus clases?

¡Ojo! En Genially utilizamos AI (Awesome Interactivity) en todos nuestros diseños, para que subas de nivel con interactividad y conviertas tus clases en algo que aporta valor y engancha.

¿Sabías que... Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu alumnado.

Room 1

Here you can put a highlighted title

You've broken a piece of the museum!







Take advantage of this space to write a brief explanation that develops the theme of the escape room and enhances its understanding. Can you help us?

All the museum's works have disappeared

Oh no!

Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

Did you know that the window allows for adding broader content?

Question 1


Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

Did you know that images are a support to add information?

Question 2


Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title

Incorrect Answer

Correct Answer

How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivity, or animation?

Question 3


Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

What would you use in your presentation to entertain, provide relevant information, and capture the attention of your class?

Question 4


Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title

Incorrect Answer

Correct Answer

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to convey and are a support to add additional info?

Question 5


You have found allthe artworks in this room!

Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title



Truquito: La conexión emocional o engagement con tu contenido aumenta cuando consigues que tu clase se identifique con el mensaje que quieres transmitir.

Truquito: La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu alumnado explora y se relaciona con él.

¿Sabías que... En Genially encontrarás más de 1.000 plantillas listas para volcar tu contenido y 100% personalizables, que te ayudarán en tus clases?

¡Ojo! En Genially utilizamos AI (Awesome Interactivity) en todos nuestros diseños, para que subas de nivel con interactividad y conviertas tus clases en algo que aporta valor y engancha.

¿Sabías que... Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu alumnado.

Room 2

Here you can put a highlighted title

You have broken a piece of the museum!







Take advantage of this space to write a brief explanation that develops the theme of the escape room and enhances its understanding. Can you help us?

All the museum's works have disappeared

Oh no!

Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads?

Question 1


Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

Did you know that multimedia contentis essential to achieve a WOW effect in the classroom?

Question 2


Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories on their own and also keep the brain awake?

Question 3


Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivities, or animation?

Question 4


Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

What would you use in your presentation to entertain, provide relevant information, and capture the attention of your class?

Question 5


Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

You have found allthe works of art in this room!



Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your audience increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.

Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.

Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.

Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.

Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.

Room 3

Here you can put a highlighted title

You've lost a piece of the museum!







Take advantage of this space to write a brief explanation that develops the theme of the escape room and enhances its understanding. Can you help us?

All the museum works have disappeared

Oh no!

Incorrect Answer

Incorrect Answer

Correct Answer

What percentage of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli, such as images, interactivity, or animation?

Question 1


Main hall

Incorrect Answer

Incorrect Answer

Correct Answer

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads?

Question 2


Main hall

Main Hall

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

Incorrect Answer

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to convey and are a support to add additional information?

Question 3



Incorrect Answer

Maatkara Hatshepsut

Incorrect Answer

Did you know that multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect in the classroom?

Pregunta 1

1 / 1

Incorrect Answer

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

What would you use in your presentation to entertain, provide relevant information, and capture the attention of your class?

Question 5


Main hall


Main Hall

You have found all the artworks!



Es recuperat totes les obres del museu

Molt bé tots els que heu arribat aquí vol dir que sou tots uns experts. Felicitats!


You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!