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Young voices of change

Pave the way = prepareBreathtaking = spectacular Undocumented = without legal papers Immigration bill = immigration law proposalDreadful = horrible

1.Read the texts. 2.Find the common points in the different stories.


3. Draw the grid and complete it.


Let's talk!

1.Would you like to become a teen activist? Why or why not?2.Which cause would you be ready to defend?

Comment dit-on les années en anglais?

Practise saying the numbers present on the infographic. Play with your classmate. If you make a mistake, he gets the point!...

Let's Practise! Number battle

1. With your phone go on the website : https://urlr.me/seb2RB2. Choose the video you want to work on. 3. Look for information on the Internet about the activist from the video and present him or her in your notebook.


Emma Gonzales was born on the 11th of November 1999.She is an American activist and an advocate for gun control. She survived the Parkland school shooting.

Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez is an American environmental activist and a hip-hop musician. He was the young director of "Earth Guardian", a global environmental organization. He fights against climate change.

Emma Gonzales was born on November 11 1999 in Florida. She is an American activist and advocate for gun control. She survived her school shooting in Parkland and launched the March for Our Lives movement with other survivors.

Xiuhtezcatl Roske Martinez was born on May 9 2000, he's an American environmental activist and hip-hop artist. He was the youth director of Earth Guardian, a global environmental association until 2019.

3. Watch the video. 4. Note keywords.5. Present the video. 6. Answer the questions :a) What is her/his message? b)What makes her/him convincing?



The video is an extract from a television news broadcast. It shows the speech given by Emma Gonzales in Washington DC for the March for Our Lives movement to fight against firearms and advocate for gun control. The video is a speech given by Xiuhtezcatl in 2016 during the presidential campaign, an American environmental activist. He is adressing politicians and warning them about climate change.


The video is an extract from a television news broadcast. It shows a speech given by Emma Gonzales in which she is speaking about her school shooting and against gun violence for the "March for Our Lives" rally in Washington DC. The video is a speech given by Xiuhtezcatl in 2016. It is plea for help, he is adressing to the presidential candidates warning them about climate change and its impact on future generations.


The video is an extract from a television news broadcast for CBSN. Emma Gonzales is giving a speech about gun control at the March for Our Lives event in Washington DC after her shcool shooting in Parkland. The video is a plea for help, Xiuhtezcatl Roske Martinez is addressing the presidential candidates of the 2016 campaign, about climate change. He is warning them and telling them that we need to act now .


Watch the video and note keywords.


1. Watch the video,2. Choose your path,3. Watch the video again and answer the questions.



1. Classez ces verbes en fonction de leur prononciation.2. Utilisez les dans des phrases.

Evaluation de la compréhension orale

Déroulement : Première écoute (audio ou vidéo d’1minute 30 maximum)  1 minute de pause  Deuxième écoute  1 minute de pause Troisième écoute  20 minutes pour organiser ses idées et rédiger un compte-rendu en français.

Objectifs : - Rendre compte du contenu de l’audio / de la vidéo de la manière la plus complète et la plus précise possible. - Ne donner ni opinion, ni informations qui ne figurent pas dans la vidéo ou l’audio (vos connaissances personnelles sont à garder pour vous pour cette épreuve).

Méthode :  Prendre connaissance du titre et réfléchir à ce que l'on va pouvoir entendre.  1ère écoute :  Quel type de documents ? (Reportage, micro-trottoir, émission télévisée, interview, monologue, publicité, etc.).  Qui ? (Nombre de locuteurs, type, fonction, etc.). Quand ? (Dates, moment de la journée, chronologie, etc.).  Où ? (Pays, ville, rue, lieu, etc.).  Quoi ? (Thème, message, public visé, etc.).

 2ème écoute :  Relever les éléments explicites.  3ème écoute :  Compléter les éléments déjà relevés.  Dégager les idées implicites (messages et points de vue des locuteurs, etc.).

Compte-rendu en français (20 minutes) : Introduction : le document intitulé (titre) est un (type) qui traite de (thème) et met en scène (qui ?). Développement : présentez ce que vous avez compris de manière logique en intégrant des mots de liaison afin de structurer votre pensée (tout d'abord, puis, mais, cependant, de plus, c'est pourquoi, enfin.) Organisez votre compte rendu par paragraphes.

 Conclusion : -Quel est le but du document ? (raconter,informer, convaincre,critiquer, dénoncer, divertir,etc.?)-Quel message, point de vue vous est transmis.  Relisez-vous !

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg scolds world leaders at the United Nations.


Final project

You are a young activist passionate about making a difference in the world. Choose a cause that matters deeply to you, such as environmental protection, gender equality, mental health awareness… or any issue you believe deserves attention. Your mission is to prepare and deliver a 1.30 to 2.30 minutes speech to persuade your audience to support your cause imagining that they are potential supporters, donors, or fellow activists.

Your speech should: Clearly explain the issue and why it is important. Share your personal connection to the cause or explain why it matters to you. Provide compelling arguments, supported by examples or data, to convince your audience. End with a strong call to action, encouraging others to join you in making a change.

STEP 1 : At home, think about a cause and researchNote some vocabulary and keywords in your copybookSTEP 2 : In class, write your speechSTEP 3 : At home, prepare your notesSTEP 4 : Deliver your speech in front of the class.

Read your text and answer the questions :1. Briefly present the document.2. Explain the author's message.


Group 1 : This text is an extract from Severn Suzuki’s speech at the U.N. in 1992. In this excerpt, she speaks about the fact, adults teach their kids many things that they don’t do. Her message is that they should do all the things they teach their children.Group 2 : This is an excerpt from an essay entitled “This Is An Awakening: The Power of Youth Activism” by Lyn Mikel Brown. It was published in 2018. In this passage, the author points out to the role of teaching in young people’s getting involved in organizations, in standing up for a cause.Group 3 : This is an extract from an interview of Kelsey Juliana by Jennifer Hackett published on ScientificAmerican.com in 2016. In this passage, Kelsey states that younger generations are the ones that will suffer the most of climate change while they aren’t responsible of it. She also blames past generations.

In groups of 3 (A,B,C) : 1. Present your text to your classmates.2. Find the common points and the differences between the texts.3. Which one do you find the most inspiring? Why? 4. Why do teens have a different way of fighting for a cause?


Terminez les phrases suivantes.


Get ready

1. In groups (each group in charge of one category), browse the notes in your copybook to make a list of all the things you have studied during this unit.

2. Make new groups with one person from group 1, one from group 2, one from group 3 and one from group 4. Share your findings and create a mindmap in your copybook.

Final project

You are a young activist passionate about making a difference in the world. Choose a cause that matters deeply to you, such as environmental protection, gender equality, mental health awareness… or any issue you believe deserves attention. Your mission is to prepare and deliver a 1.30 to 2.30 minutes speech to persuade your audience to support your cause imagining that they are potential supporters, donors, or fellow activists.

Your speech should: Clearly explain the issue and why it is important. Share your personal connection to the cause or explain why it matters to you. Provide compelling arguments, supported by examples or data, to convince your audience. End with a strong call to action, encouraging others to join you in making a change.

STEP 1 : At home, think about a cause and researchNote some vocabulary and keywords in your copybookSTEP 2 : In class, write your speechSTEP 3 : At home, prepare your notesSTEP 4 : Deliver your speech in front of the class.

In your speech : Clearly explain the issue and why it is important. Share your personal connection to the cause or explain why it matters to you. Provide compelling arguments, supported by examples or data, to convince your audience. End with a strong call to action, encouraging others to join you in making a change.