Gallery Walk Assignment #2
Sandra Rukstela
Created on November 27, 2024
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Learning is Personal Sandra Rukstela
Tailored assessments align with specific competencies....
Students receive timely, individualized support tailored to their specific learning requirements.Students develop based on proof of mastery rather than seat time.Students learn actively through various pathways and pacing (Aurora Institute 2023).
Competency-based education is about making sure students really understand things and not just about finishing their work quickly. "This strategy is better than regular high school programs because it makes sure every student who graduates has the skills they need to live and work in today's world." (Fisher, 2020). Competency-Based Learning allows students to demonstrate mastery through projects and portfolios instead of seat time (Fisher, 2020).
Students move on based on understanding not completion....
Breathing techniques and mindfulness exercises improve focus.The MindUP Curriculum integrates mindfulness into showing reductions in anxiety and increased attention (Schonert et al 2016).
Studies are able to make connections between mindfulness and student success, mindfulness increased GPA in at-risk high school students (Black et al. 2014).
Mindfulness and Academic Achievement
Mindfulness Practices in Classrooms
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
All students, especially those in special education, can access digital lessons. It is important that online classes are designed so that everyone can use them. To make remote learning possible for special education students teachers have been successful using the Universal Design for Learning framework (Meyer et al. 2014)
Inclusion through cooperative group work.
Research from Exceptional Children highlights the success of peer-tutoring programs in inclusive classrooms (Cater et al. 2015)
Most projects need students to work in teams which helps them develop the needed skills for the real world like communication and collaboration.PBL lets students come up with solutions to a real problem based on their interests. This is the main thing that makes project-based learning so powerful. Students decide why and how to solve the problem. So, they design the solution, develop it, and even physically build it if the "hands-on" part is important in their project (Kolmos et al. 2008).
The main goal of most projects is to deal with a real problem or relevant topic that affects people's lives. When people work on things that make a real difference to others, it motivates them to focus, think carefully, and use their knowledge and skills in smart, effective ways (Barrows et al. 1980). When students do projects in school, they often make real things instead of just imaginary ones. Usually, these projects result in finished work like videos, models, or presentations. These projects often show the creativity of the students and their teachers, and the "stuff" they make can be seen as a big part of the work (Barrows et al. 1980).
Real-World Applications & Creative expression
Collaborative Problem Solving: Teams solve complex challenges.
Giving different math tasks to students allows teachers to reach more of their students. They help both the students who struggles the most and the ones who are most advanced at the same time, during the same lesson. Effective differentiated instruction is about two kinds of effectiveness: one related to the instruction students receive (the "I") and the other to how well (or poorly) they learn the content and skills they are supposed to learn (the "E") (Huebner et al. 2023)
Changing how students learn to fit their favorite ways of learning.
Differentiation or changing what students learn, should be based on how ready they are or what interests them. In the context of education, the word "differentiation" means adapting things to suit different needs, interests, and abilities. Teachers use differentiation when they adjust their teaching or the lessons themselves to make sure all students have a chance to succeed and learn effectively (Tomlinson et al. 2001).Some people think that differentiation mostly happens in special education, but that's not true. While it's really important to help special education students have positive learning experiences, differentiation is also an essential part of good teaching for everyone.
Competency-Based LearningHow does competency-based education help students take control of their own learning? What problems might come up when using it? Mindfulness What are the ways that using mindfulness in school helps students? Can you explain how using mindfulness helps deal with trauma and make life better for students who have serious stress?Problem Solving and Problem-Based LearningHow does problem-based learning teach thinking skills better? And why is collaboration so important in this method? Differentiation How can teachers meet the different needs of all their students while still keeping lessons challenging and sticking to what's in the curriculum?
Plan your strategy and set achievable goals.
Prioritize the information to capture attention.
Use interactivity and animation. They are your best allies to engage the content.
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Thank You Very Much
The gallery walk looks at how to use new teaching methods to promote student growth, engagement, and fairness in learning. They show what might happen in classrooms when teachers use new ways to help students understand and improve their learning. The walk also shows a clear connection between the teaching ideas and the focus on student-centered instruction. Almost all the methods described in the displays involve giving students more voice and choice.
Aurora Institute. (2023, April 3). CBE Starter Pack 7: Establish Rigorous, Common Expectations with Meaningful Competencies - Aurora Institute., H. S., M. D., Tamblyn, R. M., B. Se. N., & Jonas, S., M. D. (n.d.). Problem-Based Learning: An Approach to Medical Education. SPRINGER PUBLISHING COMPANY., D. S., & Fernando, R. (2014). Mindfulness Training and Classroom Behavior Among Lower-Income and Ethnic Minority Elementary School Children. Journal of child and family studies, 23(7), 1242–1246., E. W., Moss, C. K., Asmus, J., Fesperman, E., Cooney, M., Brock, M. E., Lyons, G., Huber, H. B., & Vincent, L. B. (2015). Promoting Inclusion, Social Connections, and Learning Through Peer Support Arrangements. Teaching Exceptional Children, 48(1), 9–18., J. F. (2020, March 22). Why is Competency- Based Education So Hard to Study? Education Next., T. A., PhD, Burstein, R., PhD, & WestEd. (2023). Strategies for Encouraging Effective Technology-Enabled Instructional Practices in K–12 Education (By Google for Education) [Report]. WestEd., A., Du, X., Holgaard, J. E., & Jensen, L. P. (2008). Facilitation in a PBL environment. UCPBL UNESCO Chair in Problem Based Learning.Schonert-Reichl, K. A., & Roeser, R. W. (2016). Handbook of Mindfulness in Education: Integrating Theory and Research into Practice. Springer.Taylor, K., Neild, R., & Fitzpatrick, M. (2023). Universal Design for Learning: Promoting Access in Early Childhood Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children. Deleted Journal, 5(2)., C. A. & Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (2001). How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (2ND EDITION, pp. v–117). Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. content/uploads/2020/01/Classrooms-2nd-Edition-By-Carol-Ann-Tomlinson.pdf
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Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and share it anywhere.